BIOL 43717

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2279
subject Authors Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Peter V. Minorsky, Steven A. Wasserman

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Besides sunlight, which would be the next most important climatic factors for terrestrial
A) wind and fire
B) moisture and wind
C) temperature and wind
D) temperature and moisture
One possible use of transgenic plants is in the production of human proteins, such as
vaccines. Which of the following is a possible hindrance that must be overcome?
A) prevention of transmission of plant allergens to the vaccine recipients
B) prevention of vaccine-containing plants being consumed by insects
C) use of plant cells to translate non-plant-derived mRNA
D) inability of the human digestive system to accept plant-derived protein
For your internship at the local zoo, you have been assigned to help with the new
orangutan-breeding program. Little is known about orangutan reproductive hormones,
but hormone feedback cycles are often the same in closely related animals. You have
been asked to use your knowledge of the interactions of human reproductive hormones
to recommend injections to promote ovulation in a female orangutan when a visiting
male arrives for a brief breeding visit.
Refer to the paragraph on the orangutan breeding program. Which of the following
hormones would you use if you want to induce ovulation in a few days?
A) estradiol (estrogen)
B) progesterone
C) luteinizing hormone (LH)
D) human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
If the kingdom Plantae is someday expanded to include the charophytes (stoneworts),
then the shared derived characteristics of the kingdom will include _____.
1. rings of cellulose-synthesizing complexes
2. chlorophylls a and b
3. alternation of generations
4. cell walls of cellulose
5. ability to synthesize sporopollenin
A) 1 and 5
B) 1, 2, and 3
C) 1, 3, and 5
D) 1, 2, 4, and 5
The membranes of winter wheat are able to remain fluid when it is extremely cold by
A) increasing the percentage of unsaturated phospholipids in the membrane
B) increasing the percentage of cholesterol molecules in the membrane
C) decreasing the number of hydrophobic proteins in the membrane
D) cotransport of glucose and hydrogen
A part of an mRNA molecule with the following sequence is being read by a ribosome:
CCG-ACG (mRNA). The following charged transfer RNA molecules (with their
anticodons shown in the to direction) are available. Two of them can correctly
match the mRNA so that a dipeptide can form.
The dipeptide that will form will be _____.
A) cysteine-alanine
B) proline-threonine
C) glycine-cysteine
D) alanine-alanine
One important difference between the anatomy of roots and the anatomy of leaves is
that _____.
A) only leaves have phloem and only roots have xylem
B) root cells have cell walls and leaf cells do not
C) a waxy cuticle covers leaves but is absent from roots
D) vascular tissue is found in roots but is absent from leaves
E) leaves have epidermal tissue but roots do not
Owls eat rats, mice, shrews, and small birds. Assume that, over a period of time, an owl
consumes 5000 J of animal material. The owl loses 2300 J in feces and owl pellets and
uses 2500 J for cellular respiration. What is the production efficiency of this owl?
A) 0.02%
B) 0.2%
C) 4%
D) 40%
Refer to the treatments listed below to answer the following question(s).
You isolate an infectious substance capable of causing disease in plants, but you do not
know whether the infectious agent is a bacterium, virus, viroid, or prion. You have four
methods at your disposal to analyze the substance and determine the nature of the
infectious agent.
I. Treat the substance with enzymes that destroy all nucleic acids and then determine
whether the substance is still infectious.
II. Filter the substance to remove all elements smaller than what can be easily seen
under a light microscope.
III. Culture the substance on nutritive medium, away from any plant cells.
IV. Treat the sample with proteases that digest all proteins and then determining
whether the substance is still infectious.
If you already know that the infectious agent was either a viroid or a prion, which
method(s) listed above would allow you to distinguish between these two possibilities?
A) I only
B) II only
C) IV only
D) either I or IV
Which of the following membrane activities requires energy from ATP?
A) facilitated diffusion of chloride ions across the membrane through a chloride channel
B) movement of Na+ ions from a lower concentration in a mammalian cell to a higher
concentration in the extracellular fluid
C) movement of glucose molecules into a bacterial cell from a medium containing a
higher concentration of glucose than inside the cell
D) movement of carbon dioxide out of a paramecium
If the sun were to suddenly stop providing energy to Earth, most ecosystems would
vanish. Which of the following ecosystems would likely survive the longest after this
hypothetical disaster?
A) tropical rain forest
B) tundra
C) benthic ocean
D) desert
In rabbits, the homozygous CC is normal, Cc results in deformed legs, and cc results in
very short legs. The genotype BB produces black fur, Bb brown fur, and bb white fur. If
a cross is made between brown rabbits with deformed legs and white rabbits with
deformed legs, what percentage of the offspring would be expected to have deformed
legs and white fur?
A) 25%
B) 33%
C) 100%
D) 50%
When Stanley Miller applied heat and electrical sparks to a mixture of simple inorganic
compounds such as methane, hydrogen gas, ammonia, and water vapor, what
compounds were produced?
A) only simple organic compounds such as formaldehyde and cyanide
B) mostly hydrocarbons
C) only simple inorganic compounds
D) simple organic compounds, amino acids, and hydrocarbons
The activation of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is
associated with _____.
A) resting and digesting
B) release of epinephrine into the blood
C) increased metabolic rate
D) intensive aerobic exercise
Generalized defense responses in organs distant from the infection site are called
A) hyperactive responses
B) systemic acquired resistance
C) pleiotropy
D) hyperplasia
Which of the following uses labeled probes to visualize the expression of genes in
whole tissues and organisms?
B) in situ hybridization
C) DNA microarrays
D) RNA interference
You have discovered an enzyme that can catalyze two different chemical reactions.
