BIO 875

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 699
subject Authors Sylvia Mader

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1) the northern copperhead is agkistrodon contortrix contortrix, the southern
copperhead is agkistrodon contortrix mokasen, and the cottonmouth is agkistrodon
piscivorous. therefore,
a. all are subspecies of agkistrodon.
b. they are three distinct species.
c. the copperheads are subspecies and the cottonmouth is a separate species.
d. they are all the same species.
2) isolating mechanisms that prevent reproductive attempts or make it unlikely that
reproductive attempts will be successful are referred to as
a. prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms.
b. a lack of f2 fitness.
c. postzygotic isolating mechanisms.
d. two of theseare correct.
e. none of the above.
3) identify the correct pairing of respiratory disorders and symptoms.
a. common cold - sneezing, runny nose and a mild fever.
b. asthma - coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.
c. pneumonia - bronchi are filled with fluid and pus causing coughing and difficulty
d. pulmonary tuberculosis - lung cells build tissues around the invading bacterium
causing the elasticity of the lungs to decrease.
e. all of the pairings of respiratory disorders and symptoms are correct.
4) while we are sitting down to lunch we are consuming _______ energy which will
then be converted into ______ energy as we work until dinner time.
a. potential, kinetic
b. kinetic, potential
c. kinetic, free
d. potential, stored
5) oxygen production in photosynthesis involves all of the following except
a. photosystem one.
b. photosystem two.
c. splitting of water.
d. light reactions.
6) in which model of evolution are many transitional forms predicted?
a. punctuated equilibrium
b. gradualistic
c. neither punctuated equilibrium or gradualistic.
d. both punctuated equilibrium and gradualistic.
7) which of the following variables would support the damage accumulation theory of
a. harmful metabolites accumulate over our lifetime.
b. protein fibers become cross-linked as we age.
c. poor diet and exposure to the sun lead to cellular damage.
d. none of these support the damage accumulation theory of aging
e. all of these support the damage accumulation theory of aging
8) which of the following features is not one of the key features that led to the success
of the arthropods?
a. segmented body.
b. exoskeleton.
c. brain and a ventral nerve cord.
d. contain a variety of respiratory organs.
e. all are features that made arthropods successful.
9) hypoparathyroidism leads to a dramatic drop in blood calcium, which causes
a. lethargy and hair loss.
b. tetany (convulsions).
c. sleepiness.
d. mental retardation.
e. cretinism.
10) amphibians were the dominant animal life during the ________ period.
a. jurassic
b. carboniferous
c. devonian
d. silurian
e. cambrian
11) plant roots function to
a. anchor the plant.
b. store the products of photosynthesis.
c. produce hormones that stimulate stem growth.
d. all of the choices are plant root functions.
12) which of the following structures would be impacted by a bacterial infection of the
inner ear?
a. semicircular canal, cochlear nerve, malleus, and vestibular nerve
b. semicircular canal, tympanic membrane, ear lobe, and vestibular nerve
c. auditory canal,cochlear nerve, malleus, and vestibular nerve
d. pinna, stapes, vestibule, and cochlear nerve
13) the only heterotrophs required in an ecosystem are
a. omnivores.
b. herbivores.
c. decomposers.
d. autotrophs.
e. carnivores.
14) what molecule is used to anaerobically regenerate atp?
a. adp
b. glucose
c. lactate
d. creatine phosphate
e. tropomyosin
15) what structure of the spinal cord carries motor impulses from the brain?
a. ventral root
b. dorsal root
c. dorsal root ganglion
d. dorsal horn
16) which of the following respiratory disorders might be cured in the future through
the use of gene therapy?
a. cystic fibrosis
b. emphysema
c. lung cancer
d. asthma
e. pulmonary fibrosis

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