BIOL 40523

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2860
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Which of the following is NOT true of chlorofluorocarbons?
a. They can destroy ozone.
b. They are odorless.
c. They are a greenhouse gas
d. They break down very slowly.
e. Their action is allowing more UV radiation through the atmosphere.
How many genes are involved in determining skin color?
a. 1.
b. 2.
c. 10.
d. 20.
e. >100.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five types of white cells
listed below.
a. macrophages
b. helper T cells
c. B cells
d. cytotoxic T cells
e. natural killer cells
These cells kill tumor cells but are not B or T lymphocytes.
In the image above, the substance indicated as "B" is a(n)
a. inhibitor.
b. activator.
c. substrate.
d. coenzyme.
e. cofactor.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. a group that includes apes and humans
b. a population of Homo spp. that lived from at least 100,000 to as recently as 30,000
years ago; tool users and artisans
c. the order that includes animals with freely swiveling limbs, mobile grasping digits,
upright body posture, good depth perception, and exquisite neural control
d. organisms in a group that includes New World and Old World monkeys, apes, and
e. an era that began 65 to 63 million years ago; characterized by the evolution of birds,
mammals, and flowering plants
f. an epoch of the Cenozoic lasting from 23.8 million to 5.3 million years ago;
characterized by the appearance of primitive apes
g. an epoch of the Cenozoic lasting from 5.3 million to 1.8 million years ago;
characterized by the appearance of distinctly modern plants and animals
h. bipedal organisms from about 3.2 to 2.3 million years ago, with essentially human
bodies and ape-shaped heads; "Southern Apes"
i. a group including humans and human-like species
Some researchers think H. floresiensis is a more common early human with a genetic or
nutritional disorder. What other early human was thought of this way when their fossils
were first discovered?
a. H. neanderthalensis
b. H. erectus
c. H. sapiens
d. H. ergaster
e. H. habilis
Answer the following questions with reference to the muscles listed below.
a. pectoralis major
b. trapezius
c. quadriceps femoris
d. triceps
e. gastrocnemius
This muscle is located on the upper shoulder.
Match the following letters to the number with which they best correspond.
a. Observation
b. Question
c. Hypothesis
d. Prediction
e. Observational experiment
f. Laboratory experiment
g. Assessment
h. Report
Compile test results and draw conclusions from them.
Match all applicable letters with the appropriate term(s). Letters may be used more than
once, and a term may have more than one letter.
a. tissue that is part of the ground system
b. tissue that is part of the vascular system
c. tissue that is part of the dermal system
d. develops into the vascular cambium
e. leaf's photosynthetic tissues (palisade and spongy) are in this category
f. transports photosynthetic products away from leaves and stem
g. meristematic tissue
h. develops into secondary xylem and phloem
i. transports water and dissolved nutrients up to the stem and leaves
j. replaces the epidermis in plants that undergo secondary growth
k. a single layer of cells that helps control the movement of water and dissolved salts
into the xylem pipeline
l. influence the movement of carbon dioxide into the leaf and movement of water out of
the leaf
m. generally, dead cells that provide support and strength to all three tissue systems
n. ground tissue centrally located within a ring of vascular bundles
Continued exposure to carbon monoxide can cause
a. coma.
b. cardiac arrest.
c. seizures.
d. death.
e. all of these
All of the following are TRUE of adaptive traits EXCEPT
a. they allow individuals to adjust to the environment.
b. they spread faster through populations of asexually reproducing organisms.
c. they spread faster through populations of sexually reproducing organisms.
d. variety results from mixing of the genetic traits.
e. all of these are true.
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. 3n; generally sterile
b. a chromosome segment is permanently transferred to a nonhomologous chromosome
c. (2n - 1); a zygote deprived of a chromosome
d. a repeat of a particular DNA sequence in the same chromosome or in nonhomologous
e. (2n + 1); three chromosomes of the same kind are present in a set of chromosomes
f. a piece of the chromosome is inadvertently left out during the repair process
g. inhibits microtubule assembly; used in karyotyping
h. a chromosome segment that has been cut out and rejoined at the same place, but
Respond to the following statements with reference to the flower parts listed below.
a. megaspore
b. microspore
c. ovule
d. ovary
e. seed
This structure is female and haploid.
