BIOL 227 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 769
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the basal nuclei
a) plan and coordinate voluntary muscle activity.
b) provide the general pattern and rhythm for movements such as walking.
c) coordinate sensory information.
d) control the secretions of the pituitary gland.
e) control respiration and blood pressure.
2) which ascending tract carries the sensations for fine touch and vibration?
a) corticobulbar
b) corticospinal
c) posterior (dorsal) column
d) spinothalamic
e) spinocerebellar
3) a resting muscle generates most of its atp by
a) hydrolysis of creatine phosphate.
b) anaerobic respiration.
c) aerobic metabolism of fatty acids.
d) glycogenolysis.
e) the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
4) in a mature human spermatozoan,
a) the acrosome is next to the flagellum.
b) the midpiece contains the chromosomes.
c) the tail contains the mitochondria.
d) the head contains 23 chromosomes.
e) the head is diploid.
5) the foramen magnum is found in the ________ bone.
a) frontal
b) parietal
c) sphenoid
d) occipital
e) temporal
6) blood from the brain returns to the heart through the ________ vein.
a) vertebral
b) azygos
c) innominate
d) internal jugular
e) external jugular
7) the adult human trachea is about ________ in diameter and contains ________
tracheal cartilages.
a) 1.0 cm; 15-20
b) 1.0 cm; 10-15
c) 2.5 cm; 15-20
d) 2.5 cm; 40-50
e) 4.5 cm; 60-80
8) after entering the arm, the axillary artery becomes the ________ artery.
a) radial
b) ulnar
c) brachial
d) subclavian
e) digital
9) if the pacemaker cells in the sa node become more permeable to potassium ions, the
a) heart rate will increase.
b) heart rate will decrease.
c) cells will depolarize.
d) cells will hyperpolarize.
e) heart rate will decrease and cells will hyperpolarize.
10) immunoglobulins, formed of five subunits, that are the first antibodies to be
produced in response to infection, are
a) iga.
b) igd.
c) ige.
d) igg.
e) igm.
11) the interlobular septa divide the lungs into
a) lobes.
b) pulmonary lobules.
c) alveolar sacs.
d) vital capacity and residual volume.
e) visceral pleura and fibrous trabeculae.
figure 23-2 mechanics of ventilation
what is the relationship between the pressures at label "3"?
a) p outside = p inside
b) p outside > p inside
c) p outside < p inside
d) p outside + p inside
e) p outside - p inside
13) which of the following descriptions matches the term near the left fifth intercostal
a) pericardial cavity
b) visceral pericardium
c) apex of heart
d) aorta
e) right atrium
14) the thick muscular layer of the uterus is the
a) endometrium.
b) perimetrium.
c) myometrium.
d) uterometrium.
e) sarcometrium.
15) the frequency of a perceived sound depends on
a) the frequency of stereocilia vibration.
b) the number of hair cells that are stimulated.
c) which part of the cochlear duct is stimulated.
d) the movement of perilymph in the cochlear duct.
e) the frequency of vibration of the tectorial membrane.
16) for adults there are ________ essential amino acids.
a) 2
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10
e) 20
17) external respiration involves the
a) movement of air into and out of the lungs.
b) diffusion of gases between the alveoli and the circulating blood.
c) exchange of dissolved gases between the blood and the interstitial fluid.
d) binding of oxygen by hemoglobin.
e) utilization of oxygen by tissues to support metabolism.
18) histamine increases blood flow and vascular permeability. this would account for all
of the following changes that occur during inflammation, except
a) redness of the inflamed tissue.
b) chemotaxis of phagocytes.
c) heat of the inflamed tissue.
d) movement of defense proteins and cells into the interstitial space.
e) swelling of the inflamed tissue.
19) the end products of aerobic respiration are
a) carbon dioxide, water, and energy (atp).
b) pyruvic acid and carbon dioxide.
c) carbon dioxide and alcohol.
d) oxygen and water.
e) nadh and fadh2.
20) about two-thirds of the body fluid is within cells and is termed ________ fluid.
a) intracellular
b) intercellular
c) extracellular
d) interstitial
e) vital

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