BIOL 46198

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1849
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Use the following information to answer the following questions.
Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a unicellular eukaryotic organism belonging
to the genus Plasmodium. These eukaryotic organisms are transmitted from one person
to another by the female Anopheles mosquito when it feeds on human blood. Within
humans, the Plasmodium species destroy red blood cells and, without effective
treatment, serious infections can lead to death. Currently, more than 400 million people
are afflicted with malaria and between 1 and 3 million people die from it each year.
Historically, a chemical compound called quinine has been used in developing effective
drugs against malaria. In its natural environment, quinine is produced by certain trees
native to South America. This chemical is synthesized in the outer layer of tree trunks
and acts as an herbivore deterrent.
Despite being used for many years, quinine-based drugs have not led to the eradication
of malaria and currently there are parasites that are resistant to the compound. Which of
the following were likely important in the development of this resistance to quinine?
A) natural selection
B) mutualism
C) interspecific competition
D) biological magnification
Which of the following is the usual cause of heartburn?
A) backflow of chyme from the stomach into the esophagus
B) retention of food at the bottom of the esophagus by a sphincter that is reluctant to
C) irritation of the lower esophagus by substances in spicy food
D) compression of the lower esophagus by an overfilled stomach
Examine the structures of the plant and animal cells below. Which of the following
organelles connect(s) to the nuclear envelope?
A) the Golgi apparatus
B) lysosomes
C) mitochondria
D) the endoplasmic reticulum
Landscape ecology ________.
A) is the application of ecological principles to the study of land-use patterns
B) focuses primarily on how to restore human-altered ecological systems
C) deals primarily with ecosystems in urban settings
D) deals with the study of the ranges of different species
The light reactions of photosynthesis take place ________.
A) in the stroma
B) in the mitochondria
C) in the thylakoid membrane
D) in the cytosol
Which of the following structures manufactures the components of ribosomes?
A) nucleus
B) cytoplasm
C) endoplasmic reticulum
D) nucleolus
Examine the figure above. Which of the following add ammonium to the soil by
decomposing organic matter?
A) nitrifying bacteria only
B) ammonifying bacteria only
C) nitrogen-fixing bacteria only
D) nitrifying bacteria and nitrogen fixing bacteria
The absence of ________ in the primitive atmosphere was essential to the origin of life
on Earth.
A) N2
B) CO2
C) CH4
D) O2
In which structure do pollen grains develop?
A) stamen
B) sepal
C) filament
D) anther
Attached earlobes are recessive to free earlobes. What genotypic ratio is expected when
an individual with attached earlobes mates with an individual heterozygous for free
A) 2:1
B) 1:1
C) 1:2:1
D) 3:1
What is this organism?
A) fern
B) fungus
C) bryophyte
D) gymnosperm
Cellular respiration can be described as the conversion of the energy ________.
A) of sunlight to energy stored in organic compounds
B) stored in food molecules to energy stored in ATP
C) stored in ATP to energy stored in food molecules
D) stored in ATP to energy used to do work
The nuclear envelope is composed of ________.
A) chromatin
C) a double membrane
D) carbohydrates
People with lactose intolerance do not have enough ________.
A) lactose
B) lactase
C) glucose
D) fructose
The biological species concept cannot be applied to ________.
A) fungi that live on land
B) bacteria that reproduce only asexually
C) complex plants that have flowers
D) animals that use asexual and sexual reproduction
How many oxygen atoms are in the products of the following reaction?
C6H12O6 + 6 H2O + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 12 H2O
A) 18
B) 6
C) 12
D) 24
You try to start your car, but it does not start. Which of these is a hypothesis?
A) My car's battery is dead.
B) If I recharge the battery, then my car will start.
C) My car is too old to function properly.
D) What is wrong with my car?
The ultimate source of the energy in food is ________.
A) the sun
B) producers
D) consumers
In a population that is following a logistic growth pattern, what shape does the
population's growth curve most closely resemble?
A) S
B) J
In the food chain grass → antelope → human → lion, the human is a ________.
A) tertiary consumer
B) secondary consumer
C) primary consumer
D) producer
Consider the following figure, which outlines cloning by nuclear transplantation. Why
does the clone NOT resemble the surrogate mother?
A) The sperm came from a male donor, who would also pass some of his traits to the
B) The embryonic cells are adversely influenced by the surrogate.
C) The DNA for the clone comes from the genetic donor, not the surrogate.
