BIO 87001

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 1888
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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The primary producers for hydrothermal vent ecosystems are
a. chemoautotrophs.
b. chemoheterotrophs.
c. phytoplankton.
d. cyanobacteria.
e. algae.
The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis
a. fix carbon dioxide.
b. release oxygen.
c. cannot occur in light.
d. generate ATP.
e. do all of these.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the types of connective tissue
listed below.
a. loose connective tissue
b. dense connective tissue
c. adipose
d. cartilage
e. blood
This tissue plays a particularly important role in the thermoregulation of many marine
operant conditioning
Choose the one most appropriate response for each. Some letters may not be used.
a. studied nest decorating behavior in birds
b. imprinting in goslings
c. capacity of an animal to complete complex, stereotyped responses to first-time
encounters with key stimuli
d. problem solving without trial-and-error
e. behavior is modified by experience
f. voluntary behavior is modified in response to consequences of that behavior
g. communal display ground
h. occurs during a sensitive period in which a following response or social attachment
becomes fixed on a particular moving object
i. self-sacrificing behavior
The form of RNA that carries the code from DNA to the site of protein assembly is
a. messenger RNA.
b. nuclear RNA.
c. ribosomal RNA.
d. transfer RNA.
e. structural RNA.
The elimination of resident bacterial populations is
a. beneficial to animals.
b. beneficial to opportunistic pathogens.
c. difficult because they are resistant to antibiotics.
d. unlikely because of their large numbers.
e. all of these.
Which of the following is not an impact of acid rain?
a. It stops fish egg development
b. It can burn foliage.
c. It releases toxins in the soil.
d. It causes eutrophication
e. It can kill adult aquatic organisms
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five components of mammalian
blood listed below.
a. red blood cells
b. basophils
c. platelets
d. albumin
This blood component contains hemoglobin.
During the third stage of aerobic respiration, electrons and hydrogen ions released by
the reactions of the first two stages are picked up by
a. photosynthetic enzymes and ATP.
b. CO2 and H2O
c. iron and glucose.
d. NAD+ and FAD.
e. none of these.
The mature male gametophyte is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. E.
Blood velocity is slowest in the
a. arteries.
b. arterioles.
c. capillaries.
d. venules.
e. veins.
Scientists are always thinking about ways to improve experimental design. In the text's
potato chip experiment, which of these might do so?
a. show a different movie
b. exclude teenagers as group members
c. collect uneaten chip remains and weigh them for both groups
d. provide free drinks
e. use a smaller theater
Accommodation involves the ability to
a. change the sensitivity of the rods and cones by means of neurotransmitters.
b. change the curvature of the cornea.
c. change the thickness of the lens by contracting or relaxing certain muscles.
d. adapt to large changes in light intensity.
e. do all of these.
Select the best choice for the following statements in reference to the five classes listed
a. Cartilaginous fishes
b. Bony fishes
c. Amphibians
d. Reptilians
Members of this class have cartilaginous skeletons but also possess jaws.
Labeling. The following statements refer to the figure below showing the general body
plan of a plant.
The plant parts ABOVE the line at "C" represent the
a. ground tissue only.
b. root system.
c. shoot system.
d. stalk.
e. light-independent parts.
Which of the following is NOT produced in the synthesis (light-independent) reactions?
b. phosphoglyceric acid (PGA)
c. phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGAL)
d. glucose
e. ribulose bisphosphate
A taste bud is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. A and B.
e. none of these; they are olfactory receptors.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. a condensed X chromosome
b. protein that combines with DNA all along its length
c. attaches or detaches from operator to regulate transcription
d. portion of the operon that binds RNA polymerase
e. gene capable of inducing cancerous transformations
f. genes controlling the development of the body plan
g. the mutated form is associated with breast cancer
h. binding sites on DNA where certain regulatory proteins increase transcription rates
Nephridia are
a. circulatory organs.
b. respiratory organs.
c. excretory organs.
d. endocrine organs.
