BIOL 510 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 795
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) A meat described as "prime cut" means that it ____.
a.has an extended shelf life
b.usually carries a high price served only in restaurants higher in fat than other cuts of meat
e.comes from animals raised organically
2) What percentage of U.S. adult men are classified as drinking excessively? What
percentage of women are doing the same?
a. 2%; 5%
b. 5%; 2%
c. 8%; 3%
d. 10%; 4%
e. 11%; 8%
3) Even in preschoolers whose habits are being established, existing dietary attitudes
are relatively resistant to change. How should wise parents react?
a. Be patient and persistent.
b. Impose their own eating habits on the children.
c. Wait until the children start school to initiate changes.
d. Exert continuous pressure to initiate good food habits.
e. Punish inappropriate eating behavior.
4) Which of the following is a feature of caffeine use in physical activity?
a. Caffeine is widely abused by endurance athletes because it cannot be detected by
blood or urine tests.
b. Caffeine enhances performance by stimulating glycogen breakdown and increasing
the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells.
c. College and national competitions prohibit the use of caffeine in amounts greater than
that present in 5 cups of coffee when consumed within a few hours before testing.
d. The usual side effects of caffeine use such as irritability, headaches, and diarrhea are
delayed or diminished in endurance athletes because of their high metabolic rates
during competition.
e. In endurance athletes, caffeine is particularly likely to result in a €drowsiness crash€
within an hour of consumption.
1)Transport protein of vitamin A
2)Promotes bone dismantling prior to bone growth
3)Condition that results from severe vitamin A deficiency
4)The protein of hair and nails
5)Chronic inflammation of skin follicles and oil-producing glands
6)Pigment in carrots and pumpkins
7)Precursor for vitamin D synthesis
8)Vitamin D deficiency disease in children
9)Vitamin D deficiency disease in adults
10)A vitamin K-dependent transport protein
11)May be beneficial for treating fibrocystic breast disease
12)Vitamin E deficiency disorder in premature infants
13)Typical food source of vitamin E
14)Type of anemia prevented by vitamin E
15)Substance that promotes synthesis of prothrombin
16)Another term for blood clotting
17)Use of this increases risk for vitamin K deficiency
18)Substance that prevents clotting of the blood
19)Composition of a blood clot
20)Food source of vitamin K
6) What proportion of persons in the U.S., age 65 and older, have a cataract?
a. About 1 in 50
b. About 1 in 20
c. About 1 in 10
d. About 1 in 5
e. More than half
7) What organ is the major site for gluconeogenesis?
a. Liver
b. Brain
c. Muscle
d. Small intestine
e. Pancreas
8) In food exchange lists, to what group are olives assigned?
d.meat substitute
9) On which organ or tissue does leptin primarily act?
10) What is a normal range (mg/dL) for blood glucose?
a. 60-70
b. 70-100
c. 100-120
d. 120 -140
e. 140-180
11) Which of the following foods provides the greatest amount of iron per serving?
a. Yogurt
b. Skim milk
c. Pinto beans
d. Cheddar cheese
e. Carrots
12) The recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals for infants are based on the
a. average amounts present in body tissues of thriving infants.
b. adult RDA scaled down to infants on a per kg body weight basis.
c. older child’s RDA scaled down to the infant on a per kg body weight basis.
d. average amounts ingested by thriving infants breastfed by well-nourished mothers.
e. average amounts found in breast milk.
13) What is the term for the pressure that develops when two solutions of varying
concentrations are separated by a membrane?
a. Hypotension
b. Hypertension
c. Osmotic pressure
d. Hypertonic pressure
e. Centripetal pressure
14) Which of the following is a feature of chromium supplements in physical
a. Chromium from ginseng shows high bioavailability.
b. Athletes may obtain sufficient chromium from green leafy vegetables and legumes.
c. Supplements of chromium chloride enhance free fatty acid release but inhibit fatty
acid oxidation.
d. Most recent studies on chromium picolinate supplementation show no favorable
effects on strength or lean body mass.
e. Chromium picolinate can increase lean body mass but has no effect on strength.

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