BIO 592 Midterm 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 987
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) immunity that results from antibodies that pass through the placenta from mother to
fetus is called ________ immunity.
a) active
b) naturally acquired passive
c) passive
d) auto
e) innate
2) mary is 50 years old and has entered menopause. during a checkup, a bone scan
reveals the beginnings of osteoporosis. her physician suggests nutritional therapy. what
might she recommend for her patient?
a) vitamin c
b) vitamin d
c) calcium supplements
d) dairy products
e) all of the answers are correct.
3) in order to determine the ldl level in a patient's blood it is necessary to measure
a) total cholesterol level.
b) hdl level.
c) triglyceride level.
d) triglyceride and monoglyceride levels.
e) total cholesterol level, hdl level, and triglyceride level.
4) oppositely charged ions in solution are prevented from combining by
a) heat capacity of water.
b) hydration spheres.
c) water's nonpolar nature.
d) free radicals.
e) hydrogen bonding.
5) which of the following is/are needed to form a triglyceride molecule?
a) 3 glycerol molecules
b) 1 glycerol molecule
c) 3 fatty acid molecules
d) 3 glycerol molecules and 3 fatty acid molecules
e) 3 fatty acid molecules and 1 glycerol molecule
figure 23-2 mechanics of ventilation
what is the relationship between the pressures at label "8"?
a) p outside = p inside
b) p outside > p inside
c) p outside < p inside
d) p outside + p inside
e) p outside - p inside
7) the ________ divides the aorta into the thoracic aorta and the abdominal aorta.
a) pericardium
b) mediastinum
c) diaphragm
d) peritoneum
e) pleura
8) a fracture at the ankle involving both lower leg bones is often called a ________
a) compression
b) pott
c) displaced
d) greenstick
e) colles
9) pinealocytes produce
a) msh.
b) fsh.
c) lh.
d) melanin.
e) melatonin.
figure 11-1 major anterior skeletal muscles
identify the muscle labeled "19"
a) external oblique
b) internal oblique
c) rectus abdominis
d) iliacus
e) linea alba
11) the hyoid bone is suspended by ________ ligaments.
a) sutural
b) styloid
c) hyoid
d) stylohyoid
e) sternocleidomastoid
12) the spinal tract that relays information concerning crude touch and pressure to the
cns is the
a) fasciculus gracilis.
b) fasciculus cuneatus.
c) posterior spinocerebellar.
d) lateral spinothalamic.
e) anterior spinothalamic.
13) the pylorus empties into the
a) ileum.
b) colon.
c) cecum.
d) jejunum.
e) duodenum.
14) when two monosaccharides undergo a dehydration synthesis,
a) two new monosaccharides are formed.
b) a disaccharide is formed.
c) a polysaccharide is formed.
d) a starch is formed.
e) hydrolysis occurs.
15) a threshold stimulus is the
a) depolarization necessary to cause an action potential.
b) peak of an action potential.
c) hyperpolarization of an axon.
d) resting potential.
e) electrical current that crosses the synaptic cleft.
16) parasympathetic ganglia that are near the eyes and salivary glands are called
________ ganglia.
17) write out the term for trna.
18) immunoglobulins that are found on the surface of b cells and may activate antibody
production are
a) iga.
b) igd.
c) ige.
d) igg.
e) igm.
19) the ________ of the mitochondrion contains large-diameter pores that are
permeable to ions and small organic molecules such as pyruvic acid.
a) inner membrane
b) plasma membrane
c) outer membrane
d) matrix
e) cristae
20) the secondary dentition usually comprises ________ teeth.
21) the ________ is the amount of blood in a ventricle after it has contracted and before
it begins to refill.
22) what would happen if the dorsal root of a spinal nerve were completely transected?
23) according to the food pyramid, there are ________ basic food groups.
24) physicians often ask for urine samples collected over a 24-hour period, rather than a
single sample. why?
25) a(n) ________ ________ (two words) is a direct connection between an arteriole
and a venule.
26) the flap-like structure that prevents food from entering the larynx is called the
27) masses of insoluble material that are sometimes found in cytosol are known as
28) a person who has difficulty comprehending and using written language suffers from
the disorder known as ________.

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