BIOL 486 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2138
subject Authors Ellie Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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1) Which of the following describes a fatty acid that has one double bond?
2) Which of the following describes a trend of worldwide obesity?
a.Nowadays, obesity is not seen in developing countries
b.Prevalence of obesity has leveled out in the last few years in the U.S
c.The cut-off figure of the BMI for obesity varies from country to country
d.The obesity in other countries does not seem to increase risks for chronic diseases
3) The signs and symptoms of riboflavin deficiency are known collectively as
d.flavin adenine dinucleosis
4) Which of the following describes a relationship between leptin and energy balance?
a.Fat cell sensitivity to leptin is higher in obese people
b.A deficiency of leptin is characteristic of all obese people
c.Blood levels of leptin usually correlate directly with body fat
d.Major functions of leptin include an increase in hunger and a decrease in metabolic
5) Which of the following is NOT among the characteristics of chloride in nutrition?
a.Deficiencies are extremely rare
b.Intake is related, in large part, to sodium intake
c.It is necessary for maintaining electrolyte balance of body fluids
d.The recommended intake has recently been set at 10 mg/kg body weight
6) The chief symptoms of early vitamin B6 deficiency include
a.confusion and depression
b.muscle cramps and stiffness
c.profound fatigue and anemia
d.hyperactivity and shortness of breath
7) Matching
1>Expected weight at one year, in pounds, of an infant with a birthweight of seven
2>Typical daily energy need, in kcalories per kg body weight, of an infant
3>Essential fatty acid in breast milk
4>Chief protein in human breast milk
5>Chief protein in cows milk
6>Nutrient that is low in human milk but adequate in infant formulas
7>Pre-milk substance from the breast, containing antibodies
8>Substance in breast milk that promotes growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines
9>Substance in breast milk that deprives intestinal bacteria of iron
10>A breast milk protein that fights virus-induced diarrhea
11>Process whereby breast milk is gradually replaced by formula or semi-solid foods
12>Low content of this nutrient makes goats milk inappropriate for infants
13>Typical energy source in infant soy formulas
14>Possible source of infant botulism
15>Deficiency of this nutrient in children causes symptoms similar to mild lead toxicity
16>Approximate percentage of young children diagnosed with food allergies
17>Substance given to prevent anaphylactic shock in people with food allergies
18>Percent chance of becoming an obese adult for an obese teen with one obese parent
19>Period in life when an individual becomes physically capable of reproduction
20>Percentage of high school students who are smokers
A.4-8 B.16 C.21 D.80 E.100 F.Iron G.Casein H.Folate I.Honey J.Sucrose K.Puberty
L.Linoleic M.Weaning N.Vitamin D O.Colostrum P.Lactoferrin Q.Lactadherin
R.Epinephrine S.Bifidus factors T.Alpha-lactalbumin
8) Which of the following is used to determine the presence of abnormal functions
inside the body due to a nutrient deficiency?
a.Diet history
b.Laboratory tests
c.Body weight loss
d.Physical examination
9) Which of the following is a feature of vitamin D?
a.The bioavailability of vitamin D from soy milk is low
b.Lifeguards on southern beaches have increased risk for vitamin D toxicity
c.Most adults living in the southern United States need small amounts of dietary
vitamin D
d.The average consumption in the United States does not meet the recommended intake
10) Which of the following is a characteristic of niacin nutrition?
a.In foods, it is more unstable than thiamin and riboflavin
b.The average intake is slightly lower than the RDA in the United States
c.The amount in a serving of whole-wheat bread is about twice that in a serving of
peanut butter
d.About half of the daily need for most people could be met by the tryptophan found in
protein foods
11) Research in obese people seems to show that there is less susceptibility to health
problems provided that the excess body fat is distributed around the
b.arms and chest
c.hips and thighs
d.neck and shoulders
12) What organ functions to prepare the mothers breasts for lactation?
d.Amniotic sac
13) What is the primary function of insulin?
