BIOL 33677

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2063
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Randomly selecting samples of experimental units from an environment can result in
a. sampling error.
b. blind testing.
c. evidence.
d. experimental design.
e. consensus.
Water is important to the interactions of biological molecules because it
a. promotes hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions.
b. stabilizes temperature.
c. is an excellent solvent for polar and ionic substances.
d. has strong cohesive properties.
e. does all of these.
The dotted areas in the figure above indicate where ____ reactions will occur to
produce ____ and ____.
a. condensation; covalent bonds; hydroxyl ions
b. electron transfer; covalent bonds; water molecules
c. condensation; covalent bonds; water molecules
d. cleavage; covalent bonds; hydrogen ions
e. condensation; ionic bonds; hydrogen ions
Which characteristic seems to be most uniquely correlated with metastasis?
a. loss of nuclear-cytoplasmic controls governing cell growth and division
b. changes in adhesion proteins on membrane surfaces
c. shrinkage of the cytoskeleton
d. increase in blood supply to the tumor
e. none of these
Post-translational control
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. influences the amount and kinds of mRNA assembled from structural genes
b. snipping out of transcript regions; chemical modification of transcript before it
arrives at ribosome control
c. nuclear envelope selectively regulates passage of transcripts
d. phosphorylation of translated protein
e. for example, the interior environmental pH determines whether a protein can act as a
cell catalyst
Human cells require ____ vitamins at a minimum.
a. 5
b. 8
c. 10
d. 13
e. 20
Which of the following is FALSE about camptodactyly?
a. Not all individuals who inherit the allele do express the allele.
b. The condition affects the shape and mobility of fingers.
c. Some individuals have abnormal fingers on only one hand.
d. It is caused by a multiple allele system.
e. Individual differences in the expression of this gene may stem from a variety of
Symptoms of phenylketonuria (PKU) may be minimized or suppressed by a diet low in
a. serine.
b. glycine.
c. phenylalanine.
d. proline.
e. glutamic acid.
The above figure represents
a. cloning with a stem cell.
b. somatic cell nuclear transfer.
c. genetic manipulation of a single gene.
d. microsurgical manipulation of a chromosome.
e. none of these.
Choose the one most appropriate item from its description.
a. a six-carbon sugar
b. found in DNA and RNA
c. principal components of cell membranes
d. affect metabolic reaction rates
Match the cause with the disorder.
a. autosomal recessive inheritance; lactose metabolism is blocked
b. nondisjunction of the twenty-first chromosomal pair
c. X-linked recessive inheritance
d. nondisjunction of the sex chromosomes
Select the best process listed below for each of the following statements. Note that you
need to know that the sequence of amino acids directly reflects the sequence of genes
that coded for their placement.
a. an inversion
b. a deletion
c. a gene duplication
d. a translocation
e. an addition
Homologous sets of genes ABCDEF and AEDCBF are located on homologous
chromosomes. Crossing over between them is suppressed because of this.
Action potentials generated in rod and cone cells are processed and integrated by ____
a. bipolar
b. ganglion
c. lateral geniculate nucleus
d. visual cortex
e. all of these
Which vitamin functions in forming blood clots?
a. A
b. E
c. K
d. B
e. none of these
The secretion of tears, milk, saliva, and earwax is a function of what tissue?
a. epithelial
b. loose connective
c. lymphoid
d. nervous
e. adipose
The persistence of the sickle-cell anemia allele in the African population is the result of
a. a high rate of mutation of the normal allele to the sickle-cell anemia allele.
b. the advantage of the heterozygous form over the homozygous forms.
c. nonrandom mating.
d. a decline in the occurrence of malaria in Africa.
e. genetic drift.
Match all applicable letters with the appropriate term(s). Letters may be used more than
once, and a term may have more than one letter.
a. tissue that is part of the ground system
b. tissue that is part of the vascular system
c. tissue that is part of the dermal system
d. develops into the vascular cambium
e. leaf's photosynthetic tissues (palisade and spongy) are in this category
f. transports photosynthetic products away from leaves and stem
g. meristematic tissue
h. develops into secondary xylem and phloem
i. transports water and dissolved nutrients up to the stem and leaves
j. replaces the epidermis in plants that undergo secondary growth
k. a single layer of cells that helps control the movement of water and dissolved salts
into the xylem pipeline
l. influence the movement of carbon dioxide into the leaf and movement of water out of
the leaf
m. generally, dead cells that provide support and strength to all three tissue systems
n. ground tissue centrally located within a ring of vascular bundles
The thymus plays a role in:
a. glucose metabolism.
b. immune function.
c. skeletal growth.
d. muscular growth.
e. sleep-wake cycles.
