Biology 14988

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2154
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Which of the following is an aspect of asexual reproduction that is sometimes
A) It allows animals that do not move around to produce offspring without finding
B) It allows an animal to produce many offspring quickly.
C) It saves the time and energy of gamete production.
D) It produces genetically uniform populations.
A person who has blurred vision caused by a misshapen lens or cornea has ________.
A) farsightedness
B) nearsightedness
C) astigmatism
D) cataracts
Please read the following paragraph and then answer the following questions.
Huntington's disease is a genetic disorder in which a mutation causes the production of
a protein, which damages cells in the brain. Symptoms typically begin with changes in
personality, attention, and reasoning. Uncoordinated and uncontrolled movements
develop, such that physical abilities become limited. Cognitive problems worsen into
dementia. There is currently no cure for Huntington's disease.
Scientists hypothesize that the abnormal protein stops vesicles from moving through the
cytoskeleton. Predict the effect of this protein on the nervous system.
A) Neurotransmitters cannot be released.
B) Receptor potentials cannot occur.
C) Cerebrospinal fluid leaks out of the brain.
D) Action potentials become smaller.
The ________ enclose and protect the flower bud, while the ________ advertise the
flower to insects and other pollinators.
A) anthers... petals
B) carpels... stigmata
C) sepals... stamens
D) sepals... petals
Respiration describes the exchange of gases between your blood and the air. Cellular
respiration ________.
A) produces ATP
B) produces oxygen
C) produces glucose
D) uses carbon dioxide
Feathers in birds appear to have first evolved for insulation but later conveyed a new
advantage in helping create light aerodynamic surfaces. This switch in function is an
example of a(n) ________.
A) paedomorphosis
B) an analogy
C) an adaptation
D) exaptation
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
The earliest cells detectable in fossils were different from the cells in animals, plants,
fungi, and protists living today. These first prokaryotic cells gave rise to eukaryotic
cells approximately 1.7 billion years ago. The structure of eukaryotic cells today
suggests how they might have evolved from their prokaryotic ancestors. Scientists
examining mitochondria and chloroplasts now think that these organelles were probably
free-living prokaryotes before becoming a part of eukaryotic cells long ago.
Which of the following is a characteristic of mitochondria that suggests that they might
have evolved from free-living bacteria?
A) Mitochondria have cell walls.
B) The plasma membrane of a mitochondrion, forming the surface of this organelle, is
the site of many important steps of cellular respiration.
C) Mitochondria have their own DNA.
D) Mitochondria rely upon proteins as their source of energy.
Please use the following information to answer the following questions.
You work for a company selling tropical rain forest plants commonly found in the
understory of the forest. These plants are shade tolerant and can be grown indoors
because they require low light. Your employer wants you to find out what is the best
type of light to maximize growth of these understory plants. Using a full spectrum of
natural light would cause these plants to die because they are a shade-tolerant plant
From your biology class, you recall that the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis
involve pigment molecules that absorb light of specific wavelengths. You also
remember the experiments done by the German biologist Theodor Engelmann, in which
he separated light using a prism into different wavelengths and then determined which
wavelengths were best for promoting photosynthesis in the algae species he was
examining. Your goal is to determine which wavelengths (colors) of light are best for
promoting photosynthesis to enhance growth in your species of plant. To achieve this,
you grew your plants under different wavelengths of light and measured their growth
rates. The wavelengths were measured in nanometers (nm), and the growth rate was
measured in millimeters per day (mm/day). The data you collected are as follows:
Make a bar graph plotting growth rates on the y-axis and wavelengths of light on the
x-axis. Referring to your graph, answer the following questions:
Shade-tolerant plants have many adaptations for living in areas of low light. Predict
whether each of the following processes would be high or low in comparison with other
plants and choose the answer that is most CORRECT.
Net photosynthetic rate
Chlorophyll per area of the leaf
Electron transport chain rate
A) high, high, high
B) high, high low
C) low, high, high
D) low, high, low
Which of these is most closely associated with Darwin?
A) energy flow
B) ecosystem structure
C) the three domains of life
D) natural selection
Which of the following describes a chemical element that a plant must obtain from its
environment in order to complete its life cycle?
A) macronutrient
B) micronutrient
C) essential element
D) mineral
An uncharged atom of gold has an atomic number of 79 and an atomic mass of 197.
This atom has ________ protons, ________ neutrons, and ________ electrons.
A) 79... 118... 79
B) 118... 79... 118
C) 118... 276... 118
D) 79... 34... 79
The immune system is capable of mounting specific responses to particular
microorganisms because ________.
A) lymphocytes are able to change their antigen specificity as required to fight infection
B) the body is able to determine which type of B and T cells to make
C) the body contains an enormous diversity of B and T cells, each with a specific kind
of antigen receptor
D) the body is able to make different antigen receptors depending on the invading
Why are gymnosperms considered to be "naked seed" plants?
A) Their seeds have a thin layer of endosperm.
B) They do not produce seeds; they produce only spores.
C) Their seeds are not enclosed within ovaries.
