Biology 19728

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1954
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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How can bacteriophage DNA be spread from cell to cell without causing cell death?
A) by altering the way a cell splices its RNA
B) via a lytic cycle
C) via a lysogenic cycle
D) by changing the length of its DNA molecules
Examine the numerous long structures extending from the surface of some of the cells
in the following figure. Cells with these long structures could be found lining
A) the digestive tract
B) arteries
C) veins
D) the trachea
________ are the most diverse group of arthropods.
A) Insects
B) Millipedes
C) Arachnids
D) Crustaceans
Which one of the following will prevent significant genetic drift?
A) Gene flow is absent.
B) There is genetic variation.
C) There is mutation.
D) The population size is large.
The similarity of the embryos of fish, frogs, birds, and humans is evidence of
A) analogy
B) common ancestry
C) genetic drift
D) decreased genetic variation
A researcher detects an increase in the amount of natural killer cells in a laboratory rat
and concludes that ________.
A) the rat has, or recently had, a viral infection
B) the rat does not have any cancerous tumors
C) the rat's lymphatic system is not functioning properly
D) the rat's internal innate defenses are weakened
A process is referred to as aerobic if it requires ________.
A) oxygen
B) carbon dioxide
D) carbohydrates
Which of the following is a behavioral response to environmental variability?
A) migrating to a different location
B) acclimation
C) endothermy
D) "flagging" by trees
Use the following information to answer the following questions.
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a unicellular eukaryotic organism belonging
to the genus Plasmodium. These eukaryotic organisms are transmitted from one person
to another by the female Anopheles mosquito when it feeds on human blood. Within
humans, the Plasmodium species destroy red blood cells and, without effective
treatment, serious infections can lead to death. Currently, more than 400 million people
are afflicted with malaria and between 1 and 3 million people die from it each year.
Historically, a chemical compound called quinine has been used in developing effective
drugs against malaria. In its natural environment, quinine is produced by certain trees
native to South America. This chemical is synthesized in the outer layer of tree trunks
and acts as an herbivore deterrent.
Based on the relationship between Plasmodium spp. and humans, Plasmodium would
be considered ________.
A) parasites
B) hosts
C) producers
D) carnivores
In a sporophyte of an angiosperm, growth occurs at ________ via ________.
A) meristems" mitosis
B) meristems" meiosis
C) flowers" fertilization
D) seeds" dispersal
In what part of the ocean are phytoplankton found?
A) pelagic realm
B) intertidal zone
C) benthic realm
D) aphotic zone
Which one of the following is used to combat osteoporosis?
A) calcium and vitamin therapy
B) anti-inflammatory medicines
C) opiates
D) splints or casts
Plants can most readily utilize the ________ form of nitrogen.
A) nitrous oxide
B) N2
C) amino
D) nitrate
Please use the following information to answer the following questions.
You work for a company selling tropical rain forest plants commonly found in the
understory of the forest. These plants are shade tolerant and can be grown indoors
because they require low light. Your employer wants you to find out what is the best
type of light to maximize growth of these understory plants. Using a full spectrum of
natural light would cause these plants to die because they are a shade-tolerant plant
From your biology class, you recall that the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis
involve pigment molecules that absorb light of specific wavelengths. You also
remember the experiments done by the German biologist Theodor Engelmann, in which
he separated light using a prism into different wavelengths and then determined which
wavelengths were best for promoting photosynthesis in the algae species he was
examining. Your goal is to determine which wavelengths (colors) of light are best for
promoting photosynthesis to enhance growth in your species of plant. To achieve this,
you grew your plants under different wavelengths of light and measured their growth
rates. The wavelengths were measured in nanometers (nm), and the growth rate was
measured in millimeters per day (mm/day). The data you collected are as follows:
Make a bar graph plotting growth rates on the y-axis and wavelengths of light on the
x-axis. Referring to your graph, answer the following questions:
Of the following, which wavelength is LEAST useful to your plants?
A) 650 nm
B) 450 nm
C) 550 nm
D) 400 nm
Alzheimer's disease is characterized by ________.
A) mental deterioration, memory loss, and personality changes
B) extreme mood swings
C) loss of energy and suicidal thoughts
D) increased energy and extreme talkativeness
The wing of a bald eagle is ________ the wing of a penguin.
A) convergent with
B) homologous to
C) unrelated to
D) analogous to
Hyposecretion of ________ may inhibit your response to stress.
