BIOL 598

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 919
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) all of the following are true of the lining of the stomach, except that it
a) has a simple columnar epithelium.
b) is covered by a thick, viscous mucus.
c) is constantly being replaced.
d) contains gastric pits.
e) recycles bile.
2) olfactory receptors send axons through the cribriform plate. they synapse on neurons
in the
a) medulla oblongata.
b) medial geniculate.
c) cerebral cortex.
d) olfactory bulb.
e) olfactory tract.
3) for maximum loading of hemoglobin with oxygen at the lungs, the
a) pco2 should be high.
b) ph should be slightly acidic.
c) po2 should be about 70 mm hg.
d) dpg levels in the red blood cells should be high.
e) pco2 should be low.
4) blood flow through a capillary is controlled by the
a) vasa vasorum.
b) plexus.
c) precapillary sphincter.
d) thoroughfare channel.
e) venule.
5) all of the following are true of the pigment melanin, except that it
a) decreases in concentration within cells during exposure to the sun.
b) is usually some shade of brown or black.
c) protects dna from the damaging effects of uv radiation.
d) is produced from the amino acid tyrosine.
e) is produced by cells called melanocytes.
6) which of the following is not a function of membrane proteins?
a) bind to ligands
b) regulate the passage of ions
c) act as carrier molecules for various solutes
d) act as anchors or stabilizers for the cell membrane
e) storage of cellular nutrients
7) the clearest distinction between a male and female skeleton is seen in the
characteristics of the
a) skull.
b) pelvis.
c) sacrum.
d) teeth.
e) thoracic cage.
8) examples of physical barriers against pathogens include
a) sebaceous glands.
b) mucus.
c) epithelia.
d) epidermal layers.
e) all of the answers are correct.
9) the hand has 15 phalangeal bones; the foot has 14 phalangeal bones.
a) the first statement is true but the second statement is false.
b) the first statement is false but the second statement is true.
c) the first statement is true and the second statement is true.
d) the first statement is false and the second statement is false.
e) too much anatomical variability to be sure
figure 18-1 pituitary hormones and their targets
identify the hormone labeled "1"
a) mineralocorticoid
b) cortisol
c) dopamine
d) corticotropin (acth)
e) aldosterone
figure 24-1 the stomach (dissected)
identify the structure labeled "10"
a) longitudinal muscle layer
b) circular muscle layer
c) oblique muscle layer
d) rugae
e) submucosa
12) ________ is the most common lethal inherited disease affecting individuals of
northern european descent.
a) mrsa
b) congestive heart failure
c) cystic fibrosis
d) myasthenia gravis
e) parkinson's disease
13) antidiuretic hormone
a) increases the permeability of the collecting ducts to water.
b) is secreted in response to low potassium ion in the blood.
c) causes the kidneys to produce a larger volume of very dilute urine.
d) is secreted by the anterior pituitary.
e) release is insensitive to the osmolarity of interstitial fluid.
14) which of the following statements about the retina is true?
a) ganglion cells send axons to the brain as cranial nerve ii.
b) axons carrying its output synapse in the thalamus.
c) it has photoreceptors that do not respond to dim light.
d) it has photoreceptors that do not respond to red light.
e) all of the answers are correct.
15) a single contraction-relaxation cycle in a muscle fiber produces a ________.
16) visceral reflex arcs can bypass cns neurons in ________ reflexes.
17) a substance that provokes an immune response is called a(n) ________.
18) the ________ consists of the follicle cells that cling to the oocyte after ovulation.
19) in the process of ________ two substances are moved across a cell membrane in the
same direction without directly using cellular energy. one of the substances can be
moved against a concentration gradient by this process.
20) defense cells in blood are called white blood cells or ________.
21) interstitial fluid that enters a lymphatic vessel is termed ________.
22) the sympathetic division is also called the ________ division.
23) harriet had liposuction several years ago, but has since gained back all the weight
lost through the procedure. she does not understand her weight gain because adipocytes
are incapable of dividing. provide a plausible explanation.

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