BIOL 190

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 620
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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Lipoproteins that are formed within the intestinal epithelium to transfer dietary fats into
circulation are called
A) chylomicrons.
B) very-low-density lipoproteins.
C) intermediate-density lipoproteins.
D) low-density lipoproteins.
E) high-density lipoproteins.
In the condition known as erythema, the skin takes on a ________ color.
A) reddish
B) bluish
C) greenish
D) yellowish
E) grayish
What symptoms would you expect to see in a patient with damage to the basal nuclei?
A) inability to process thoughts in a rational way
B) visual problems
C) facial tics
D) problems in rhythmic movements related to skeletal muscles
E) anger problems
Amino acids are transferred to the ribosome to be incorporated into a growing
polypeptide chain by
A) aRNA.
B) mRNA.
C) rRNA.
D) tRNA.
E) pRNA.
The olfactory receptors are highly modified
A) epithelial cells.
B) interneurons.
C) sensory neurons.
D) motor neurons.
E) fibrocytes.
The three kinds of formed elements in blood are erythrocytes, leukocytes, and
A) lymphocytes.
B) platelets.
C) phagocytes.
D) plasma cells.
E) mast cells.
How many chromosomes do human somatic cells contain?
A) 12
B) 23
C) 46
D) 92
E) 6
Figure 26-2 The Nephron
Where does countercurrent multiplication occur?
A) 6
B) 5
C) 4
D) 3
E) 2
Figure 21-2 Veins
Identify the vein labeled "8."
A) superior vena cava
B) brachiocephalic
C) axillary
D) external jugular
E) subclavian
The ________ is a region of dense bone that surrounds and protects the membranous
A) sella turcica
B) ossicle
C) auditory canal
D) membranous labyrinth
E) bony labyrinth
All of the following are true of olfactory pathways except which one?
A) They project first to the occipital lobes and then to the thalamus.
B) Neurons from the olfactory epithelium synapse in the olfactory bulb.
C) Information flows to the olfactory cortex, hypothalamus, and limbic system.
D) They reach the forebrain without first synapsing in the thalamus.
E) The limbic system-olfactory pathway connection means that there are close ties
between experiences and memories with smell.
Veins of the upper arm include all of the following veins except the
A) basilic.
B) cephalic.
C) brachial.
D) ulnar.
E) There are no exceptions.
False ribs have cartilage directly connected to the cartilage of true ribs and are thus
called ________ ribs.
A) chondroxiphoidal
B) vertebrosternal
C) sternocostal
D) chondrocostal
E) vertebrochondral
The first teeth to appear are the ________ teeth.
A) provisional
B) transitory
C) transitional
D) temporary
E) deciduous
Pancreatic juice enters the small intestine at the
A) hepatic duct.
B) ileocecal valve.
C) duodenal papilla.
D) pyloric sphincter.
E) cystic duct.
A thickened area of scar tissue that is covered by a shiny, smooth epidermal surface is
called a
A) keloid.
B) contusion.
C) hematoma.
D) psoriasis.
E) sclerotome.
The blood vessel that supplies blood to the cerebral arterial circle from the posterior is
the ________ artery.
A) basilar
B) middle cerebral
C) vertebral
D) internal carotid
E) posterior cerebral
A receptor that contains many mechanically-gated ion channels would function best as
A) tactile receptor.
B) chemoreceptor.
C) photoceptor
D) thermoreceptor.
E) light receptor.

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