BIO 641 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 925
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) scarring of the rete testis would interfere with a man's ability to
a) secrete testosterone.
b) regulate spermatogenesis.
c) ejaculate.
d) produce an alkaline semen.
e) deliver spermatozoa to the epididymis.
2) the pituitary hormone that triggers the release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid
gland is
a) tsh.
b) acth.
c) fsh.
d) lh.
e) gh.
3) in comparison to a vessel with a large diameter, a vessel with a small diameter has
a) less resistance to blood flow.
b) the same amount of pressure as resistance.
c) a greater resistance to blood flow.
d) a higher blood pressure.
e) a greater blood flow.
figure 12-2 the nerve action potential
what is occurring at the area labeled #4?
a) an inhibitory stimulus has occurred.
b) chemically-gated potassium channels have opened.
c) excessive potassium has diffused out causing hyperpolarization.
d) sodium ions have been pumped out of the neuron.
e) excessive depolarization of the axon has occurred.
5) liver cells respond to growth hormone by releasing hormones called
a) gonadotrophins.
b) prostaglandins.
c) hepatic hormones.
d) somatomedins.
e) glucocorticoids.
6) an obstruction of the common bile duct often results in
a) undigested fat in the feces.
b) a decrease in production of pancreatic juice.
c) inability to digest protein.
d) cirrhosis of the liver.
e) hepatitis.
7) if bile ducts are blocked,
a) more bilirubin appears in the plasma.
b) bilirubin appears in the saliva.
c) more hemolysis takes place.
d) more red blood cells are produced.
e) more white blood cells are produced.
8) the "atomic weight" of an atom reflects the average number of
a) protons.
b) neutrons.
c) electrons.
d) protons + neutrons.
e) protons + neutrons + electrons.
9) the principal cations in our body fluids are ________ and ________.
a) sodium; potassium
b) calcium; magnesium
c) sodium; calcium
d) chloride; bicarbonate
e) sodium; chloride
10) all of the following statements are true, except one. identify the exception.
a) the rotator cuff functions to limit the range of movements of the shoulder joint.
b) the shapes of the articulating surfaces within the joint help prevent movement in a
particular direction and strengthen and stabilize the joint.
c) the tighter two bones are held together within a joint, the stronger the joint.
d) the more movement a joint allows, the stronger the joint.
e) the tension produced by muscle tendons surrounding a joint help stabilize the joint.
11) the carpus contains ________ bones.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
e) 8
12) the ________ muscle is the strongest jaw muscle.
a) lateral pterygoid
b) digastric
c) pterygoid
d) medial pterygoid
e) masseter
13) obesity is defined as a body weight more than ________ percent above the ideal
body weight for an individual.
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20
e) 30
14) the bones of the forearm, or ________, consist of the radius and ulna.
15) each of the following factors will increase cardiac output, except
a) increased venous return.
b) increased parasympathetic stimulation.
c) increased sympathetic stimulation.
d) increased heart rate.
e) increased force of contraction.
16) each of the following will lead to a decrease in blood pressure, except
a) release of renin.
b) decrease in blood volume.
c) decreased peripheral resistance.
d) increased levels of anp (atrial natriuretic peptide).
e) decreased levels of aldosterone.
17) a midsagittal section of the body would pass through the
a) kidney.
b) lung.
c) heart.
d) spleen.
e) leg.
18) in the renal corpuscle, the glomerular epithelium is a layer of specialized cells
a) glomerulocytes
b) juxtaglomerular cells
c) tubular cells
d) macula densa cells
e) podocytes
19) the plasma membrane of an axon is called the ________.
20) multiple arteries joined in order to serve a single capillary network are called
21) successive vertebrae articulate at facets on the inferior articular processes of the
superior vertebra and facets on the ________ of the adjacent inferior vertebrae.
22) the maintenance of normal volume and composition of extracellular and
intracellular fluids is vital to life. list and briefly describe the kinds of homeostasis
23) regions of the cns where neuron cell bodies dominate constitute the ________
24) the ________ is the plasma concentration at which a specific compound will begin
appearing in the urine.

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