Which of the following is most likely to be correct?
A) The enzyme contains α-helices and β-pleated sheets.
B) The enzyme is subject to competitive inhibition and allosteric regulation.
C) Two types of allosteric regulation occur: The binding of one molecule activates the
enzyme, while the binding of a different molecule inhibits it.
D) Either the enzyme has two distinct active sites or the reactants involved in the two
reactions are very similar in size and shape.
What causes the shape of the molecule shown above?
A) the shape of the 2 p orbitals in the carbon atom
B) the shape of the 1 s orbital in the carbon atom
C) the shape of the sp3 hybrid orbitals of the electrons shared between the carbon and
hydrogen atoms
D) hydrogen bonding configurations between the carbon and hydrogen atoms
Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait in humans. Two people with
normal color vision have a color-blind son. What are the genotypes of the parents?
A) XnXn and XnY
B) XNXNand XnY
D) XNXnand XNY
What does the circled part of the phylogenetic tree above indicate?
A) an adaptive radiation
B) a mass extinction event
C) rapid speciation
D) an adaptive radiation and rapid speciation
How many electrons are involved in a double covalent bond?
A) one
B) two
C) three
D) four
If there are 20 centromeres in a cell at anaphase, how many chromosomes are there in
each daughter cell following cytokinesis?
A) 10
B) 20
C) 40
D) 80
Refer to the following figure, which diagrams the reproductive anatomy of the human
female, to answer the question(s) below.
In the above figure, which letter points to the corpus luteum?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
For several decades now, amphibian species worldwide have been in decline. A
significant proportion of the decline seems to be due to the spread of the chytrid fungus,
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Chytrid sporangia reside within the epidermal
cells of infected animals, animals that consequently show areas of sloughed skin. They
can also be lethargic, which is expressed through failure to hide and failure to flee. The
infection cycle typically takes four to five days, at the end of which zoospores are
released from sporangia into the environment. In some amphibian species, mortality
rates approach 100%; other species seem able to survive the infection.
If Bd cannot grow properly at temperatures above 28C (82F), then, assuming the
amphibians can survive, in which time or place should the chytrid infection proceed
most rapidly?
1. cooler months
2. warmer months
3. lower altitudes
4. higher altitudes
A) 1 or 3
B) 1 or 4
C) 2 or 3
D) 2 or 4
Urea is produced in the _____.
A) liver from NH3 and carbon dioxide
B) liver from glycogen
C) kidneys from glycerol and fatty acids
D) bladder from uric acid and water
If you were to view a sample of animal tissue under a light microscope and notice an
extensive extracellular matrix surrounding a tissue, which tissue type would you most
A) connective
B) epithelial
C) nervous
D) striated muscle
Select the pathway that would lead to the activation of cytotoxic T cells.
A) B cell contact antigen → helper T cell is activated → clonal selection occurs
B) body cell becomes infected with a virus → new viral proteins appear → class I
MHC molecule-antigen complex displayed on cell surface
C) complement is secreted → B cell contacts antigen → helper T cell activated →
cytokines released
D) cytotoxic T cells → class II MHC molecule-antigen complex displayed → cytokines
released → cell lysis
A patient is hospitalized with muscle spasms caused by failure of back muscles to relax
after contraction. Which of the following would be most likely to help?
A) Inject calcium into the muscle cell, because it is not being released from the
sarcoplasmic reticulum.
B) Induce tropomycin and troponin to bind to the myosin binding sites on actin.
C) Increase the amount of acetylcholine at the synapses between motor neurons and
muscle cells.
D) Depolarize the motor neurons to send an action potential to the muscle cells.
The following questions are based on the 15 molecules illustrated in the accompanying
figure. Each molecule may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
Which molecule is a saturated fatty acid?
A) 1
B) 5
C) 8
D) 9
The final step in a Sanger DNA sequencing reaction is to run the DNA fragments on a
gel. What purpose does this serve?
A) It adds ddNTP to the end of each DNA fragment.
B) It changes the length of the DNA fragments.
C) It separates DNA fragments based on their charge.
D) It separates DNA fragments generated during the sequencing reaction based on
one-nucleotide differences in their size.
Brown et al. and Morwood et al. reported in 2004 that they had found skeletal remains
of a previously unknown type of hominin, now dubbed Homo floresiensis, on the
Indonesian island of Flores. These hominins were small (approximately 1 meter tall)
with small braincases (approximately 380 cubic centimeters) as compared with other
hominins. The remains of H. floresiensis were found alongside handmade stone tools
and the remains of dwarf elephants that also inhabited the island, suggesting that H.
floresiensis was able both to make tools and to coordinate the hunting of animals much
larger than itself. H. floresiensis is estimated to have lived at the site where the remains
were found from at least 38,000 years ago to 18,000 years ago.
The table above is a comparison of several characteristics of H. floresiensis to those of
nine other hominin species (arranged roughly from oldest to most recent). What do
these data suggest?
A) A large brain is not necessarily required for toolmaking.
B) Body mass and braincase volume are completely unrelated.
C) Hominins first evolved in and then radiated out from Asia.
D) Homo floresiensis is most closely related to Australopithecus afarensis or A.
A researcher introduces double-stranded RNA into a culture of mammalian cells and
can identify its location or that of its smaller subsections experimentally, using a
fluorescent probe.
When she finds that the introduced strand separates into single-stranded RNAs, what
other evidence of this single-stranded RNA piece's activity can she find?
A) She can measure the degradation rate of the remaining single strand.
B) The rate of accumulation of the polypeptide encoded by the target mRNA is reduced.
C) The amount of miRNA is multiplied by its replication.
D) The cell's translation ability is entirely shut down.

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