BIOL 863

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 376
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Which of the following is a feature of the substance BHT?
a.It is a food antimicrobial
b.It is a common food colorant
c.It contributes significantly to the total additive intake from the diet
d.It decreases cancer formation when given in large amounts to animals exposed to
2) Which of the following statements describes a relationship between alcohol intake
and fetal development?
a.Birth defects are most severe when the woman drinks around the time of conception
b.Infants born with fetal alcohol syndrome typically show immediate signs of brain
c.Eating well and maintaining adequate nutrient stores will prevent alcohol-induced
placenta damage
d.Toxicity to the fetus begins to occur when fetal blood alcohol levels rise above
maternal blood alcohol levels
3) Which of the following provides the least amount of lactose per serving?
a.Low-fat milk
b.Cottage cheese
c.Chocolate milk
d.Cheddar cheese
4) Which of the following stimulates the pancreas to release bicarbonate-rich juice?
d.Gastric-inhibitory peptide
5) Food exchange systems were originally developed for people with
b.terminal diseases
c.cardiovascular disease obesity
6) What is the significance of the uncoupling proteins in adipose tissue?
a.Increased loss of energy as heat
b.Reduction of fat cell number
c.Lowering of basal metabolism
d.Proliferation of fat cell number
7) Which of the following is NOT considered one of the basic taste sensations?
8) Which of the following are found on the microvilli and function to break apart small
nutrients into the final products of digestion?
9) Approximately what percentage of a persons life expectancy is dependent upon his
personal behavior?
10) Which of the following is a characteristic of factors associated with hypertension?
a.Most people with hypertension have BMIs <25
b.Most people with hypertension are extremely salt sensitive
c.Three to 4 alcohol drinks per day lowers risk for hypertension
d.African Americans develop high blood pressure earlier in life and their average blood
pressure is higher than others
11) What term describes how quickly glucose is absorbed from a food after ingestion,
how high blood glucose rises as a result, and how quickly blood glucose returns to
a.Diabetes index
b.Glycemic index
c.Diabetes potential
d.Glycemic response
12) Which of the following figures falls within the carbohydrate range of the AMDR?
13) Which of the following is inappropriate advice on sanitation for someone traveling
to another country?
a.Drink all beverages without ice
b.Drink bottled carbonated beverages
c.Boil the local water before use to kill microbes
d.Eat fruits and vegetables raw with their skins to decrease risk from wash-water
14) Which of the following is NOT among the characteristics of copper in nutrition?
a.Deficiency is rare
b.Legumes are a rich source
c.Absorption from foods is poor
d.Absorption is reduced by ingestion of zinc supplements
15) To determine quickly if a particular glass or ceramic vessel is safe for use in a
microwave oven, place the empty container in the microwave and cook it for one
minute; the container should feel
16) Among the following calcium supplements, which is most likely to be contaminated
with toxic minerals?
a.Oyster shells
b.Calcium lactate
c.Calcium citrate
d.Calcium carbonate
17) What is the international agency that has adopted standards to regulate the use of
18) Common table sugar is typically extracted from sugarcane and
b.sugar beets
c.sweet potatoes
d.high-sucrose corn syrup
19) Which of the following characteristics is shared by vitamin B12 and folate?
a.Both are required for nucleic acid synthesis
b.Both require intrinsic factors for their release from food proteins
c.Both are found in significant amounts in green leafy vegetables
d.Both are considered problem nutrients for strict vegetarians
20) What is a common side effect from taking certain prescription drugs and consuming
grapefruit juice?
a.A metallic taste in the mouth appears
b.Blood concentrations of the drugs increase
c.The bioavailability of the drugs falls substantially
d.The bioflavonoids in the juice bind to the drugs and promote formation of uric acid
21) Antiresorptive drug treatments for osteoporosis work primarily by
a.stimulating parathormone release
b.inhibiting kidney excretion of calcium
c.stimulating intestinal calcium absorption
d.inhibiting the activities of the bone-degrading cells
22) What is the safe refrigerator storage time for uncooked steaks, cooked chicken,
opened packages of lunch meats, and tuna salad?
a.1-2 days
b.3-5 days
c.1 week
d.2-4 weeks
23) The primary mechanism by which soy consumption may lower the risk for
osteoporosis is related to
a.greater kidney retention of calcium
b.the presence of bioavailable calcium
c.more stable hydroxyapatite crystal formation
d.the estrogen-like activity of soy phytochemicals
24) Almost all (99%) of the calcium in the body is used to
a.provide energy for cells
b.provide rigidity for the bones and teeth
c.regulate the transmission of nerve impulses
d.maintain the blood level of calcium within very narrow limits
25) What is opsin?
a.An antigen
b.An antibody
c.A light-sensitive protein
d.A blood transport protein
26) A child who drinks a lot of milk at the expense of other foods is at high risk of
showing signs of
27) When protein consumption is in excess of body needs and energy needs are met, the
excess amino acids are metabolized and the energy in the molecules is
a.stored as fat only
b.excreted in the feces
c.stored as amino acids only
d.stored as glycogen and fat
28) In nutrition research, observations of the quantities and types of foods eaten by
groups of people and the health status of those groups are known as studies
b.epidemiological studies
c.human intervention trials
d.correlation-control studies
29) What is the recommended minimum amount of time for washing hands with warm
water and soap before preparing or eating food?
a.5-10 seconds
b.20 seconds
c.1/2-1 minute
d.3 minutes
30) As you sit in the waiting room of a doctors office leafing through a magazine, you
see a letter to the editor about world hunger. In it, the author takes issue with a
statement made in a previous issue that stated, and thus, hunger worsens poverty.... The
letter writer claims that this statement is completely unfounded and has no reasoning
behind it. Does hunger worsen poverty?
a.Yes, but it can be corrected with appropriate access to reproductive health care
b.No; if hungry people work hard enough they can work to get themselves out of
c.Yes, it propagates poverty by increasing the death rate and leaving many families as
single-parent households
d.Yes, hunger makes poverty worse by robbing a person of the good health and the
physical and mental energy needed to be active and productive
31) A person with a pressure ulcer has damage to her
32) Which of the following is NOT known to modify the bodys use of protein?
b.The degree of training
c.Exercise intensity and duration
d.Vitamin supplements above the RDA
33) Which of the following is NOT among the symptoms of diabetes?
34) Which of the following is a feature of taking high-dose supplements of vitamin A?
a.They increase teratogenic risk
b.They are effective in treating acne
c.They lead to keratinization of tissue
d.They reduce risk for neural tube defects
35) Give four examples of the reported adverse effects of herbal therapy.
36) In general, experts recommend that to prevent heart disease, mortality and
morbidity, people should exercise
daily for 30-40 minutes at moderate pace
every other day for 50 minutes at moderate pace
twice a week for one hour at intense pace
any of the above, depending on your schedule
37) Regardless of the physical pursuits of an athlete, the recommended diet should be a
foundation of
amino acids
complex carbohydrates
38) Under what circumstances can water-soluble vitamins be toxic? Cite several
39) Choose any 3 trace elements and discuss their major functions, deficiency
symptoms, toxicity symptoms, and food sources.
40) List several advantages for the use of food additives.

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