D) The nuclear material from the egg would influence the appearance of the clone.
What accounts for the different breeds of domesticated dogs?
A) overproduction
B) natural selection
C) competition
D) artificial selection
Which of the following effects could result from activation of the sympathetic nervous
A) decreased heart rate
B) stimulated digestive organs
C) secretion of epinephrine
D) narrowing of the bronchi
Please read the paragraph below to answer the following questions.
Jim has become particularly interested in the genetic basis of cancer and has spent
considerable time reading published papers about oncogenes. He learned that as early as
1972 researchers suggested that mutations in proto-oncogenes caused by carcinogens
can convert the proto-oncogenes to oncogenes. He asked you to answer a couple of
questions about this because he did not have a sufficient biology background.
Jim came across an advertisement for an herbal supplement that claimed to cure lung
cancer by targeting precancerous cells in the lungs. If this claim were true, which of the
following is a possible mechanism by which it may act?
A) The supplement would increase mutation rates in proto-oncogenes.
B) The supplement would inhibit the production of tumor suppressor proteins.
C) The supplement would stimulate translation of growth factors
D) The supplement would restrict the transcription of oncogenes.
Blood pressure that is consistently ________ or higher would indicate that you have
A) 120/80
B) 140/90
C) 110/85
D) 100/75
________ believed that use (or lack of use) of body parts enables individual to develop
certain traits that it passes on to its offspring while ________ believed that species are
fixed forms that do not change over time.
A) Aristotle" Lamarck
B) Lamarck" Aristotle
C) Darwin" Aristotle
D) Lamarck" Darwin
What evidence led to Kirk Odom's freedom after being wrongly imprisoned for 30
A) an analysis of blood types from the crime scene
B) an analysis of fingerprints from the crime scene
C) accounts from witnesses
D) an analysis of DNA from the crime scene
Which of the following is NOT a possible use of reproductive cloning?
A) the production of genetically identical mice and rats for experimentation
B) the production of organs in large farm animals for transplant into humans
C) restocking populations of extinct animals such as the wooly mammoth
D) creating stocks of stem cells for human therapeutic use
Examine the figure below. When considering the shaded side of a grass shoot, which of
the following best describes why it bends toward the light?
A) Reduction in auxin levels allows gibberellins to promote cell elongation.
B) Reduction in gibberellin levels allows auxin to promote cell elongation.
C) Increase in auxin levels promotes cell elongation.
D) Increase in auxin levels promotes cell proliferation.
What is the key to the recognition of incomplete dominance?
A) The phenotype of the heterozygote falls between the phenotypes of the
B) The trait exhibits a continuous distribution.
C) The alleles affect more than one trait.
D) The heterozygote expresses the phenotype of both homozygotes.
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Yawning is a reflexive action that is often associated with sleepiness. When a person
yawns, the mouth opens, and a longer than normal breath of air is inhaled, followed by
a longer than normal exhalation. Hypothesizing that yawning has a regulatory
mechanism similar to breathing, scientists conducted an experiment on college students
to test the effect of ambient carbon dioxide levels on yawning.
The structure where the respiratory and digestive systems meet expands during a yawn.
What is the name of this structure?
A) bronchus
B) larynx
C) pharynx
D) trachea
Which of the following is a characteristic seen in prophase I that does NOT occur in
prophase II?
A) Chromosomes move to the middle of the cell.
B) Spindle formation occurs.
C) The number of chromosomes doubles.
D) Crossing over occurs.
What name is given to the functional compartments of a cell?
A) genomes
B) nuclei
C) genes
D) organelles
Please read the paragraph below to answer the following questions.
Jim has become particularly interested in the genetic basis of cancer and has spent
considerable time reading published papers about oncogenes. He learned that as early as
1972 researchers suggested that mutations in proto-oncogenes caused by carcinogens
can convert the proto-oncogenes to oncogenes. He asked you to answer a couple of
questions about this because he did not have a sufficient biology background.
Jim learned that some cancer cells produce more growth-stimulating proteins than
others. What would you give him as a plausible explanation?
A) Tumor suppressor genes may have been activated in these cells.
B) Proto-oncogenes may have mutated to become oncogenes in these cells.
C) Mutations in homeotic genes may be responsible.
D) This may result from vitamin C and vitamin E deficiencies.
Proteins are polymers constructed from ________ monomers.
A) hydrocarbon
B) amino acid
C) nucleotide
D) fatty acid

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