BIO 88873

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1599
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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Birds and crocodiles share which of the following characteristics?
a. ectothermy (body temperature regulated by environment)
b. body hair
c. four-chambered heart
d. lung design
e. light-weight bones
Muscle spindle
Even though there may be more than one correct letter response to some numbered
items, discriminate and "juggle" so that you have the one BEST response for each.
a. cells that nurture and support neurons
b. a hyperpolarizing event
c. a neuron cannot propagate an action potential at this time
d. Acetylcholine or GABA
e. interneuron in brain or spinal cord
f. establishes basis of resting membrane potential
g. sheathed muscle cells that contain receptors
h. input
i. integrator cell between sensory and motor
j. modified dendrite of a sensory neuron
k. a depolarizing event
l. output
m. muscle or gland
n. produced by a Schwann cell
o. cluster of cell bodies outside the CNS
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. dissipates excess vibrational energy to the middle ear
b. contains the organ of Corti
c. separates the outer and middle ears
d. membrane-covered gateway to inner ear
e. consists of tissue containing rods and cones
f. bone in middle ear
g. peak height and valley depth of sound waves are its basis
h. maintain balance and position; detect acceleration
i. depends on the number of wave cycles per second
j. a substance that elicits a response in members of the same species
k. regulates size of pupil and amount of incoming light
Which of the following is NOT true of euglenoids?
a. Many move by pseudopods.
b. Many contain chloroplasts.
c. Many absorb nutrients from their environment in a heterotrophic manner.
d. Their cell body is surrounded by a pellicle.
e. They use a contractile vacuole to maintain water balance.
Which of the following is NOT involved in nitrogen fixation?
a. breaking triple bonds
b. production of ammonia
c. production of NO3
d. production of NH4
e. All of these are involved in nitrogen fixation.
Which of the following is not a tool used by animals to migrate?
a. Star position.
b. The Earth's magnetic field.
c. Olfactory landmarks.
d. Sun position.
e. All of these are used.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five biomes listed below.
a. tundra
b. chaparral
c. desert
d. taiga
e. deciduous forest
Plants in this biome are adapted to periodic fires.
China's population control policies have resulted in a(n)
a. sharp decrease in its total fertility rate.
b. shift in its gender ratio.
c. increase in the abortion of female fetuses.
d. ratio of 1.19 males for every female.
e. all of these.
Which stage of development involves initial cellular reorganization?
a. gamete formation
b. fertilization
c. gastrulation
d. organ formation
e. tissue specialization
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five kinds of behavior listed
a. imprinting
b. sexual selection
c. learned behavior
d. defense behavior
e. altruism
The extreme variation in plumage observed among the males of various species of
ducks is thought to be due to __________.
Which of the following is(are) fixed action pattern(s)?
a. A baby garter snake captures and eats a slug.
b. A chick's gaping mouth induces a feeding response in a parent bird.
c. A European cuckoo hatchling pushes the host bird's egg out of the nest.
d. A male fruit fly waves his wings at a female fruit fly during courtship.
e. All of these are fixed action patterns.
medulla oblongata
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. flexible windpipe reinforced with cartilage
b. surrounds each lung
c. oxygen-rich form of a respiratory protein
d. contains two true vocal cords
e. alter chest cavity volume
f. part of the brainstem; controls breathing
g. throat passage behind the mouth
h. inhalation and exhalation
i. connect trachea to lungs
j. flaplike structure that points upward allowing air to enter trachea, but blocks the
larynx during swallowing
k. contraction increases thoracic volume
l. microscopically small pockets lined with moist epithelium
Which process is absolutely necessary for asexual cellular reproduction to occur in
a. prokaryotic fission
b. Mitosis
c. Meiosis
d. Cytokinesis
e. growth factor activation
The CAM pathway
a. involves only the Calvin-Benson cycle
b. involves only the C4 cycle
c. is used by plants in humid regions
d. is also known as photorespiration
e. needs day and night for completion
The gritty substance you may feel on your teeth after using toothpaste is actually
a. small deposits of sand.
b. diatomaceous earth.
c. cellulose from dinoflagellates.
d. a synthetic abrasive.
e. derived from foraminiferans.
The following are chemical functional groups that may be part of a biologically active
molecule. Answer the questions by matching the items with the most appropriate group.
a. -COOH
b. -CH3
c. -NH2
d. -OH
f. -PO4
g. -CHO
The group on the carboxyl-terminal end of proteins
The following are basic building blocks of biopolymers. Match the building blocks with
the statements below.
a. amino acid
b. glucose
c. glycerol
d. fatty acid
e. nucleotide
The basic unit of starch
The boreal forests of North America are dominated by
a. spruce, fir, and pine.
b. redwoods and sequoia.
c. birch and aspen.
d. long-leaf and loblolly pines.
e. cedars and junipers.
Some genes encoding proteins that are essential to the survival of the organism are
called highly conserved sequences. Which of the following is an example of one of
these proteins?
a. cytochrome b
b. muscle structural proteins
c. carbohydrate hydrolyzing genes
d. skin pigmentation
e. keratin
Which of the following is the genetic condition observed in the middle person from the
above figure?
a. Huntington disease
b. acondroplasia
c. triple recessive condition
d. galactosemia
e. all of these
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. rate at which energy becomes stored in organic compounds through photosynthesis
b. total amount of solar energy stored in organic compounds during photosynthesis
c. a straight-line sequence of steps by which chemical bond energy moves to higher
trophic levels
d. the potential chemical energy remaining (after aerobic respiration by autotrophs) that
can be passed on to other trophic levels
e. DDT in the environment
f. a kind of plant that increases soil nitrogen content
g. particles of organic waste products, dead, or partly decomposed tissues
The per capita growth rate (r) is ____ per mouse per month in a population of 1,000
mice where 500 mice are born and 400 mice die monthly.
a. 0.1
b. 0.2
c. 0.3
d. 0.4
e. 0.5
The stomata
a. open at night in most plants.
b. are open when the guard cells are swollen with water.
c. close when water moves into the guard cells.
d. are covered by the cuticle to reduce water loss.
e. fit all of these descriptions.
Which of the following is the proper sequence for mitosis?
a. I, III, IV, II
b. I, II, III, IV
c. III, I, IV, II
d. IV, I, III, II
e. III, IV, I, II
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four source tissues of plant
roots listed below.
a. primary meristem
b. ground meristem
c. pericycle
d. vascular cambium
This tissue gives rise to secondary phloem and xylem.
Which of the following is NOT found in every nucleotide?
a. ribose
b. a phosphate group
c. a single-ring base
d. a double-ring base
e. nitrogen
The effect of resource availability on population size determines
a. the carrying capacity of the environment.
b. exponential growth.
c. the doubling time of a population.
d. the population's biotic potential.
e. all of these.
The earliest humans used tools to
a. assist in locomotion.
b. provide protection.
c. facilitate the processing of food.
d. ward off predators.
e. construct shelters.
The last intermediate produced in the Krebs cycle before the entry of the next
acetyl-CoA is
a. pyruvate.
b. acetyl-CoA.
c. fructose bisphosphate.
d. oxaloacetate.
e. citrate.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five endocrine glands listed
a. adrenal cortex
b. ovary
c. pineal
d. parathyroid
e. thymus
This gland secretes a hormone that prepares and maintains the uterus for pregnancy.
Pili may do all of the following EXCEPT
a. help cells attach to surfaces.
b. function in reproduction.
c. extend from the cell surface.
d. be transferred between cells.
e. function in cell locomotion.

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