BIOL 792 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 776
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) a simple endocrine reflex involves ________ hormone(s).
a) one
b) two
c) hypothalamic
d) gonadotropic
e) tropic
2) respiratory function deteriorates as a result of pneumonia because inflammation
a) causes fluids to leak into the alveoli.
b) causes respiratory bronchioles to swell and dilate.
c) causes the lungs to leak air into the thorax.
d) reduces movement of the epiglottis.
e) reduces the size of the pleural cavity.
3) the cytoplasm that surrounds the nucleus of a neuron is called the
a) protoplasm.
b) nucleoplasm.
c) sarcoplasm.
d) neuroplasm.
e) perikaryon.
4) the citric acid cycle occurs in the
a) cytosol.
b) golgi apparatus.
c) mitochondrial cristae.
d) mitochondrial matrix.
e) ribosome.
5) the type of bone that is adapted to withstand stresses that arrive from many directions
is ________ bone.
a) spongy
b) osteon
c) compact
d) lamellar
e) irregular
6) many proteins in the cytosol are ________ that accelerate metabolic reactions.
a) carbohydrates
b) enzymes
c) lipids
d) messengers
e) ions
7) the epithelium that forms air sacs in the lungs is
a) stratified squamous epithelium.
b) simple cuboidal epithelium.
c) simple squamous epithelium.
d) transitional epithelium.
e) simple columnar epithelium.
8) during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle,
a) the corpus luteum is forming.
b) the functional zone of the endometrium is restored.
c) the fertilized ovum implants.
d) the old functional layer is sloughed off.
e) the endometrium finalizes the preparation for implantation.
9) air moves out of the lungs when the pressure inside the lungs is
a) greater than intraalveolar pressure.
b) less than the pressure in the atmosphere.
c) less than intrapulmonic pressure.
d) equal to the pressure in the atmosphere.
e) greater than the pressure in the atmosphere.
10) a fatty acid with no double bonds between carbon atoms is
a) unsaturated.
b) polyunsaturated.
c) dehydrated.
d) saturated.
e) denatured.
figure 3-1 the anatomy of a representative cell
the structure labeled "1" permits the cell to
a) attach to neighboring cells.
b) produce more cells.
c) increase surface area for increased membrane transport.
d) swim in extracellular fluid.
e) trap bacteria.
figure 13-1 the spinal cord
where do somatic motor neurons reside?
a) 10
b) 12
c) 13
d) 14
e) 15
13) which ligament connects the clavicle and the acromion?
a) coracohumeral
b) coracoacromial
c) coracoclavicular
d) glenohumeral
e) acromioclavicular
14) a space opens within the inner cell mass that will form the
a) blastocoele.
b) lacunae.
c) amniotic cavity.
d) chorion.
e) allantois.
15) the normal pacemaker of the heart is located in
a) the purkinje fibers.
b) the sinoatrial node.
c) the atrioventricular node.
d) the wall of the left ventricle.
e) both the left and right ventricles.
16) the zona reticularis of the suprarenal cortex produces
a) androgens.
b) glucocorticoids.
c) mineralocorticoids.
d) epinephrine.
e) norepinephrine.
17) collateral ganglia contain neurons that innervate tissues and organs in which cavity?
a) thoracic
b) pelvic
c) abdominal
d) craniosacral
e) abdominopelvic
18) receptors for ________, peptide hormones, and eicosanoids are found in the cell
membranes of target cells.
19) a(n) ________ is an infection in one of the glands on the eyelids.
20) ________ regulation results from the activities of the nervous or endocrine system.
(be sure to capitalize the first letter of your answer).
21) ions with a negative charge are called ________.
22) the condition in which a person loses all feeling and movement of the arms and legs
due to spinal cord injury is termed ________.
23) the formation of different types of cells required in development, or ________,
occurs through selective changes in genetic activity.
24) arthritis always involves damage to the ________ cartilages, but the specific cause
can vary.
25) the vessel that collects blood from the overlying structures of the head and neck is
the ________.

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