a.Raises blood glucose levels
b.Lowers blood glucose levels
c.Stimulates glycogen breakdown
d.Stimulates intestinal carbohydrate absorption
14) In photosynthesis, the plant uses energy from the sun, plus water and carbon
dioxide, to synthesize
a.carbohydrates only
b.fats and carbohydrates only
c.protein and carbohydrates only
d.fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
15) The effect of regular exercise on heart and lung function is known as
a.muscle fitness
b.muscle endurance
c.cardiopulmonary adaptation
d.cardiorespiratory conditioning
16) Which of the following is NOT among the characteristics of food safety in the
a.Cooks should refrain from washing meat and poultry
b.Leftover food from a meal should be promptly refrigerated
c.Hand washing is significantly more effective than hand sanitizers in decreasing
bacterial contamination
d.After each step of food preparation, countertops, cutting boards, and hands should be
washed in hot, soapy water
17) Tobacco use in pregnancy increases the risk for all of the following EXCEPT
b.fetal death
d.preterm birth
18) Pernicious anemia results from a combination of lack of intrinsic factor and
b.lack of hydrochloric acid
c.lack of pancreatic vitaminases
d.pharmacologic intakes of folate
19) What category is assigned to additives put in foods after a rational decision-making
20) The obstruction of a blood vessel by a clot that broke away from arterial plaque is
termed anginism embolism
c.circulatory hypoxia
d.a de-plaquing event
21) What percentage of the iron in a hamburger is nonheme iron?
22) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of excess consumption of
a.Overconsumption from foods is harmless
b.Overconsumption from supplements is harmless
c.Drinking alcohol worsens the adverse effects of supplements
d.Smoking cigarettes aggravates the detrimental effects of supplements
23) What is the minimum number of glasses of water per day recommended for older
24) a.What is the effect of excess alcohol intake on vitamin B6 metabolism?
b.Describe the toxic effects of excess vitamin B6 supplements.
25) As a church volunteer, you propose implementation of a food recovery program.
Which of the following would NOT be a part of your proposal to the church board of
a.Collect prepared foods from commercial kitchens
b.Salvage perishable items from wholesalers and markets
c.Gather crops from fields that either have already been harvested or are not profitable
to harvest
d.Collect applications for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to provide for
any member or non-member of the church requesting assistance
26) Why is ground meat more susceptible to microbial contamination than unground
a.It has more surface area
b.It is usually undercooked
c.It has a higher fat content
d.It is not inspected as often
27) How soon would death occur from starvation if the body was unable to shift to a
state of ketosis?
a.Within 3 weeks
b.Less than 2 weeks
c.Between 5 and 6 weeks
d.Between 2 and 3 months
28) In weight training, muscle strength can best be emphasized by performing a
a.low number of repetitions with heavy weight
b.low number of repetitions with lighter weight
c.high number of repetitions with heavy weight
d.high number of repetitions with lighter weight
29) Which of the following is NOT a common feature of gestational diabetes?
a.Asian ancestry is a risk factor
b.Infant birthweights are typically low
c.It usually develops during the second half of pregnancy
d.The most common consequences include labor and delivery complications
30) What is one function of the gallbladder?
a.Stores bile
b.Produces bile
c.Reabsorbs water and salts
d.Performs enzymatic digestion
31) Diseases of poverty are known to include all of the following EXCEPT
Diseases of poverty are known to include all of the following EXCEPT
d.whooping cough
32) What substance controls the release of bile into the small intestine?
33) A person with chronic GI bleeding is at risk for deficiency of
34) Which of the following represents a rationale for DRI energy recommendations?
a.Because protein is an energy nutrient, the figures for energy intake are set in
proportion to protein intake
b.Because a large number of people are overweight, the figures are set to induce a
gradual weight loss in most individuals
c.Because the energy needs within each population group show little variation, the
figures are set to meet the needs of almost all individuals
d.Because a margin of safety would result in excess energy intake for a large number of
people, the figures are set at the average energy intake
35) Among the following calcium supplements, which contains the lowest percentage
of calcium?
a.Calcium citrate
b.Calcium lactate
c.Calcium carbonate
d.Calcium gluconate
36) Which of the following is NOT a feature of serving size information on food labels?
a.Serving sizes for solid foods are expressed in both ounces and grams
b.Small bags of individually wrapped food items must contain only one serving
c.Serving sizes on food labels are not necessarily the same as those of MyPlate
d.For a given product, the serving size is the same, no matter how large the package
37) A distinguishing characteristic of people with bulimia is they
eat high-protein foods without realizing it
are preoccupied with body weight and shape
believe that weight and shape are central to self-concept
b and c
38) Discuss important concerns for vegetarian diets during pregnancy or lactation.
39) One basic component of safe food handling Is
40) Discuss the essential nature of molybdenum, including food sources.
41) One of the chief functions of chromium is participation in the metabolism of
42) Glucose uptake can be increased by 10-20% above normal if a person with diabetes
takes oral agents in addition to insulin injections
eats only foods high in complex carbohydrates and animal protein
exercises on a regular basis
all of the above
43) Discuss the origin of common drinking water contaminants such as heavy metals,
microbes, and organic toxicants.
44) The type of exercise recommended to prevent osteoporosis is
45) Discuss the role of tooth loss and gum disease in maintenance of nutritional status.

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