Match all applicable letters with the appropriate term(s). Letters may be used more than
once, and a term may have more than one letter.
a. tissue that is part of the ground system
b. tissue that is part of the vascular system
c. tissue that is part of the dermal system
d. develops into the vascular cambium
e. leaf's photosynthetic tissues (palisade and spongy) are in this category
f. transports photosynthetic products away from leaves and stem
g. meristematic tissue
h. develops into secondary xylem and phloem
i. transports water and dissolved nutrients up to the stem and leaves
j. replaces the epidermis in plants that undergo secondary growth
k. a single layer of cells that helps control the movement of water and dissolved salts
into the xylem pipeline
l. influence the movement of carbon dioxide into the leaf and movement of water out of
the leaf
m. generally, dead cells that provide support and strength to all three tissue systems
n. ground tissue centrally located within a ring of vascular bundles
During the Krebs cycle,
a. substrate-level phosphorylation occurs.
b. oxaloacetate is regenerated.
c. electrons and H+ are transferred to coenzymes NAD+ and FAD.
d. molecules of carbon dioxide are formed.
e. all of these occur.
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Gene mutations occur independently of each other.
b. Gene mutations are relatively rare.
c. Ionizing radiation causes chromosomal damage and free radical formation.
d. Mutations are random; that is, it is impossible to predict exactly when a specific gene
will mutate, but an expected frequency can be assigned.
e. All of these are true.
Most of the tallgrass prairies have been converted
a. to grazing lands.
b. for citrus production.
c. to homesteads.
d. to croplands.
e. to vineyards.
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. blending in and being hidden by the background
b. where an organism is generally located in a community
c. one organism benefits at another organism's expense
d. traditionally a self-sustaining array of interacting organisms that is best suited for a
particular environment
e. lichens on newly hardened, newly cooled lava
f. robins and human populations
g. the yucca moth and the yucca
h. one species is eliminated from an area of niche overlap
i. tasty species resembles repugnant one
j. the process that leads from a pioneer community to a mature community
k. natural reforestation of burned-over forest
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. rate of forward reaction about equals rate of reverse reaction
b. coenzyme that diffuses freely through the cytoplasm
c. attachment of a phosphate group by a high-energy bond
d. an excess of end-product molecules alters the shape of the first enzyme in the
pathway and shuts off that metabolic pathway
e. part of an enzyme that binds to the substrate
f. by binding a regulatory molecule, it changes the activity of a metabolic pathway
g. affects rates of chemical reactions
h. universal energy currency
i. assists in the detoxification of ethanol
j. a measure of the degree of energy change after a concentrated form of energy has
been dispersed
active site
Urinalysis can be used to identify all of the following EXCEPT
a. a metabolic problem.
b. prostate cancer.
c. kidney disease.
d. diabetes mellitus.
e. cardiac damage.
Select the best process listed below for each of the following statements. Note that you
need to know that the sequence of amino acids directly reflects the sequence of genes
that coded for their placement.
a. an inversion
b. a deletion
c. a gene duplication
d. a translocation
e. an addition
The nucleotide sequences of homologous regions of DNA of two species are
AATGCCCCGTTA and AATGCCCCGCTTA. If this is not the result of a nucleotide
base-pair addition, then it is most likely the result of this.
Phosphate is introduced to ecosystems via:
a. fertilizers.
b. laundry detergents.
c. dish detergents.
d. all of these.
e. none of these.
The following questions refer to the figure above illustrating the results from
Engelmann's investigation.
According to the figure, the most effective wavelength for photosynthesis occurs in the
algae that are at ____ nanometers.
a. 680
b. 700
c. 400
d. 425
e. 550
Respond to the following statements with reference to the four glands or structures of
the mammalian gastrointestinal tract listed below.
a. salivary glands
b. stomach mucosa
c. intestinal mucosa
d. pancreas
The fat-digesting enzyme, lipase, is formed there.
Conduction from node to node
a. occurs only in the central nervous system.
b. is a rapid type of nerve conduction.
c. occurs between nerves and muscles.
d. involves the "jumping" of impulses.
e. is a rapid type of nerve conduction and involves the "jumping" of impulses.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. discovered that the hereditary system of one strain of bacteria could be transformed
by the hereditary system from another strain of bacteria
b. first to discover DNA and isolate it from fish sperm
c. discovered that DNA-digesting enzymes prevented bacterial transformation
d. the first to build an accurate model of DNA and to describe it explicitly in a
e. the first to demonstrate, through the use of radioactive isotopes, that DNA, not
protein, is the genetic material
f. provided two important clues to the structure of DNA; one clue is that A = T and the
other is that C = G
g. discovered the structure of collagen
h. obtained excellent X-ray diffraction photographs that suggested that DNA was a
long, thin molecule with regularly repeating units
Tracheids and vessels
Choose the most appropriate answer response for each question.
a. responsible for opening and closing of stomata
b. mouthpart of an aphid
c. pipelines of the xylem
d. a mutually beneficial association between a fungus and a young root
e. structures on roots that house nitrogen-fixing bacteria
f. pipelines of the phloem
g. evaporation from stems and leaves
h. actively transport sucrose into sieve tubes
i. eudicot plants that tend to establish symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing
j. transport of organic molecules from source region to sink
k. a waxy band that forces water to diffuse through cells

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