BIOL 73992

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1534
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Menstruation ________.
A) involves the breakdown of the endometrium
B) is stimulated by HCG
C) occurs after ovulation but prior to degeneration of the follicle
D) is triggered by an LH surge
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Yawning is a reflexive action that is often associated with sleepiness. When a person
yawns, the mouth opens, and a longer than normal breath of air is inhaled, followed by
a longer than normal exhalation. Hypothesizing that yawning has a regulatory
mechanism similar to breathing, scientists conducted an experiment on college students
to test the effect of ambient carbon dioxide levels on yawning.
The scientists found that the level of carbon dioxide in the air did not cause college
students to yawn more frequently. What other experiment could they conduct to
confirm that they should reject the hypothesis that yawning is regulated in the same
way as breathing?
A) Test the effect of hemoglobin amounts on the frequency of yawning.
B) Test the effect of exercise levels on the frequency of yawning.
C) Test the effect of carbon monoxide (CO) levels on the frequency of yawning.
D) Test the effect of diet on the frequency of yawning.
Which of the following has both endocrine and nonendocrine functions?
A) pancreas
B) salivary gland
C) anterior pituitary gland
D) skeletal muscle
In a DNA double helix, adenine pairs with ________ and guanine pairs with ________.
A) cytosine... thymine
B) guanine... adenine
C) thymine... cytosine
D) uracil... cytosine
Some fish have bony fins. If the body of water they are in dries out, these fins can be
used to help the fish "walk" to another body of water. In this context, bony fins are an
example of ________.
A) an exaptation
B) an adaptation
C) a macroevolutionary event
D) paedomorphosis
Which of the following is NOT a true statement about organs?
A) An organ represents a higher level of structure than the tissues composing it.
B) An organ consists of several tissues.
C) An organ can carry out only the functions of its component tissues.
D) An organ consists of many cells.
Which of the following is an autotroph?
A) human
B) mushroom
C) pine tree
D) fish
Cigarette smoking ________.
A) is responsible for about one in five deaths of Americans every year
B) accounts for 8090% of all cases of lung cancer
C) can affect the health of nonsmokers through secondhand smoke
D) all of the above
Please read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
In May 2014, the European Union (EU) published a report of population structure and
aging data that described growing trends of low birth rates and longer life expectancies
in the EU. In their report, the EU described that, due to these trends, some EU member
states are beginning to demonstrate a population structure with many much-older
If this trend continues, what do you predict that the populations will look like decades
from 2014?
A) There will be more older individuals than working-age individuals.
B) There will be more children than older individuals.
C) There will be more older individuals than children.
D) There will be more working-age individuals than older ones.
More than half of all known species are ________.
A) plants
B) insects
C) bacteria
D) vertebrates
During translation, what is the CORRECT order of events that occur as an amino acid is
A) codon recognition, peptide bond formation, translocation
B) translocation, codon recognition, termination
C) initiation, codon recognition, termination
D) peptide bond formation, translocation, codon recognition
Which of these is required for natural selection to occur?
A) inheritance
B) unequal reproductive success
C) individual variation
D) all of the above
Standing out in center field, the baseball player watches the hitter's bat strike the ball
and then, slightly later, hears the sound of the impact. What types of sensory receptors
did the player just use?
A) thermoreceptors and chemoreceptors
B) photoreceptors and mechanoreceptors
C) chemoreceptors and pain receptors
D) pain receptors and thermoreceptors
Which of the following is NOT an example of how tumors evolve?
A) Tumor cells can spread throughout the body.
B) Tumor cells show genetic variability.
C) Tumor cells grow uncontrollably.
D) Tumor cells pass on mutations when they divide.
Which of the following would be an example of paedomorphosis?
A) starfish regenerating severed limbs
B) rapid evolution in a small, isolated population
C) two species evolving a similar appearance
D) insects that can reproduce in larval stages without reaching mature development
After surviving a bottleneck, a population recovers to the point where it consists of as
many individuals as it did prior to the bottleneck. Which of the following statements is
most likely to apply to this population?
A) The postbottleneck population exhibits less genetic variation than the prebottleneck
B) The bottleneck subjected the population to stabilizing selection.
C) The postbottleneck population has less of a chance of going extinct than did the
prebottleneck population.
D) The postbottleneck population exhibits more genetic variation than the prebottleneck
Which of the following is a feature of prokaryotic cells but NOT eukaryotic cells?
A) pili
B) cell wall
C) flagella
Which of these carry(ies) oxygen-poor blood?
A) pulmonary arteries
B) pulmonary veins
C) aorta
D) left ventricle
Connective tissue is different from the other major tissue types in that ________.
A) it is made up of cells
B) the cells are sparsely scattered through an extracellular matrix
C) it is not made up of cells
D) it is found only in humans
Which of the following is an acid?
B) NaCl
C) HCl
D) CH4
For a species with four pairs of chromosomes, ________ chromosome combinations are
A) 4
B) 8
C) 16
D) 20
When the immune system improperly turns against the body's own molecules, the result
is ________.
A) an allergy
C) an autoimmune disease
D) an immunodeficiency disease
When you hear, the ________ vibrates.
I) eardrum
II) hammer
III) stirrup
A) I
D) I, II, and III
What term applies to the physical and physiological changes experienced by astronauts
who spend months in space?
A) acclimation
B) adaptation
C) camouflaging
D) flagging
A cell that completed the cell cycle without undergoing cytokinesis would ________.
A) have less genetic material than it started with
B) not have completed anaphase
C) have its chromosomes lined up in the middle of the cell
D) have two nuclei
ATP synthase plays a role in ________.
A) pulling electrons down the electron transport chain
B) glycolysis
C) pumping hydrogen ions across the inner mitochondrial membrane
D) generating ATP
Why is water considered a polar molecule?
A) The oxygen atom is found between the two hydrogen atoms.
B) The oxygen atom attracts the hydrogen atoms.
C) The oxygen end of the molecule has a slight negative charge, and the hydrogen end
has a slight positive charge.
D) Both hydrogen atoms are at one end of the molecule, and the oxygen atom is at the
other end.
What is the ultimate source of all diversity?
A) natural selection
B) sexual recombination
C) meiosis
D) mutation
What is key to recognition of a trait whose expression is determined by the effects of
two or more genes (polygenic inheritance)?
A) A mating between a homozygous and a heterozygous individual produces more than
the expected number of offspring expressing the dominant trait.
B) All of the alleles of the gene for that trait are equally expressed.
C) Pleiotropy occurs.
D) The trait varies along a continuum in the population.
The minimum change in a membrane's voltage that must occur to trigger an action
potential is called the ________.
A) threshold
B) synaptic terminal
C) membrane potential
D) resting potential
Plants first moved onto land at least ________ years ago.
A) 65 million
B) 475 million
C) 1.2 billion
D) 3.5 billion
Which of the following is the main site of photosynthesis in a typical leaf?
A) epidermis
B) endodermis
C) mesophyll
D) xylem

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