BIO 837 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 597
subject Authors Sylvia Mader

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1) marine annelids (polychaetes) are different than earthworms in that polychaetes
a. lack the setae that earthworms have.
b. have paddle-like parapodia that earthworms do not have.
c. have segments, whereas marine annelids do not.
d. lack a larval form, whereas earthworms have a larvae form.
e. marine annelids have a well developed coelom, whereas earthworms do not.
2) the first fossil evidence of vascular tissue is seen in the
a. green algae.
b. tracheophytes.
c. rhyniophytes.
d. bryophytes.
e. tree ferns.
3) which group of vertebrates will lack a pulmonary circuit?
a. fish
b. frogs
c. birds
d. annelids
e. mammals
4) which of the following plants is an example of a cam plant?
a. cactus
b. corn
c. rice
d. wheat
e. oak tree
5) the universal regulatory mechanism in eukaryotes for controlling gene expression
a. control of the genes transcribed and the rate they are transcribed.
b. control of the processing of mrna after it is transcribed from dna but before it leaves
the nucleus, and control of the rate it leaves the nucleus.
c. control of mrna in the cytoplasm after it leaves the nucleus, including changes to
mrna before translation begins.
d. control of polypeptides after they have been synthesized but before they are
e. all of these mechanisms are used; there is no single universal mechanism.
6) which carbohydrate is found in the cell walls of plants?
a. starch
b. chitin
c. cellulose
d. glycogen
e. glycerol
7) "red tides" are produced by massive blooms of
a. archaeplastids.
b. chromalveolates.
c. excavates.
d. amoebozoans.
e. rhizarians.
8) which of the following protozoans is mismatched with the disease that it causes?
a. trypanosoma bruceisleeping sickness
b. trichomonas vaginalisvaginitis and urethritis
c. entamoeba histolyticaamoebic dysentery
d. giardia lambliamalaria
9) as a cell increases in size, the:
a. surface area increases as the volume decreases.
b. surface area, volume and surface area volume ratio increases.
c. surface area and volume increase, but the surface area: volume ratio decreases.
d. surface area and volume decreases the surface area: volume ratio increases.
10) the photoreceptors of the eye are located in the
a. retina.
b. optic nerve.
c. choroid layer.
d. sclera.
e. organ of corti.
11) which statement is not true about covalent bonds?
a. covalent bonds form when an electron is completely lost or gained from an atom.
b. a covalent molecule contains one or more covalent bonds.
c. a single covalent bond is drawn as a line between two atoms.
d. a pair of electrons is shared between two atoms for each covalent bond.
e. shared electrons allow an atom to complete its outer electron shell in a covalent
12) which of the following is not a simple fruit?
a. peach
b. pea
c. rice
d. pineapple
13) why does semen contain alkaline secretions?
a. alkaline secretions are less viscous and the sperm can swim better.
b. the female vagina is acidic and thus not a favorable environment for sperm.
c. sperm are only able to use fructose under alkaline conditions.
d. the ph of semen has no significance.

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