BIO 58401

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1812
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Which of the following is hydrophilic?
A) cellulose
B) testosterone
C) butter
D) cholesterol
Seeds develop from ________.
A) carpels
B) anthers
C) ovules
D) ovaries
The sum total of all the chemical reactions that occur in organisms is called ________.
A) hydrolysis
B) cellular synthesis
C) conservation of energy
D) metabolism
Beryllium's atomic mass is 9, and its atomic number is 4. How many neutrons are found
in a beryllium atom?
A) 9
B) 13
C) 4
D) 5
What is gestation?
A) conception
B) fertilization
C) development
D) pregnancy
A(n) ________ is an example of a mollusc that does not have a shell.
A) octopus
B) snail
C) spider
D) oyster
In most developing countries, ________.
A) birth rates equal death rates, so the population is fairly stable
B) birth rates are lower than death rates, so the population is declining
C) birth rates are lower than death rates, so the population is growing rapidly
D) birth rates are much higher than death rates, so the population is growing rapidly
Please read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Michigan's Isle Royale is an island located in Lake Superior that is 45 miles long and 9
miles wide. Ecologists estimate that the moose population on the island has been there
since around 1900. The wolf population on the island, on the other hand, has been there
only since the winter of 1949. Weather conditions had to be calm and cold enough for
the lake to freeze and the first wolves to make the passage over to the island. When the
wolves arrived, they were greeted with a large moose population that had no predators.
The moose population was at a dangerously high level, but was kept in check by the
arrival of the wolves. This "harmonious" pattern continued for at least 20 years.
In 1982, the wolf population suddenly crashed. The problem was a new canine virus.
This virus surfaced around the world in 1978 and spread rapidly in about 6 months.
Infected animals can survive, but they have to be treated immediately. Ecologists
hypothesized that the virus arrived on the island carried on the shoe of a human traveler.
The wolf population decreased from 50 to 14 individuals in a year. While the wolf
population dropped, the moose population increased. However, the winter of 1996 was
extremely harsh and the moose population experienced a major crash. More than 500
animals died during the winter months, reducing the population to less than 800
During a 1-year study, a graduate student attempted to count the wolves and moose on
the island. He estimated that there were 950 moose and 120 wolves. How many
organisms, populations, and species were included in this study?
A) organisms = 2; populations = 1; species = 2
B) organisms = 1,070; populations = 1; species = 2
C) organisms = 2; populations = 2; species = 1,070
D) organisms = 1,070; populations = 2; species = 2
According to the theory of endosymbiosis, which organelles evolved from small
prokaryotes that established residence within other, larger prokaryotes?
A) vacuoles and lysosomes
B) Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum
C) centrioles and ribosomes
D) mitochondria and chloroplasts
What compound directly provides energy for cellular work?
A) C6H12O6
B) glucose
D) fat
Please read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
The last few miles of the marathon are the most difficult for Heather. Her hair is
plastered to her head, sweat clings to her arms, and her legs feel as if they had nothing
left. Heather grabs a cup of ice water. The ice cubes smash against her nose as she gulps
some cool refreshment and keeps on running. Then a breeze kicks up and she finally
feels some coolness against her skin. Drops of sweat, once clinging to her forehead,
now spill down, and Heather feels a stinging as the sweat flows into her eyes.
Why did the sweat on Heather's forehead and arms form drops?
A) because of the high salt content of sweat
B) because of the cohesive nature of water
C) because of the ability of water to moderate heat
D) because of the high evaporative cooling effect of water
The table below shows experimental data from poultry scientists. Examine the table to
answer the following questions.
Oviposition time, egg weight, chicken hatch weight and hatch weight/egg weight from
young and mid-age broiler breeder flocks.
Which hypothesis were the poultry scientists likely testing?
A) The time of egg laying (oviposition) has an impact on egg weight.
B) Bigger eggs result in larger mature chickens.
C) Young hens have a harder time laying eggs than do older hens.
D) Egg weight is related to the weight of the hatchling (newly hatched chick).
Which gland requires the element iodine to produce its hormones?
A) thyroid
B) pineal
C) anterior pituitary
D) ovary
What would happen if an embryo failed to secrete HCG?
A) The maternal elements of the placenta would fail to develop.
B) The fetal elements of the placenta would fail to develop.