What causes the hypocotyl of dicots to straighten?
a. Light.
b. Gravity.
c. Wind.
d. Air.
e. All of these may be involved.
Select the best process listed below for each of the following statements. Note that you
need to know that the sequence of amino acids directly reflects the sequence of genes
that coded for their placement.
a. an inversion
b. a deletion
c. a gene duplication
d. a translocation
e. an addition
A small region of a protein from three species is sequenced and found to be as follows:
species X is alanine, valine, threonine, alanine
species Y is alanine, glycine, threonine, alanine
species Z is alanine, valine, glycine, threonine, alanine
The difference in the amino acid sequence of species Z is most likely due to this.
Which of the following is not a goal of cloning?
a. bring animals back from extinction.
b. form replacement tissues and organs.
c. increase numbers of endangered animals.
d. clone valuable livestock.
e. all of these are goals.
Choose the best matching element.
a. deciphered the mRNA code words
b. RNA-directed synthesis of polypeptide chains
c. sites at which RNA polymerases can bind and initiate transcription
d. binds to small subunit platform of a ribosome
e. guided and catalyzed by RNA polymerases
f. polypeptide chain elongation proceeds independently at each body in this cluster
g. discovered transposons
h. a tRNA triplet opposite a codon
i. a set of three nucleotides
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. rate of forward reaction about equals rate of reverse reaction
b. coenzyme that diffuses freely through the cytoplasm
c. attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bond
d. an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the
pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathway
e. part of an enzyme that binds to the substrate
f. by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathway
g. affects rates of chemical reactions
h. universal energy currency
i. assists in the detoxification of ethanol
j. a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has
been dispersed
During the passage of a nerve impulse,
a. sodium ions pass through gated channels.
b. positive feedback causes more sodium ions to enter the cell.
c. the interior of the cell becomes positive relative to the outside.
d. changing voltage increases the number of open gates.
e. all of these occur.
exocrine glands
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. secretes one hormone that increases the metabolic rate and another that inhibits
calcium release from bone storage sites
b. secrete insulin and glucagon
c. secretes hormones that prepare accessory reproductive structures for reproduction
d. involved in lymphocyte maturation
e. secretes tropic hormones, growth hormone, and prolactin
f. secretes mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
g. in many vertebrates, helps to determine the amount and distribution of dark pigments
in the skin
h. secrete enzymes that help to form angiotensin
i. participates in reproductive physiology and responds to photoperiod change
j. releases oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone into bloodstream
k. secretes a hormone that promotes calcium release from bone storage sites
l. produces oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
m. secretes cholecystokinin, secretin, and gastrin
n. secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
o. secrete pheromones, milk, tears, sweat, and mucus
Use the figure above to answer the following questions.
The letter "C" in the above figure represents
a. transverse.
b. radial.
c. tangential.
d. elliptical.
e. obtuse.
An excitatory postsynaptic potential
a. is only one of several types of graded potential.
b. has a hyperpolarizing effect.
c. will drive the membrane away from its potential.
d. is summed with an inhibitory postsynaptic potential at the input zone of a neuron in a
process known as synaptic integration.
e. is none of these.
Which of the following is NOT TRUE of cystic fibrosis?
a. It produces sticky mucus.
b. It leads to increased bacterial lung infections.
c. The amino acid affected is phenylalanine.
d. It causes insufficient water to leave the cells.
e. All of these are true.
In dry shrublands
a. plants are adapted to episodes of fire.
b. primary production is abundant throughout the year.
c. there are constant cool temperatures throughout the year.
d. winters are mild and summers are wet.
e. precipitation occurs evenly year round.
Cephalization refers to
a. a type of symmetry.
b. a type of segmentation characteristic of lower forms of life.
c. a group of protective cells found in the tentacles of a polyp.
d. a transitional state in the life cycle of a jellyfish.
e. none of these.
a. have nucleoid regions.
b. are unicellular.
c. may have cell walls.
d. are either bacteria or archaeans.
e. are or have all of these.
