BIOL 612

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2399
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Which of the following is a characteristic of heavy metals in the U.S. food supply?
a. Virtually all fish contain trace amounts of mercury.
b. Mercury contamination of fish is most severe in tuna.
c. Toxicity is most severe in the elderly population group.
d. Contamination is usually greater in farm-raised fish than in ocean fish.
e. Older fish are generally safer than younger fish, since they have had more time to
excrete the mercury.
2) Within what range would a young women with 30% body fat and young men with
20% body fat be found?
c.Mildly overweight
d.Slightly underweight
e.Morbidly obese
3) Which of the following is a feature of vitamin E in foods?
a.Vitamin E is fairly stable to heat.
b.Most convenience foods are poor sources of vitamin E.
c.Saturated oils are the major dietary sources of vitamin E.
d.The amount of alpha-tocopherol in foods is underestimated.
e.Lean meats are better sources than fatty meats.
4) Which of the following is a feature of vitamins?
a.Many serve in the role of enzyme inhibitors.
b.Structurally, many are found linked together.
c.Several may be oxidized to yield 4 kcalories per gram.
d.The quantities present in foods are measured in micrograms or milligrams.
e.Some are both water- and fat-soluble.
5) After a fat-containing meal is absorbed, about how many hours does it take the body
to remove the chylomicrons from the blood?
a. 2
b. 5
c. 10
d. 14
e. 16
6) What are the products of the complete oxidation of fatty acids?
a. Urea and acetone
b. Fatty acids and glycerol
c. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
d. Water, carbon dioxide, and energy
e. Pyruvate and acetyl CoA
7) What formulation of zinc has been found somewhat effective in treating the
symptoms of the common cold?
a. Zinc chelator
b. Zinc gluconate
c. Zinc plus ferrous iron
d. Zinc plus copper salt
e. Zinc plus vitamin C
8) a. Pork k. Broccoli
b. Corn l. Riboflavin
c. Dairy m. Vitamin B6
d. Folate n. Vitamin B12
e. Biotin o. Tryptophan
f. Niacin p. Iron overload
g. Choline q. Ascorbic acid
h. Anemia r. Intrinsic factor
i. Collagen s. Ultraviolet light
j. Beriberi t. Pantothenic acid
1)Name of thiamin deficiency disease
2)A food unusually rich in thiamin
3)Exposure to this leads to destruction of riboflavin
4)A food source that supplies a substantial amount of people's riboflavin intake
5)Deficiency of this vitamin leads to cracks and redness at corners of the mouth
6)Used for synthesis of niacin
7)Overconsumption of this food has resulted in pellagra
8)High doses are known to lower LDL cholesterol
9)Deficiency of this vitamin is induced by feeding raw egg whites
10)This vitamin is a component of acetyl CoA
11)Toxicity from this vitamin is known to cause nerve damage and inability to walk
12)Prevention of neural tube defects is related to increased intake of this substance by
pregnant women
13)One of the first symptoms of folate deficiency
14)Required to maintain nerve fiber sheath
15)Required for absorption of vitamin B12
16)Made in the body from methionine
17)The antiscorbutic factor
18)Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of this substance
19)Excess intake of vitamin C may aggravate this disorder
20)A concentrated source of vitamin C
9) A group of people consumes an amount of protein equal to the estimated average
requirement for their population group. What percentage of people will receive
insufficient amounts?
10) Most people with type 2 diabetes have
a. sarcopenia.
b. osteoporosis.
c. excess body fat.
d. insulin dependency.
e. relative insulin excess.
11) Which food items are consumed in the diet of a lactovegetarian?
a.plant foods only
b.eggs and plant foods only
c.meat, eggs, and plant foods only
d.milk products and plant foods only, eggs, and dairy only
12) How much iron does a person donating a pint of blood lose?
a. 0.5 mg
b. 1.5 mg
c. 2.5 mg
d. 3.5 mg
e. 4.5 mg
13) Which of the following is a feature of nutrition in childhood?
a. Very few children take nutrient supplements of any kind.
b. Total energy requirements are higher for a typical 3 year old than a 12 year old.
c. Iron-deficiency anemia in children is prevalent in Canada but not the United States
due to fortification.
d. Children who fail to consume vitamin D-fortified foods should receive a daily
supplement of 10 micrograms.
e. Vegetarian and vegan diets are unsafe for children.
14) What is the origin of goitrogens in the diet?
a. Naturally occurring
b. Food industry additives
c. Excessive use of fortified salt
d. Hydrogenation of certain minerals
e. Environmental contamination
15) Which of the following is a characteristic of most fad diets?
a.They produce long-lasting results just like healthy diets.
b.They limit food choices, thereby reducing energy intake.
c.They are balanced and therefore do not require a dietary supplement.
d.Their success depends on the ratios of macronutrients more so than the total energy
e.They are typically as healthy as more traditional weight-loss diets.
16) Which of the following contributes most to the weight of the human body?
a. Iron
b. Water
c. Protein
d. Calcium
e. Fat
17) A high risk of weight-related health problems is seen in women whose waist
circumference begins to exceed ____.
a.24 inches
b.28 inches
c.35 inches
d.42 inches
e.48 inches
18) After the pancreatic juices have mixed with chyme in the small intestine, which of
the following describes the pH of the resulting mixture?
a. Very acidic
b. Moderately acidic
c. Approximately neutral
d. Moderately alkaline
e. Very alkaline
19) How do the elderly respond to strength training?
20) Discuss the role of nutrition and genetics in assessing risks for chronic diseases.
21) Define the term "discretionary kcalories" and give three examples of foods that
provide them. Under what circumstances is the intake of discretionary kcalories
22) ____________________ reflects a diet that provides sufficient energy and enough
of all the nutrients to meet the needs of healthy people.
23) Describe an appropriate diet for physically active people.
24) List and describe the contributions of the five food groups in the USDA Food
25) The best-known phospholipid is ____________________.
26) The most common form of cardiovascular disease is ____________________.
27) List four of the liver's functions in the metabolism of each of these nutrients:
carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
28) Discuss the meaning, significance, and utility of MyPlate as an educational tool.

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