e. part of the nervous system.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. discovered that the hereditary system of one strain of bacteria could be transformed
by the hereditary system from another strain of bacteria
b. first to discover DNA and isolate it from fish sperm
c. discovered that DNA-digesting enzymes prevented bacterial transformation
d. the first to build an accurate model of DNA and to describe it explicitly in a
e. the first to demonstrate, through the use of radioactive isotopes, that DNA, not
protein, is the genetic material
f. provided two important clues to the structure of DNA; one clue is that A = T and the
other is that C = G
g. discovered the structure of collagen
h. obtained excellent X-ray diffraction photographs that suggested that DNA was a
long, thin molecule with regularly repeating units
The global pattern of air circulation begins at
a. the equator.
b. 30 degrees north latitude.
c. 30 degrees south latitude.
d. 60 degrees north latitude.
e. 60 degrees south latitude.
Glycogen is a polysaccharide used for energy storage by
a. animals.
b. plants.
c. protistans.
d. bacteria.
e. archaea.
The red algae are classified as
a. rhodophytes.
b. chlorophytes.
c. phaeophytes.
d. bryophytes.
e. pterophytes.
Blanks "C" and "D" should be labeled respectively
a. in; large
b. in; small
c. out; large
d. out; small
e. none of these
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five hormones listed below.
a. estrogen
b. luteinizing hormone
c. somatotropin
d. oxytocin
e. antidiuretic hormone
The kidneys are the target for this hormone.
a. yield less energy per gram than do carbohydrates.
b. include cartilage and chitin.
c. include fats consisting of one fatty-acid molecule and three glycerol molecules.
d. are composed of monosaccharides.
e. are none of these.
The images above are an example of
a. mimicry.
b. display behavior.
c. warning coloration.
d. chemical defenses.
e. camouflage.
The above figure is a photomicrograph of what kind of tissue?
a. cardiac muscle
b. skeletal muscle
c. nerve tissue
d. cartilage
e. dense connective
How many chromosomes does each somatic cell have in a human male who has two X
a. 12
b. 23
c. 24
d. 46
e. 47
Hemostasis is
a. a four phase process to clot blood in the veins.
b. a three phase process to clot and seal wounds.
c. a process of leukemia formation.
d. a type of anemia.
e. none of these.
The structure indicated by the letter "B" above represents
a. actin.
b. myofibril.
c. myosin.
d. myofilament.
e. muscle fiber.
Which of the following is(are) NOT a factor(s) that explain(s) the area effect on island
a. Larger islands have more habitats.
b. Smaller islands have more varied and higher elevations.
c. Larger islands intercept more colonizers.
d. Smaller islands have less complex topography.
e. None of these are factors.
Glucose is absorbed through the membranes of the small intestine primarily by
a. osmosis.
b. bulk flow.
c. transport proteins.
d. endocytosis.
e. facilitated diffusion.
__________ are chordates with a braincase of cartilage or bone.
components of cytoskeleton
The characteristic ____________of a radioisotope allows us to determine the age of
rocks and fossils using a technique called __________.
large intestine
Birds are evolved from reptiles, but also differ dramatically. List features of birds that
differentiate them from most reptiles?
__________ stop fluid from leaking across an epithelium.
The spinal cord runs through the vertebral column and connects with the brain through
the __________.
adrenal glands
Red blood cells, also known as __________, contain the hemoglobin that functions in
rapid transport of oxygen and, to a lesser extent, carbon dioxide.
In a certain breed of chicken, an incomplete dominant gene controls color. The
homozygous black, when crossed with the homozygous splashed-white, produces an
intermediate gray color pattern referred to as blue. A second gene controls the shape of
the comb. The dominant allele (R) produces rose, whereas the recessive allele (r)
produces single. Give the F1 and F2 genotypic and phenotypic ratios of a cross between
a pure-breeding black single and a pure-breeding splashed-white rose.
__________ include conifers, cycads, ginkgos, and gnetophytes.
The bipolar spindle is composed of __________.
Light suppresses secretion of __________ by the pineal gland in the brain.
__________ immunity specifically targets billions of different antigens.
Red-green color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait. Two normal-vision parents
have a color-blind son. Indicate the genotype and phenotype of each parent and the son.
Eudicot embryos transfer nutrients from endosperm to their two __________.

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