BIOL 811 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 615
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) the main stabilizer of the shoulder isthe biceps brachii muscle.
2) blood plasma osmolarity is higher than intracellular fluid osmolarity.
3) a cell starting prophase has 92 molecules of dna in its nucleus.
4) the shoulder is the only multiaxial, ball-and-socket joint in the human body.
5) the tendon reflex is the inhibition of amuscle's contraction that occurs when its
tendon is excessively stretched.
6) all ribs articulate with the sternum.
7) hypercalcemia causes depression of the nervous system.
8) neurons move material away from the soma by retrograde transport.
9) oxygenated blood reaches the fetus through the __________.
a. umbilical vein
b. umbilical arteries
c. maternal vein
d. maternal arteries
e. placental sinus
10) a sperm count any lower than __________ million sperm per ml of semen is usually
associated with infertility (sterility).
a. 250 to 500
b. 200 to 250
c. 100 to 200
d. 50 to 100
e. 20 to 25
11) genes produce their products __________.
a. as their products are needed or not
b. at a steady rate all the time
c. only when the appropriate hormone is present
d. when the transcription activator is inhibited by an extracellular signal
12) with regard to the healing of a skin wound, macrophages ___________.
a. release histamine to increase blood flow to the area
b. produce and secrete collagenous fibers
c. phagocytize and digest tissue debris
d. stimulate epithelial cells to multiply
e. make capillaries more permeable allowing white blood cells to migrate into the area
13) which of the following are primarily responsible for maintaining the salinity
gradient of the renal medulla?
a. cortical nephrons
b. juxtamedullary nephrons
c. collecting ducts
d. proximal convoluted tubules
e. distal convoluted tubules
14) fingerprints left on things we touch are associated with our __________.
a. dermal papillae
b. dermal connective tissue
c. stratum basale
d. subcutaneous tissue
e. subcutaneous adipose
15) the constant appearance of new strains of influenza virus is an example of
a. a model
b. evolution
c. selection pressure
d. survivorship
e. success
16) which molecule contains anticodons?
a. an mrna
b. a dna molecule
c. a trna
d. an rrna
e. a cdna
17) in the process of spermiogenesis, __________ become __________.
a. spermatocytes; spermatozoa
b. spermatozoa; spermatids
c. spermatogonia; spermatocytes
d. spermatocytes; spermatids
e. spermatids; spermatozoa
18) a red blood cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. this means theconcentration of
solutes in the solution is __________ than the concentration of solutes in the
intracellular fluid, and will cause the cell to ______________.
a. higher; swell
b. lower; swell
c. higher; shrink
d. lower; shrink
e. lower; burst
19) glucose and amino acids are reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate by the
a. renal corpuscle
b. proximal convoluted tubule
c. distal convoluted tubule
d. glomerular capillaries
e. collecting duct
20) the ________ originates on the zygomatic arch and inserts on the angle of the
a. masseter
b. buccinator
c. temporalis
d. genioglossus
e. stylohyoid
21) what is the most common type of neuron?
a. multipolar
b. bipolar
c. unipolar
d. anaxonic
e. dendritic

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