BIOL 570 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1635
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Food labels express the nutrient content in relation to a set of standard values known
as the ____.
a.Daily Values
b.FDA Standards
c.Dietary Reference Intakes
d.Recommended Dietary Intakes
e.USDA Intake Standards
2) What is the term given to the accumulation of lipid material mixed with smooth
muscle cells and calcium that develops in the artery walls?
a. Plaques
b. Angina streaks
c. Arterial thickening
d. Pre-thromboemboli
e. Lipid tangles
3) What is an important feature of the food group subgroupings?
a.Consuming a vegetable will provide only one major nutrient
b.Consuming legumes supplies protein but not fiber or vitamins
c.Consuming every subgroup every day is not necessary
d.Consuming broccoli every day for a week to meet the vegetables group intake is
e.Consuming dairy products is no longer recommended
4) What is a common dietary saturated fatty acid?
a. Oleic acid
b. Stearic acid
c. Linolenic acid
d. Arachidonic acid
e. Lineolic acid
5) Which of the following is a feature of vitamin D?
a.The bioavailability of vitamin D from soy milk is low
b.Lifeguards on southern beaches have increased risk for vitamin D toxicity
c.Most adults living in the southern United States need small amounts of dietary
vitamin D
d.The average consumption in the United States does not meet the recommended intake
e.Taking vitamin D on an empty stomach improves absorption by as much as 50%.
6) Jenny has just learned that she is one month pregnant (1st trimester). She has been
looking forward to all the ice cream, chips, and cakes she has seen women on TV and in
the movies eating when they are pregnant. What is the most appropriate advice for
a. She can eat these foods, but only up to 340 kcalories extra per day.
b. She can eat these foods, but only up to 550 kcalories extra per day.
c. She does not have increased energy needs in the first trimester and should not indulge
d. She should not eat these foods, but rather include one extra serving from each food
group per day.
e. While she should avoid salty foods like chips, she is free to indulge in all of the other
treats she wants.
7) Which of the following foods is known to be a protective factor for esophageal
a. Alcoholic beverages
b. Nonstarchy vegetables
c. Mate tea
d. Broiled meats
e. Salted fish
8) Which of the following is a feature of osteoporosis?
a. It is most common in men over 45 years of age
b. It has virtually no effect on blood calcium levels
c. It results from short-term deprivation of dietary calcium
d. It causes significant alterations in the blood levels of parathormone and calcitonin
e. It affects about 30 million people in the U.S.
9) Which feature characterizes the exchange list system?
a.Foods are grouped according to their source.
b.Adequate intakes of minerals and vitamins are virtually guaranteed.
c.A fat portion provides about twice the energy as a carbohydrate portion.
d.All foods are grouped according to their content of carbohydrate, protein, and fats.
e.Foods are sorted by their vitamin and mineral content.
10) One factor that has limited the success of the School Breakfast Program is that
a. the cost is prohibitive.
b. the meals are not nutritious.
c. children simply do not participate in it.
d. fewer than 10% of the nation€s schools participate in it.
e. many pediatricians oppose it.
11) Your friend Carrie took a daily supplement of vitamin C and tells you that she feels
a lot better. Her statement to you is best described as a(n) ____.
12) Approximately how many kcal per day does an average 6 year old need to obtain?
a. 400
b. 800
c. 1600
d. 2400
e. 3200
13) As little as ____ minutes of moderate-intensity activity per day can add years to an
individual€s life.
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 30
e. 45
14) What is the primary role of the normal, thriving intestinal bacterial population?
a. It helps degrade meat and dairy proteins.
b. It helps prevent infectious bacteria from attacking the system.
c. It synthesizes vitamin D, which can be absorbed into the body.
d. It synthesizes several amino acids, which can be absorbed into the body.
e. It aids in the absorption of essential nutrients.
15) Which of the following is a feature of energy metabolism in formerly obese people
who have lost weight?
a.Their basal metabolic rates are higher after weight loss than during the obese state.
b.Energy expenditure is the same as in people who were never obese.
c.Energy requirements are lower than expected for their current body weight.
d.Energy expenditure is the same per kg body weight as compared with the obese state.
e.Their basal metabolic rate is effectively reset to a normal range by weight loss.
16) Who would be the most appropriate person to consult for nutrition information?
b.medical doctor
c.registered dietitian food store manager
e.nutrition consultant
17) Which of the following is a characteristic of marasmus?
a. Increased body temperature
b. Affects brain development only minimally
c. Rapid metabolism
d. Inability to tolerate cold
e. Decreased albumin
18) What structure separates the colon from the small intestine?
a. Pylorus
b. Ileocecal valve
c. Gastric retainer
d. Rectal sphincter
e. Lower sphincter
19) Which food provides the most fiber?
a. 1 small orange
b. 1/2cup cooked oatmeal
c. 1 cup split peas
d. 1 slice whole-wheat bread
e. 1/2cup cooked cauliflower
20) One function of the pyloric sphincter is to ____.
a. secretes acid into the stomach
b. secretes hormones into the stomach
c. prevents the contents of the small intestine from backing up into the stomach
d. prevents the contents of the small intestine from emptying too quickly into the colon
e. initiates peristalsis
21) Discuss how vegetarians and vegans can ensure that they have adequate protein
22) Vitamin C helps to form the fibrous structural protein of connective tissues known
as ____________________.
23) ____________________ provide enough of all the essential amino acids needed to
support the body's work.
24) The Minamata, Japan incident, in which more than 100 individuals, including
infants, became ill, many died, and survivors suffered blindness, deafness, lack of
coordination, and intellectual deterioration, was caused through the contamination of
fish by ____________________.
25) Explain the differences among amino acids that are classified as essential,
nonessential, or conditionally essential.
26) In the United States, all food producers use a(n) ____________________ plan to
help prevent foodborne illnesses at their source.

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