BIOL 762

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 630
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) indicate which of these lists contains only trace elements.
a) sulfur, chlorine, oxygen
b) selenium, hydrogen, calcium
c) boron, oxygen, carbon
d) silicon, fluorine, tin
e) cobalt, calcium, sodium
2) the most abundant component of plasma is
a) ions.
b) proteins.
c) water.
d) gases.
e) nutrients.
3) tracts of the lateral and medial pathways include all of the following, except
________ tracts.
a) corticospinal
b) tectospinal
c) rubrospinal
d) reticulospinal
e) vestibulospinal
4) a tubercle of a rib articulates with
a) the manubrium.
b) the costal facets of thoracic vertebrae.
c) the hyoid.
d) the xiphoid process.
e) the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.
5) capillaries that surround the proximal convoluted tubules are
a) proximal capillaries.
b) corticoradiate capillaries.
c) vasa recta capillaries.
d) efferent arterioles.
e) peritubular capillaries.
6) the ________ filters and relays sensory information to cerebral cortex.
a) cerebrum
b) thalamus
c) pons
d) medulla oblongata
e) cerebellum
7) the vein that is formed from the fusion of the subclavian with the internal and
external jugulars is the ________ vein.
a) azygos
b) hemiazygos
c) axillary
d) iliac
e) brachiocephalic
8) each of the following is a function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, except
a) storage and release of calcium ions.
b) modification of protein.
c) synthesis of steroid hormones.
d) synthesis of triglycerides.
e) detoxification of drugs.
9) the brachial artery branches to form the radial and ________ arteries.
a) axillary
b) digital
c) ulnar
d) subclavian
e) brachiocephalic
10) which of these proteins functions to store or transport iron?
a) hemoglobin
b) ferritin
c) hemosiderin
d) transferrin
e) ferritin, hemosiderin, and transferrin
11) the dominant fiber type in dense connective tissue is
a) collagen.
b) elastin.
c) actin.
d) myosin.
e) connectin.
12) formed elements make up about what percentage of blood?
a) 55 percent
b) 30 percent
c) 60 percent
d) 45 percent
e) 20 percent
13) stress can affect the immune response in all of the following ways, except by
a) inhibiting glucocorticoid release.
b) depressing the inflammatory response.
c) reducing the number of phagocytes.
d) inhibiting interleukin secretion.
e) increasing the level of glucocorticoids.
14) tactile discs are to ________ as tactile corpuscles are to ________.
a) wilms; meissner
b) merkel; meissner
c) meissner; merkel
d) pacinian; merkel
e) pain; pressure
15) the depression on the posterior surface at the distal end of the humerus is the
a) olecranon fossa.
b) coronoid fossa.
c) radial fossa.
d) intertubercular groove.
e) radial groove.
figure 24-2 the wall of the small intestine
what is the function of the structure labeled "7"?
a) production of sodium bicarbonate
b) production of lipase
c) protection from bacteria
d) production of hydrochloric acid
e) production of pepsinogen
17) heart rate is controlled by neurons of the cardiovascular center located in the
a) pons.
b) thalamus.
c) medulla oblongata.
d) hypothalamus.
e) higher centers.
18) during mitosis, chromatids separate into daughter chromosomes during
a) prophase.
b) metaphase.
c) interphase.
d) telophase.
e) anaphase.
19) a cell or an organ that responds to commands of the control center in negative
feedback is termed a(n)
a) receptor.
b) thermoregulator.
c) hypothalamus.
d) effector.
e) stimulus.

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