BIOL 65457

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1742
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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2,4-D, a potent eudicot weed killer, is most likely a synthetic
a. auxin.
b. gibberellin.
c. cytokinin.
d. phytochrome.
e. none of these.
The ABO blood types are controlled by
a. pleiotropy.
b. multiple alleles.
c. incomplete dominance.
d. codominance.
e. multiple alleles and codominance.
When a sarcomere is at rest, the myosin binding sites on actin are blocked by
a. calcium.
b. troponin.
c. tropomyosin.
d. the myosin heads.
e. ADP.
All EXCEPT which of the following statements about Neanderthals is true?
a. Neanderthals diverged from modern humans around 500,000 years ago.
b. They lived in Europe and the Near East.
c. Neanderthals are direct ancestors of Homo sapiens.
d. Neanderthals brains were larger than those of modern humans.
e. They have no modern descendents.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. the production and secretion of milk
b. sloughing off of endometrium stops permanently
c. induced dislodging and removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus
d. an abortion that occurs spontaneously
e. the burrowing of the blastocyst into the uterine lining
f. the release of an egg from the ovary
g. the release of seminal fluid from the male reproductive tract
h. a 100-percent-effective method of preventing conception
i. a highly unreliable form of birth control
j. the periodic elimination of the uterine lining
k. characterized by involuntary muscle contractions, release of tension, and warmth
l. sexual intercourse
m. sperm and egg cannot meet because a section of oviduct is missing
n. cutting and tying of vasa deferentia
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five animal phyla listed below.
a. Annelida
b. Arthropoda
c. Mollusca
d. Echinodermata
e. Rotifera
"Wheel animals" are in this phylum.
The distribution of animals and plants in competition for scarce resources is likely to be
a. clumped.
b. random.
c. near-uniform.
d. constant.
e. homogeneous.
Select the best disorder listed below to match the following statements.
a. Galactosemia
b. Turner syndrome
c. Klinefelter's syndrome
d. hemophilia A
e. Down syndrome
This disorder is also known as trisomy 21.
When cells are not responding to normal controls over growth and division, they form a
tissue mass known as a
a. metastasis.
b. malignancy.
c. tumor.
d. carcinogen.
e. nucleosome.
Capillary exchange
a. is the movement of materials through capillaries.
b. is the movement of components of the interstitial fluid into a capillary bed.
c. occurs at the beginning of the capillary bed.
d. occurs at the end of the capillary bed.
e. is the movement of components of the interstitial fluid into a capillary bed, and it
occurs at the end of the capillary bed.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five terms listed below,
which are used by ecologists.
a. carrying capacity
b. net reproduction per individual per unit time
c. age structure
d. survivorship
e. growth rate
This is the birth rate minus the death rate assuming they are constant.
In club fungi, each club-shaped cell initially
a. is a spore.
b. is a zygote.
c. contains a single nucleus.
d. is dikaryotic.
e. undergoes mitosis to produce spores.
In ____ bonds, both atoms exert the same pull on shared electrons.
a. nonpolar covalent
b. polar covalent
c. double covalent
d. triple covalent
e. coordinate covalent
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five items listed below.
a. antigens
b. antibodies
c. helper T cells
d. cytotoxic T cells
e. effector B cells
These bind, as in a lock-and-key mechanism, to foreign proteins.
The mitochondrion harnesses the energy of the flow of ____ from its ____
compartment to its ____ compartment to generate ATP.
a. CO2; outer; inner
b. H+; outer; inner
c. H+; inner; outer
d. H2O2; outer; inner
e. CO2; inner; outer
Choose the most appropriate letter.
a. contain DNA, but may be too small to be alive
b. simple transitional forms between early organic compounds and the first living cells
c. red alga resident of hot springs
d. first organisms with the noncyclic pathway of photosynthesis
e. source of the heat-resistant enzyme used in PCR
f. offered support for endosymbiosis
g. dome-shaped fossil remains of photoautotrophic bacteria (some nonfossil structures
also form).
h. protist with photosynthetic organelles that resemble cyanobacteria
i. earliest known organism that can be assigned to a modern group
In the ABC model of flower development in Arabidopsis thaliana, sepals form when
gene(s) ____ is(are) switched on.
