BIOL 664 Quiz 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 990
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) a skydiver's parachute fails to deploy. after some struggle, his reserve chute deploys
in time to save his life. however, his landing is harder than normal and he feels his knee
slightly hyperextend. he shakes it off and goes about his normal routine. later that day
he begins experiencing knee pain. two days later he notices that his knee "pops" when
he crouches and soon discovers he has dislocated his femur on the knee. what muscle
was likely injured initially?
b.tensor fasciae latae
e.quadriceps femoris
2) the amount of air in excess of tidal volume that can be inhaled with maximum effort
is the __________.
a.vital capacity
b.inspiratory reserve volume
c.expiratory reserve volume
d.residual volume
e.inspiratory capacity
3) which of the following occurs during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle?
a.several follicles are developing an antrum
b.the corpus luteum is shrinking
c.the corpus luteum is enlarging
d.oogonia are transforming into primary oocytes
e.the oocyte completes meiosis ii
4) while out hiking, a friend of yours falls and suffers a trauma. you notice they start to
go into shock. what do you do to help?
a. lie them down and elevate their head
b. hold them upright in a standing position
c. encourage them to sit up
d. lie them down and elevate their legs
5) which of the following is true regarding unmyelinated nerve fibers in the pns?
a. a schwann cell folds its plasma membrane around several fibers.
b. a schwann cells wraps its plasma membrane around each individual fiber as it does
with myelinated fibers.
c. an oligodendrocyte cells wraps its plasma membrane around each fiber as it does
with myelinated fibers.
d. satellite cells cluster around each axon to form a pseudo-myelin sheath.
6) infant respiratory distress syndrome (irds) is caused by __________.
a. production of very thick respiratory mucus
b. deficiency of pulmonary surfactant
c. underdeveloped respiratory epithelium
d. pulmonary edema
e. overinflated alveoli
7) the jaw joint is the articulation of the __________ and the __________.
a. mandible; temporal bone
b. mandible; sphenoid bone
c. mandible; zygomatic bone
d. mandible; maxilla
e. maxilla; zygomatic
8) the respiratory system contains a total of five __________.
a. segmental bronchi
b. choanae
c. laryngeal cartilages
d. lobes
e. tracheal cartilages
9) __________ synthesize(s) carbohydrates and put(s) finishing touches on proteins
synthesized at __________.
a. smooth er; rough er
b. the golgi complex; rough er
c. smooth er; the golgi complex
d. the golgi complex; smooth er
e. ribosomes; smooth er
10) the __________ division tends to prepare the body for action.
a. sensory afferent
b. motor afferent
c. somatic motor
d. parasympathetic
e. sympathetic
11) one characteristic of the immune response is specificity. this means that
a. immunity starts in defined organs in the body
b. immunity starts in specialized tissues in the body
c. immunity is carried on by a specific group of cells of the immune system
d. immunity is directed against a particular pathogen
e. immunity is carried on by a specific group of tissues of the immune system
12) which of the following occurs during the postabsorptive state?
a. blood glucose rises
b. glycerol is used for gluconeogenesis
c. lipids are stored in adipose tissue
d. glucose is stored by glycogenesis
e. protein synthesis is active
13) how is venous return to your heart affected when you go for an easy jog?
a. it is increased due to increased skeletal muscular pump activity
b. it is decreased due to decreased skeletal muscular pump activity
c. it is decreased due to increased skeletal muscular pump activity
d. it is increased due to decreased skeletal muscular pump activity
14) sympathetic effects tend to last __________ than parasympathetic effects. one
reason is that __________.
a. shorter; acetylcholine can diffuse into the bloodstream without being broken down
b. longer; norepinephrine can diffuse into the bloodstream without being broken down
c. about the same; the two divisions use the same neurotransmitters
d. shorter; acetylcholine is broken down by acetylcholinesterase (ache)
e. longer; acetylcholine is broken down by monoamine oxidase (mao)
15) __________ pass(es) from the maternal blood to the fetal blood. fetal __________
pass(es) the other way.
a. carbon dioxide and oxygen; wastes
b. carbon dioxide; nutrients
c. wastes; nutrients and oxygen
d. wastes and nutrients; oxygen and carbon dioxide
e. oxygen and nutrients; wastes
16) which of the following occurs during the absorptive state?
a. glucagon levels increase
b. blood glucose falls
c. fatty acids are oxidized for fuel
d. lipolysis is occurring
e. gluconeogenesis is suppressed
17) in the female fetus, the absence of testosterone results in the development of the
external genitalia into clitoris, labia minora, and labia majora.
18) where is the primary olfactory cortex located?
a. parietal lobe
b. insula
c. occipital lobe
d. frontal lobe
e. temporal lobe
19) which of the following muscles is the prime mover for inhalation?
a. internal intercostals
b. external intercostals
c. diaphragm
d. stylohyoid
e. hyoglossus
20) in a healthy person, which of the following will have the greatest influence on
resistance to pulmonary airflow?
a. atmospheric pressure
b. respiratory rate
c. bronchiole diameter
d. quantity of surfactant
e. contraction of the diaphragm

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