Biology 172

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 633
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) which of the following muscles has its origin on the hyoid and inserts on the tongue?
a) hyoglossus
b) lateral pterygoideus
c) sternohyoid
d) thyrohyoid
e) geniohyoid
2) during gestation, contraction of the myometrium is inhibited by ________, produced
by the corpus luteum.
a) progesterone
b) estrogen
c) oxytocin
d) prostaglandins
e) inhibin
3) the paranasal sinuses are located in all of the following bones, except the
a) frontal.
b) ethmoid.
c) sphenoid.
d) maxillae.
e) zygomatic.
4) the auditory ossicles connect the
a) tympanic membrane to the oval window.
b) tympanic membrane to the round window.
c) oval window to the round window.
d) stapedius to the tympanic membrane.
e) otitis to the media.
5) the sense of taste projects to the gustatory cortex located in the ________ and
a) insula; parietal lobe
b) frontal lobe; temporal lobe
c) insula; frontal lobe
d) precentral gyrus; prefrontal cortex.
e) corpus callosum; fornix
6) assume that the transport of a particular amino acid across the plasmalemma is
observed (1) to occur only down its concentration gradient and (2) to slow when a
similar amino acid is added to the extracellular fluid. the movement of the amino acid
through the membrane is most likely by
a) osmosis.
b) diffusion.
c) facilitated diffusion.
d) active transport.
e) pinocytosis.
7) the dural sinuses are located in the
a) paranasal cavity.
b) arachnoid.
c) pia mater.
d) dural folds.
e) tentorium cerebelli.
8) all of the following contain mucous cells in the epithelium, except the
a) stomach.
b) transverse colon.
c) esophagus.
d) small intestine.
e) large intestine.
figure 23-1 the upper airways
identify the structure labeled "2"
a) olfactory organ
b) oropharynx
c) nasopharynx
d) internal nares
e) nasal sinus
figure 13-2 spinal nerves
which branch carries motor neurons to structures on the back of the body trunk?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 5
d) 7
e) 11
11) the infraspinatus has its insertion on the
a) greater tubercle of the humerus.
b) tuberosity of the radius.
c) lesser tubercle and intertubercular groove of the humerus.
d) clavicle and scapula.
e) vertebral border near the spine.
12) the first heart sound ("lub")
a) is associated with atrial systole.
b) is associated with closing of the mitral valve.
c) is associated with opening of the mitral valve.
d) is associated with closing of the aortic valve.
e) is associated with opening of the aortic valve.
13) which of the following statements is false?
a) cardiac muscle contractions cannot be summated.
b) skeletal muscle contractions may be summated.
c) skeletal muscle stimulation is neural.
d) cardiac muscle stimulation is neural.
e) cardiocytes are interconnected through intercalated discs.
14) hormones can be divided into different groups based on their chemistry. these
categories include
a) peptides.
b) steroids.
c) eicosanoids.
d) amino acid derivatives.
e) all of the answers are correct.
15) while assessing a patient, you discover that after pinching the skin on the back of
the hand, it remains peaked. this is a sign of
a) hydration intoxication.
b) water intoxication.
c) dehydration.
d) advanced skin cancer.
e) malfunctioning elastin.
16) renewal or modification of the cell membrane is a function of the
a) microtubules.
b) mitochondria.
c) rough endoplasmic reticulum.
d) ribosomes.
e) golgi apparatus.

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