C) Neural tube formation would not occur, and the embryo would not have a brain.
D) The embryo would be aborted.
An mRNA is expressed that begins with the sequence AUGCCAGGCGUC. Using the
genetic code below, determine what peptide will be translated from this mRNA.
A) Met Pro Gly Val
B) Met Gly Pro Val
C) Pro Met Val Gly
D) Val Gly Pro Met
Which of the following describes the delivery of pollen to the stigma?
A) fertilization
B) double fertilization
C) germination
D) pollination
If body cells have too few receptors for insulin, ________.
A) the insulin level is likely to decrease
B) the blood glucose level may rise to abnormal levels
C) the liver will need to break down more glycogen
D) more glucagon will be needed
Trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoan that feeds on white blood cells and bacteria living
on the cells lining the female human vagina, thereby creating a common sexually
transmitted disease often known as "trich."The feeding mechanism of this protozoan
makes it a ________.
A) parasite
B) autotroph
C) producer
D) mixotroph
Which of these biomes is one of the most biologically productive of all biomes?
A) open oceans
B) estuaries
C) temperate grasslands
D) coniferous forests
Examine the evolutionary relationships represented in the following figure. Based upon
this diagram, the two most closely related species are ________.
A) leopards and striped skunks
B) leopards and European otters
C) European otters and coyotes
D) coyotes and wolves
The first electron acceptor of cellular respiration is ________.
A) CO2
B) O2
D) H2O
What name is given to the following reaction?
galactose + glucose → lactose + water
A) hydrolysis
B) hydrogenation
C) glycolysis
D) dehydration
________ are seedless vascular plants.
A) Ferns
B) Angiosperms
C) Bryophytes
D) Gymnosperms
Which of the following is the usual trigger for seed germination?
A) water
B) warm temperatures
C) oxygen
D) sunlight
You are given the task of confirming the categorization of a newly discovered animal
that has been tagged as a species of annelid. What evidence would convince you that it
is indeed an annelid and not a roundworm or flatworm?
A) an incomplete digestive tract
B) a highly branched gastrovascular cavity
C) parasitic feeding habits
D) body segmentation
An atom with an electrical charge is a(n) ________.
A) isotope
B) molecule
C) ion
D) compound
Which of the following is NOT a result of global warming?
A) changes in the breeding seasons of some species
B) increased forest clearing for agricultural purposes
C) melting permafrost
D) shifts in the ranges of some species
Which of the following mechanisms helps prevent gastric juice from digesting the
stomach lining?
A) mucus coating the inside surface of the stomach
B) contractions of the stomach constantly moving chyme into the small intestine
C) the continuous secretion of gastric juice
D) the inactivation of pepsin by hydrochloric acid
Asexual reproduction ________.
A) creates individuals with unique combinations of genes
B) generates enormous genetic variation
C) is an effective way for animals to expand their population quickly and exploit an
available environment
D) provides greater adaptability to changing environments
A farmer decides she wants to grow certified organic corn and sets out to meet all
USDA standards to do so. Her crop grows well for the first 3 years; however, she
notices during the 4th and 5th years that plants are getting smaller and producing much
less corn. She has not altered farming practices and begins to wonder what is
happening. She remembers someone mentioning planting peanuts every 3rd year in
place of a corn crop, which leads to much healthier corn. Why would a farmer want to
change to a different crop, especially something like peanuts?
A) Planting a legume like peanuts increases water retention in the soil, allowing the
following year's corn crop to thrive.
B) Crop rotation with a legume like peanuts will increase nitrogen in the soil, reducing
the need for chemical fertilizer.
C) Planting a legume like peanuts increases the available carbon in the soil.
D) Changing from corn to peanuts, a legume, allows the soil to "rest" for a year.
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Yawning is a reflexive action that is often associated with sleepiness. When a person
yawns, the mouth opens, and a longer than normal breath of air is inhaled, followed by
a longer than normal exhalation. Hypothesizing that yawning has a regulatory
mechanism similar to breathing, scientists conducted an experiment on college students
to test the effect of ambient carbon dioxide levels on yawning.
When a person exhales to complete a yawn, what happens?
A) The rib muscles contract.
B) The diaphragm contracts.
C) The rib muscles act in the same way that they do in an inhalation.
D) The diaphragm relaxes.

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