BIOL 24512

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1966
subject Authors Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Peter V. Minorsky, Steven A. Wasserman

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A person with a tidal volume of 450 mL (milliliters), a vital capacity of 4000 mL, and a
residual volume of 1000 mL would have a potential total lung capacity of _____.
A) 1450 mL
B) 4000 mL
C) 4450 mL
D) 5000 mL
Examine the digestive system structures in the figure above. The highest rate of nutrient
absorption occurs at location_____.
A) 1
B) 4
C) 5
D) 8
A particular species of protist has obtained a chloroplast via secondary endosymbiosis.
You know this because the chloroplasts _____.
A) have nuclear and cyanobacterial genes
B) are exceptionally small
C) have three or four membranes
D) have only a single pigment
You want to study divergence of populations, and you need to maximize the rate of
divergence to see results within the period of your grant funding. You will form a new
population by taking some individuals from a source population and isolating them so
the two populations cannot interbreed. What combination of characteristics would
maximize your chance of seeing divergence in this study?
1. Choose a random sample of individuals to form the new population.
2. Choose individuals from one extreme to form the new population.
3. Choose a species to study that produces many offspring.
4. Choose a species to study that produces a few, large offspring.
5. Place the new population in the same type of environment as the source population.
6. Place the new population in a novel environment compared to that of the source
A) 1, 3, and 6
B) 1, 4, and 6
C) 2, 3, and 5
D) 2, 3, and 6
Phagocytosis of microbes by macrophages is enhanced by _____.
I) the binding of antibodies to the surface of microbes
II) antibody-mediated agglutination of microbes
III) the release of cytokines by activated B cells
A) only I and II
B) only II and III
C) only I and III
D) I, II, and, III
Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the lack of a filter blocking
the passage of alcohol between the maternal and fetal circulations in humans?
A) There has not been enough time to evolve such a barrier.
B) Such a barrier would probably also block important molecules that need to be passed
to the fetus.
C) The maternal and fetal blood mix directly together in an area with many villi, so a
barrier is impossible.
D) Alcohol has some positive effects on the fetus, so evolution has resulted in an
intermediate level of filtering that blocks all but the worst abuses of alcohol.
Use the survivorship curves in the figure below to answer the following questions.
Refer to the figure above. Which curve best describes survivorship in marine molluscs?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) E
Which of the following is most likely true of a protein that cotransports glucose and
sodium ions into the intestinal cells of an animal?
A) Sodium and glucose compete for the same binding site in the cotransporter.
B) Glucose entering the cell down its concentration gradient provides energy for uptake
of sodium ions against the electrochemical gradient.
C) Sodium ions can move down their electrochemical gradient through the
cotransporter whether or not glucose is present outside the cell.
D) A substance that blocks sodium ions from binding to the cotransport protein will also
block the transport of glucose.
The first cavity formed during frog development is the _____.
A) blastopore
B) mouth
C) blastocoel
D) anus
Generalized global air circulation and precipitation patterns are caused by _____.
A) rising, warm, moist air masses that cool and release precipitation as they rise and
then, at high altitude, cool and sink back to the surface as dry air masses after moving
north or south of the tropics
B) air masses that are dried and heated over continental areas that rise, cool aloft, and
descend over oceanic areas followed by a return flow of moist air from ocean to land,
delivering high amounts of precipitation to coastal areas
C) polar, cool, moist high-pressure air masses from the poles that move along the
surface, releasing precipitation along the way to the equator, where they are heated and
D) the revolution of Earth around the sun
Compared to wetland mammals, water conservation in mammals of arid regions is
enhanced by having more _____.
A) juxtamedullary nephrons
B) urinary bladders
C) ureters
D) podocytes
When the beta cells of the pancreas release insulin into the blood, _____.
A) the skeletal muscles and the adipose cells take up glucose at a faster rate
B) the liver catabolizes glycogen
C) the alpha cells of the pancreas release glucose into the blood
D) the kidneys begin gluconeogenesis
Telomere shortening is a problem in which types of cells?
A) only prokaryotic cells
B) only eukaryotic cells
C) cells in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
In prokaryotes new mutations accumulate quickly in populations, while in eukaryotes
new mutations accumulate much more slowly. The primary reasons for this are
A) Prokaryotes have short generation times and large population sizes.
B) Prokaryotes have random mutations while eukaryotes can target genes for mutations;
thus mutations may not accumulate as quickly in eukaryotes but they are more useful to
the organism.
C) The DNA in prokaryotes is not as stable as eukaryotic DNA and is thus more likely
to mutate.
D) Prokaryote mutations are less effective than eukaryote mutations in providing
variation for evolution.
A researcher introduces double-stranded RNA into a culture of mammalian cells and
