BIOL 339

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 976
subject Authors Laurence Steinberg

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1) Among American adolescents, the most frequently mentioned criterion for being an
adult is ________; among Inuit adolescents in the Canadian Arctic, the most important
is ________:
A.getting married; accepting responsibility for oneself.
B.moving in with a prospective mate; supporting oneself financially.
C.accepting responsibility for oneself; the establishment of a marriage-like relationship.
D.being able to support oneself financially; becoming a parent.
2) Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is caused by a parasite?
3) What did the results from longitudinal studies on identity development indicate about
the flexibility of identity statuses?
A.The majority of adolescents who were classified as being in a state of identity
diffusion were no longer classified that way 4 years later.
B.The majority of individuals who had apparently foreclosed the identity development
process were in the midst of an identity crisis 4 years later.
C.A large proportion of individuals who were classified as being in a state of identity
achievement were no longer classified that way at later time-points.
D.All of these statements are based on the results of longitudinal studies.
4) Young people who abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are more likely to
experience all of the following, except:
A.increased popularity.
B.suffer from psychological distress and depression.
C.become involved in dangerous or deviant activities such as crime and truancy.
D.engage in unprotected sexual activities.
5) Approximately how many of today's high school students will have worked in an
after-school job before graduating?
A.a handful
B.about 1 in 2
C.less than 10%
D.the majority
6) According to research presented in the textbook, the expression of intimacy is more
advanced among adolescent girls than among boys. What is a consequence of this
advanced intimacy?
A.Girls' mental health is more positively affected than boys' when things are going well
in relationships
B.Girls' mental health is more negatively affected than boys' when things are going
poorly in relationships.
C.Both A and B are true.
D.Neither A nor B is true.
7) According to the results from the Steinberg and colleagues' study, who would be
most likely to settle for $750 tomorrow than receive $1,000 a year from now?
A.10- to 11-year-olds
B.14- to 15-year-olds
C.16- to 17-year-olds
D.22- to 25-year-olds
8) Ann, a 17-year-old, is still a virgin. If you had to guess, what race/ethnicity is Ann
likely to be?
B.Asian American
C.Native American
9) Mastery motivation is most similar to:
A.intrinsic motivation.
B.mastery motivation.
C.evaluation anxiety.
D.extrinsic motivation.
10) The impact of early maturation on problem behaviors or depression is worse when:
A.adolescents have many stressful life events.
B.have harsh or inconsistent parents. in disadvantaged neighborhoods.
D.All of the above.
11) Based on research addressing ethnic differences in the timing and rate of pubertal
maturation, which American girl would be expected to be the earliest to mature?
A.Brandy, a middle-income Black adolescent
B.Miranda, a middle-income Mexican adolescent
C.Emily, a middle-income White adolescent
D.Kimberly, a middle-income Asian adolescent
12) Of the following adolescents, who will be the most well-adjusted?
A.Mavis, who is a frequent drug user
B.Jennifer, who irrationally and obsessively abstains from drugs and alcohol
C.Vicki, who has experimented with alcohol
D.None of the above.
13) Research testing Elkind's theory of adolescent egocentrism has found that certain
A.peak at age and then drastically decline.
B.may remain present throughout the adolescent and adult years.
C.are virtually a nonexistent phenomenon in adolescence or adulthood.
D. are less prevalent among college students.
14) Almost half of all teenage deaths in the United States are a result of: accidents and other unintentional injuries.
D.sexually transmitted infections.
15) Which parenting characteristic is more prevalent among ethnic minorities?
16) Non-White adolescents are relatively more likely than White adolescents to
experience all of the following, except: be murdered. be physically inactive.
C.suffer from chronic illness.
D.anorexia nervosa.
17) According to the textbook, young adolescents with __________ also report high
levels of anxiety, tension, and adjustment problems.
A.a volatile self-image aggressive parent
C.extremely low self-esteem
D.very few close peers
18) Problems in identity development can result when:
A.earlier crises have not been resolved. adolescent's environment does not allow for a period of foreclosure.
C.the adolescent has to endure a period moratorium.
D.the adolescent has not yet experienced the crisis of generativity.
19) Which of the following statements about adolescents' social communication on the
Internet is most supported by scientific research?
A.Adolescents' online friendships are likely to displace in-person friendships.
B.Most adolescents use the Internet to communicate with people that they have never
met or that they do not see in person.
C.Many adolescents have both positive and negative experiences while socializing on
the Internet.
D.The majority of adolescents have not seen someone post something mean about
someone else on the Internet.

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