B) insulin
D) prolactin
The scientist studies a second animal whose oxygen consumption rises as temperature
increases. The thermoregulatory strategy of the second animal is most likely to be
A) an ectotherm
B) an endotherm
C) one that cannot osmoregulate
D) one that primarily uses metabolism to regulate temperature
If you study how two species of finches compete for food, you are trying to answer a
question about ________.
A) community ecology
B) population ecology
C) organismal ecology
D) ecosystems ecology
The epithelial cells lining the intestine have surface projections that increase the area
for absorption. These projections are called ________.
A) villi
B) mucus
C) microvilli
D) bile
DNA nucleotides include ________.
A) uracil, guanine, adenine, and cytosine
B) thymine, guanine, adenine, and cytosine
C) thymine, uracil, adenine, and cytosine
D) thymine, guanine, adenine, and uracil
The extracellular matrix of animal cells ________.
A) protects and support cells
B) provides avenues for the exchange of DNA
C) is a warehouse for the storage of extra lipids and carbohydrates
D) is primarily a site of dead matter and waste materials
What would enable a single RNA transcript to be translated into different polypeptides?
A) The RNA transcript can be spliced more than one way.
B) The coded polypeptide may be modified in more than one way.
C) The length of the RNA transcript tail can vary.
D) Two different genes can produce the same RNA transcript, which will then be
translated differently.
FGA is one of the STRs that are used to compare DNA between different people. Why
is FGA useful for comparing DNA between different people?
A) FGA varies in the number of repeats between different people.
B) FGA varies in sequence between different people.
C) FGA is only present in some peoples' genomes.
D) FGA is present in different places in different peoples' genomes.
Crossing over during prophase I results in ________.
A) nondisjunction
B) reciprocal translocation
C) duplication
D) genetic recombination
The data below are average temperatures from an experiment with more than 100 men
in boxers and in briefs.
What conclusion can be drawn from these data?
A) Men who wore briefs were cooler overall than men who wore boxers.
B) The type of underwear men wear has no impact on fertility.
C) The generally held idea is confirmed that men who wear boxers have cooler scrotal
temperatures than those who wear briefs.
D) Scrotal temperature is not significantly decreased by wearing boxers rather than
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Avian influenza is a viral infection that naturally occurs in wild birds with few
damaging effects. However, avian influenza is highly contagious and can quickly kill
domesticated birds. Some human influenza viruses are similar to the avian influenza.
People infected with avian influenza develop typical flu symptoms (fever, cough,
muscle aches). However, symptoms may become more severe and life-threatening. If
avian influenza evolves into a form that is easily transmissible from person to person, a
global pandemic of widespread human death might occur.
Which of the following cells would be active during an immune response to a viral
A) natural killer cells, only
B) phagocytic cells, only
C) T cells, only
D) all of these cell types
Use the following information to answer the following questions.
In East Java, Indonesia, a mud volcano has been erupting since 2006. One controversial
hypothesis is that the mud volcano in East Java is erupting because a gas mining
company was drilling a deep hole nearby. When a mud volcano erupts, hot water deep
below the earth's surface mixes with various minerals, and this mud spews out over the
surface of the earth. The hot mud flow destroys organismal habitats, including the
homes and livelihoods of people.
When the mud volcano stops erupting, the disturbed area will be colonized by a variety
of species. This process of colonization is called ________.
A) biological magnification
B) species diversity
C) ecological succession
D) disturbance
Variation among pre-cells was due to ________.
A) genetic drift
B) natural selection
C) the bottleneck effect
D) mutation
The region of DNA where RNA synthesis begins is the ________.
A) start codon
B) promoter
C) stop codon
D) terminator
Generally, a cell that is affected by a particular steroid hormone would be expected to
have ________.
A) DNA sites that interact with the hormone
B) a receptor inside the cell that binds the hormone
C) a cell-surface receptor that binds the hormone
D) enzymes that are activated or inactivated by the hormone's second messenger
Natural selection generally results in ________.
A) increased genetic variation
B) a population that is better adapted to a future environment
C) a population that is adapted to its current environment
D) an increase in the size of a population
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
The North American beaver is a large rodent that builds dams to convert freshwater
streams into ponds. Beavers build their dams out of trees, which they cut down using
their front teeth. Beavers also eat the leaves and bark of trees, as well as the starchy
roots of water lilies.
When a beaver is eating leaves, what plant structure(s) is it ingesting?
I) mesophyll
II) parenchyma
III) cork
A) I
D) I and II
In prokaryotes, the production of a single RNA transcript for a group of related genes is
under the control of ________.
A) an operon
B) enhancers
C) a signal transduction pathway
D) transcription factors

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