Which of the following is(are) NOT trend(s) of vertebrate evolution?
a. conversion of the support for locomotion from the notochord to the vertebral column
b. expansion of the nerve cord to form the brain and spinal cord
c. changes in the respiratory system from gills to lungs with accompanying changes in
the circulatory system
d. the development of fewer, more efficient chambers in the heart
e. modification of limbs that allowed for more efficient movement
Genetic engineering started with
a. bacteria.
b. viruses.
c. fungi.
d. plants.
e. animals.
All of the following are true regarding coral reefs EXCEPT that they
a. develop in warm, clear waters near coasts or tropical islands.
b. are found between 25 degrees north and south.
c. are wave-resistant formations.
d. are the least diverse marine ecosystem.
e. consist primarily of secreted calcium carbonate.
Which of the following is associated with mitosis?
a. spore formation
b. somatic cells
c. sexual reproduction
d. sperm and egg
e. germ cells
Crossing over
a. generally results in binary fission.
b. involves centrioles.
c. involves breakages and exchanges between sister chromatids.
d. results in new combinations of alleles being channeled into the daughter cells.
e. does all of these.
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. two pairs of legs per segment
b. tiny, flattened, crawling forms
c. planarians, flukes, tapeworms
d. nematodes
e. snails, squids, clams
f. wheel animals
g. flagellated collar cells present
h. jellyfish and corals
i. crustaceans, ticks, and insects
j. polychaetes, earthworms, leeches
k. sea urchins, sea stars
The most abundant of the circulating white blood cells are the
a. neutrophils.
b. macrophages.
c. mast cells.
d. eosinophils.
e. lymphocytes.
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. cytoplasm apportioned between the two daughter cells
b. final phase of mitosis; daughter nuclei re-form
c. two sister chromatids are joined here
d. chromosomes condense and mitotic spindle begins to form
e. chromosomes line up at spindle equator
f. sister chromatids separate, move to opposite spindle poles
g. about 25 nm in diameter; form mitotic spindle
h. half of a chromosome in prophase
i. in pairs in some eukaryotic cells; move to poles during spindle formation
There is a __________ flow of energy into and out of an ecosystem, and a cycling of
materials among resident species.
In summer, a __________ prevents upper and lower waters from mixing.
In a mitochondrion, a mutation occurs such that the protein responsible for accepting
electrons from FADH2 no longer functions. How many net ATP will this mitochondrion
make in aerobic respiration?
Would the evidence suggest that mitochondria or chloroplasts were the first to go
through endosymbiosis?
Mutations may arise by replication error, __________ activity, or exposure to
environmental hazards.
In horses, black coat color is influenced by the dominant allele (B), and chestnut coat
color by the recessive allele (b). Trotting gait is due to a dominant gene (T), pacing gait
to the recessive allele (t). What color horse would you use to find out the genotype of a
black trotter? Give the genotype and phenotype.
Classically, nature and nurture have been considered as two very separate factors
impacting phenotype. Considering what we have learned of methylation, is this always
the case?
Organic compounds become distributed through a plant by __________.
__________ shifts the range of variation in traits in one direction.
People tend to crave sweet and salty foods, but dislike bitter foods. What is the
evolutionary explanation for this?
Biologists identify __________, which are larger regions characterized by their
physical characteristics as well as the species in them.
Mutations in genes that affect __________ may cause morphological shifts in a lineage.
Shoots and roots consist of __________, __________, and __________ tissue systems.
In garden peas, one pair of alleles controls the height of the plant, and a second pair of
alleles controls flower color. The allele for tall (D) is dominant to the allele for dwarf
(d), and the allele for purple (P) is dominant to the allele for white (p). A tall plant with
white flowers crossed with a dwarf plant with purple flowers produces all tall offspring
with purple flowers. What is the genotype of the parents?
What is the most efficient way to regulate gene expression from the perspective of
cellular resources?

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