a. A
b. A and B
c. B and C
d. C
e. A and B and C
Meiosis is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
gross primary production
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. rate at which energy becomes stored in organic compounds through photosynthesis
b. total amount of solar energy stored in organic compounds during photosynthesis
c. a straight-line sequence of steps by which chemical bond energy moves to higher
trophic levels
d. the potential chemical energy remaining (after aerobic respiration by autotrophs) that
can be passed on to other trophic levels
e. DDT in the environment
f. a kind of plant that increases soil nitrogen content
g. particles of organic waste products, dead, or partly decomposed tissues
The first phylum with three germ layers is
a. Cnidaria.
b. Platyhelminthes.
c. Annelida.
d. Arthropoda.
e. Nematoda.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five stages of sperm
development listed below.
a. spermatogonium
b. secondary spermatocyte
c. primary spermatocyte
d. spermatid
e. sperm
This is a mitotic product that then undergoes meiosis.
Which of the following is(are) true about predator-prey coevolution?
a. Each species exerts selection pressure on the other.
b. Predators are selective agents that favor improved prey defenses.
c. Prey with better defenses are selective agents that favor better predator hunting skills.
d. All of the above are true.
e. None of the above are true.
Match the following descriptions with the most appropriate group listed below.
a. Bacteria
b. Protista
c. Plantae
d. Fungi
e. Animalia
multicellular producers
Blood pH is kept near a value of 7.3 - 7.5 because of
a. salts.
b. buffers.
c. acids.
d. bases.
e. water.
Copernicus, Galileo, and Darwin found that ____ caused their science to be
a. prevailing belief
b. objective data
c. astronomy
d. the supernatural
e. experimental design
Homeotic genes generally control
a. X chromosome inactivation.
b. mapping the basic body plan.
c. hormone synthesis.
d. dosage compensation.
e. none of these.
Choose the one most appropriate letter for each.
a. cartilaginous skeleton; jaws
b. reptile with four-chambered heart
c. placental mammal
d. legless amphibian
e. invertebrate chordate; no metamorphosis
f. endotherm with feathers
g. limbless reptile
h. most primitive fishes with jaws; extinct
i. modern-day parasitic jawless vertebrate
j. marsupial
k. adult is called 'sea squirt"
l. egg-laying mammal
m. swim bladder for buoyancy
n. may be sexually mature in larval form
Color blindness is an X-linked recessive gene. Two normal-vision parents produce a
color-blind child.
(a) Is this child male or female?
(b) What are the genotypes of the parents?
(c) What are the chances that their next child will be a color-blind daughter?
All of the following are goals of conservation biology EXCEPT
a. to investigate the decline in genetic diversity.
b. to survey the range of biodiversity.
c. to determine if loss of any specific species would be detrimental to mankind.
d. to identify ways to maintain and use biodiversity to help man.
e. all of these are goals of conservation biology.
Which of the following is considered to be most closely related to land plants?
a. red algae
b. chlorophytes
c. charophytes
d. trypanosomes
e. all of these
All of the following statements are true concerning mycorrhizae EXCEPT that
a. the fungus may penetrate into root cells.
b. mycorrhizae increase the surface area for absorption.
c. roots obtain minerals from the fungus.
d. the fungus provides the plant with nitrogen-rich compounds.
e. it is a mutualistic symbiosis.
Homeotic genes
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. a condensed X chromosome
b. protein that combines with DNA all along its length
c. attaches or detaches from operator to regulate transcription
d. portion of the operon that binds RNA polymerase
e. gene capable of inducing cancerous transformations
f. genes controlling the development of the body plan
g. the mutated form is associated with breast cancer
h. binding sites on DNA where certain regulatory proteins increase transcription rates
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. contain enzymes for intracellular digestion
b. are primary cellular organelles where proteins are assembled
c. package cellular secretions for export
d. extract energy stored in carbohydrates; synthesize ATP; produce water and carbon
e. synthesize subunits that will be assembled into two-part ribosomes in the cytoplasm
f. transcribe, translate hereditary instructions into specific proteins
g. store substances
h. encode hereditary information
i. help distribute chromosomes to the new cells during cell division
j. convert light energy to chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose or

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