can identify its location or that of its smaller subsections experimentally, using a
fluorescent probe.
Some time later, she finds that the introduced strand separates into single-stranded
RNAs, one of which is degraded. What does this enable the remaining strand to do?
A) attach to histones in the chromatin
B) bind to complementary regions of target mRNAs
C) activate other siRNAs in the cell
D) bind to noncomplementary RNA sequences
The final electron acceptor associated with photosystem I is _____.
A) oxygen
B) water
During aerobic respiration, electrons travel downhill in which sequence?
A) glucose → NADH → electron transport chain → oxygen
B) glucose → pyruvate → ATP → oxygen
C) glucose → ATP → electron transport chain → NADH
D) food → glycolysis → citric acid cycle → NADH → ATP
In mammalian eggs, the receptors for sperm are found in the _____.
A) fertilization membrane
B) egg plasma membrane
C) cytosol of the egg
D) mitochondria of the egg
Normal hemoglobin is a tetramer, consisting of two molecules of β hemoglobin and two
molecules of α hemoglobin. In sickle-cell disease, as a result of a single amino acid
change, the mutant hemoglobin tetramers associate with each other and assemble into
large fibers. Based on this information alone, we can conclude that sickle-cell
hemoglobin exhibits _____.
A) only altered primary structure
B) only altered tertiary structure
C) only altered quaternary structure
D) altered primary structure and altered quaternary structure; the secondary and tertiary
structures may or may not be altered
Yeast cells that have defective mitochondria incapable of respiration will be able to
grow by catabolizing which of the following carbon sources for energy?
A) glucose
B) proteins
C) fatty acids
D) Such yeast cells will not be capable of catabolizing any food molecules, and
therefore, will die.
The only vertebrates in which blood flows directly from respiratory organs to body
tissues without first returning to the heart are the _____.
A) amphibians
B) fishes
C) mammals
D) reptiles
In which of the following ways do plant hormones differ from hormones in animals?
A) Plant hormones most often travel in air as a gas.
B) Animal hormones are only local regulators.
C) Plant hormones are typically released into the soil.
D) Animal hormones are primarily for mating and embryonic development.
While sampling marine plankton in a lab, a student encounters large numbers of
fertilized eggs. The student rears some of the eggs in the laboratory for further study
and finds that the blastopore becomes the mouth. The embryo develops into a
trochophore larva and eventually has a true coelom. These eggs probably belonged to
a(n) _____.
A) echinoderm
B) mollusc
C) nematode
D) arthropod
A system at chemical equilibrium _____.
A) consumes energy at a steady rate
B) releases energy at a steady rate
C) has zero kinetic energy
D) can do no work
Which of the following investigators was (were) responsible for the following
In DNA from any species, the amount of adenine equals the amount of thymine, and the
amount of guanine equals the amount of cytosine.
A) Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
B) Oswald Avery, Maclyn McCarty, and Colin MacLeod
C) Erwin Chargaff
D) Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl
Imagine that there are twenty-five different species of protists living in a tide pool.
Some of these species reproduce both sexually and asexually, and some of them can
reproduce only asexually. The pool gradually becomes infested with disease-causing
viruses and bacteria. Which species are more likely to thrive in the changing
A) the sexually reproducing species
B) the asexually reproducing species
C) Sexually and asexually reproducing species are equally likely to thrive.
Suppose a young boy is always tired and fatigued, suffering from a metabolic disease.
Which of the following organelles is most likely involved in this disease?
A) lysosomes
B) Golgi apparatus
C) ribosomes
D) mitochondria
The larvae of some insects are merely small versions of the adult, whereas the larvae of
other insects look completely different from adults, eat different foods, and may live in
different habitats. Which of the following is most directly involved in the evolution of
these variations in metamorphosis?
A) artificial selection of sexually immature forms of insects
B) changes in the homeobox genes governing early development
C) the evolution of meiosis
D) the origin of a brain
Which of the following graphs illustrates the population growth curve of single
bacterium growing in a flask of ideal medium at optimum temperature over a two-hour
The following questions refer to the generalized life cycle for land plants shown in the
figure below. Each number within a circle or square represents a specific plant or plant
part, and each number over an arrow represents either meiosis, mitosis, or fertilization.
In the figure above, the process labeled "6" involves _____.
A) mitosis
B) meiosis
C) fertilization
D) binary fission
Nudibranchs, a type of predatory sea slug, can have various protuberances (that is,
extensions) on their dorsal surfaces. Rhinophores are paired structures, located close to
the head, which bear many chemoreceptors. Dorsal plummules, usually located
posteriorly, perform respiratory gas exchange. Cerata usually cover much of the dorsal
surface and contain nematocysts at their tips.
The antennae of insects have a function most similar to that of _____.
A) rhinophores
B) dorsal plummules
C) cerata
D) chemoreceptors

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