D) Their seeds develop on the surface of sporophytes.
In meiosis, how does prophase I differ from prophase II?
A) During prophase I there is one diploid cell; during prophase II there are two haploid
B) During prophase I chromosomes line up single file in the middle of the cell; during
prophase II the chromosomes line up in double file in the middle of the cell.
C) During prophase I the chromosomes coil up; the chromosomes are not coiled up
during prophase II.
D) In prophase I the sister chromatids are attached; in prophase II the sister chromatids
are separated.
The figure shows male reproductive anatomy. In a human male reproductive system,
A) sperm mature in the urethra
B) the vas deferens conducts sperm between the testis and epididymis
C) the sperm travel through the sperm duct before reaching the urethra during
D) sperm mature in the prostate gland
Tay-Sachs disease results from ________ lacking a specific type of lipid-digesting
A) the Golgi apparatus
B) lysosomes
C) mitochondria
D) the endoplasmic reticulum
Please read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Cooking oils, such as olive oil, are largely made up of unsaturated fats. If you have ever
heated cooking oil in a pan, you might have noticed that eventually the oil begins to
smoke. The temperature when this occurs is called the 'smoke point." At the smoke
point, the fatty acids and glycerol molecules that make up the unsaturated fats in the oil
begin to break down and form smoke. Different oils have different smoke points, and
these smoke points depend on the molecular composition of the oils. Below is a table
with data for four different types of cooking oils, including their smoke points (values
are for 1 tablespoon each [15 ml]).
Suppose that you wanted to conduct an experiment to determine the smoke points of the
oils listed in the table. What would be the experiment that would give you the best
information to determine which oil has the highest smoke point?
A) Add some olive oil to a pan, heat it over a flame, and measure the temperature of the
oil when it begins to smoke. Repeat for the other three oils.
B) Mix all four oils in a pan, heat them over a flame, and measure the temperature of
the oil mixture when it begins to smoke.
C) Add some olive oil to a pan, heat it over a flame, and measure how long it takes for
the oil to begin to smoke. Repeat for the other three oils.
D) Mix all four oils in a pan, heat them over a flame, and measure how long it takes for
the oil mixture to begin to smoke.
Sexual reproduction in humans ________.
A) allows a haploid sperm cell to fertilize a haploid egg cell
B) produces a haploid individual
C) produces an individual with 23 chromosomes
D) combines two diploid gametes, producing a zygote
Approximately what percentage of the visible light that reaches Earth's producers is
converted to chemical energy?
A) 10%
B) 0.1%
C) 1%
D) 0.01%
Using the branching tree of life for bears depicted in the accompanying figure, choose
from among the following bear species the one that is most distantly related to the sun
A) brown bear
B) sloth bear
C) spectacled bear
D) giant panda
When a person cries, tears are exported from cells through the process of ________.
A) facilitated diffusion
B) active transport
C) endocytosis
D) exocytosis
Gametophytes are ________; sporophytes are ________.
A) male... female
B) an adaptation to an aquatic existence... an adaptation to a terrestrial existence
C) haploid... diploid
D) the dominant stage of the conifer life cycle... the less obvious stage of the conifer
life cycle
How do sponges differ from all other animals?
A) Sponges exhibit radial symmetry.
B) Sponges are autotrophs.
C) Sponges lack a true body cavity.
D) Sponges lack true tissues.
Which of the following is exemplified by a pea tendril contacting a string or wire and
coiling around it for support?
A) gravitropism
B) photoperiod
C) thigmotropism
D) phototropism
Please refer to the following art to answer the following questions.
Refer to the accompanying figure. All of the living components of the coral reef
represent a(n) ________.
A) population
B) species
C) community
D) ecosystem
Which of the following is most likely to be responsible if, when your blood sugar level
rose, the level went back down?
A) the use of the sugar for energy by your cells
B) a homeostatic mechanism based on negative feedback
C) type 2 diabetes
D) a homeostatic mechanism based on positive feedback
You are attempting to link an individual to a crime. The only evidence you have is a
tiny drop of blood. How can you use this drop of blood to definitively make the
A) You can use the sample to determine the individual's blood type.
B) You can use gel electrophoresis to determine the length of the DNA found in the
C) You can use PCR to increase the amount of DNA available for STR analysis.
D) You can use the sample to check for the presence of the Rhesus factor.
Blood pressure is lowest in ________.
A) veins
B) capillaries
C) arterioles
D) venules
________ is a hydroxyl group.
A) "NH2
B) "OH
D) "H
Which of the following best describes night-neutral plants?
A) The plants flower at night.
B) Plants tend to flower when nights become longer.
C) Plants tend to flower when nights become shorter.
D) The flowering in these plants is not affected by photoperiod.
How much genetic material is present in a cell during prophase I compared to a cell that
has completed meiosis II?
A) one-quarter as much
B) four times as much
C) one-half as much
D) twice as much
Please refer to the following art to answer the following questions.
As this boxer is finishing his fight, which of these hormone is NOTlikely to be
A) adrenalin
C) insulin
D) androgens

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