BIO 54846

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 2053
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Cones are more sensitive to light than rods.
B) Rods can distinguish color.
C) There are three different types of cones in the human eye.
D) The human retina is completely covered with photoreceptors.
________ were the first plants that did not require water for transferring sperm to eggs.
A) Bryophytes
B) Gymnosperms
C) Ferns
D) Angiosperms
In the following reaction, what type of bond is holding the two atoms together?
K+Cl → K+ + Cl− → KCl
A) hydrophilic
B) ionic
C) hydrophobic
D) covalent
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
In some zoos, rare crosses between a male lion and a female tiger have produced hybrid
offspring called "ligers." Male ligers are sterile but some female ligers are fertile. In the
wild, lion and tiger ranges do not naturally overlap, making such a cross unlikely.
Furthermore, the solitary behavior of tigers and the social organizations of lions create
behavioral differences.
The natural differences in the ranges of wild tigers and lions is an example of
A) a prezygotic barrier
B) a postzygotic barrier
C) the impact of mutations
D) sympatric speciation
Over time, the populations of most species ________.
A) fluctuate
B) increase rapidly, crash, and never recover
C) continuously increase
D) exhibit boom-and-bust cycles
Please read the paragraph below to answer the following questions.
Jim has become particularly interested in the genetic basis of cancer and has spent
considerable time reading published papers about oncogenes. He learned that as early as
1972 researchers suggested that mutations in proto-oncogenes caused by carcinogens
can convert the proto-oncogenes to oncogenes. He asked you to answer a couple of
questions about this because he did not have a sufficient biology background.
Jim learned that viruses can sometimes cause cancer and wants to know why. You tell
him that ________.
A) a human cell can acquire a tumor-suppressor gene from a virus
B) a human cell can acquire a proto-oncogene from a virus
C) a human cell can acquire an oncogene from a virus
D) some viruses are passed from mother to child and cause "inherited" cancers
One function of this organ system is ________.
A) excretion of urea
B) production of gametes
C) protection of the body
D) thermoregulation
Humans are composed of ________ cells.
A) bacterial
B) eukaryotic
C) plant
D) prokaryotic
________ are the mammalian group that lays eggs.
A) Eutherians
B) Tunicates
C) Monotremes
D) Marsupials
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
In the late 1800s, Charles Darwin and his son Francis conducted the first experiments
on phototropism. Several years later, their work was furthered by Peter Boysen-Jensen,
Arpad Paal, and Frits Went. Peter Boysen-Jensen separated the tip of grass shoots from
the rest of the plant using either tiny blocks of agar (a gelatin) or a mica wafer (an
impervious rock). Like the Darwins, Boysen-Jensen noticed that the grass did not grow
toward a light without its tips. However, when he separated the tip from the rest of the
plant using agar, the grass would grow toward a light. The grass would not grow toward
a light if the tip of the shoot was separated using a mica wafer. Arpad Paal cut off the
tips of grass shoots that were growing in the dark. He placed these cut tips back on the
shoots, but with only part of the tip covering the cut surface, and found that the plants
grew, in the dark, in the opposite direction from the side with the tip covering it. Lastly,
Frits Went removed the tips of many grass shoots and placed them on a large block of
agar for a few hours. Then, he cut up the agar block, and was able to make grass shoots
without any tips at all grow toward a light by putting these agar blocks on the cut
surfaces of the shoots (i.e., no tips were placed back on the shoots, only the agar).
If Wents placed his agar blocks only halfway on the cut surfaces of grass shoots with
their tips removed, what should he have observed?
A) The grass shoot would not grow toward a light.
B) The grass shoot would grow toward a light when the agar block was on the side of
the grass that was facing the light.
C) The grass shoot would grow toward a light when the agar block was on the side of
the grass that was shaded from the light.
D) The grass shoot would grow toward a light no matter which direction the light was
coming from.
One of your best friends loves to run long distances. You ask her what she enjoys about
running. In addition to good physical fitness, she tells you that after a run she feels extra
happy. You suspect that her joy might be related to increased production of ________
by the anterior pituitary gland.
A) endorphins
B) releasing hormones
C) prolactin
D) adrenalin
An individual with the blood group genotype LMLN has the phenotype MN. What is the
relationship between the LM and LN alleles?
A) codominance
B) pleiotropy
C) LN is dominant
D) incomplete dominance
The light reactions are generally presented in zig-zag patterns, as shown in the
accompanying figure. What is the significance of the primary electron receptor shown
at position 2 being slightly higher than the primary electron receptor shown at position
A) The electron that has been accepted gains energy as it leaves the primary electron
receptor at 2 and heads to the primary electron receptor at position 3.
B) The primary electron receptor at 2 has slightly less energy than the primary electron
receptor at position 3.
C) The primary electron receptor at position 2 comes before the primary electron
receptor at position 3.
D) Since electrons have given off energy in the electron transport chain, they can be
boosted higher by the second photosystem.
Answer B
Digestion is ________.
A) the absorption of nutrients
B) the breakdown of food into small nutrient molecules that the body can absorb
C) the churning of food in the stomach and intestine
D) eating
Which of the following is NOT a potential impact of ocean acidification?
A) Decreasing H+ concentrations
B) Coral bleaching
C) Changes in metabolism of marine animals
D) Increasing carbonic acid concentrations
Please refer to the following art to answer the following questions.
How many times must the Calvin cycle turn for the plant cell to be able to produce one
molecule of glucose?
A) one
B) two
C) three
D) six
Recent scientific studies of the impact of microbiota on the amount of fat versus lean
body mass (i.e., body composition) are described in your text. How do those studies
illustrate the importance of microbiota communities in our bodies?
A) If transferred to lean humans, intestinal microbiota of obese humans will cause
B) If transferred to obese humans, intestinal microbiota in lean humans will cause
exaggerated obesity.
C) The studies suggest that mice are an unreliable model organism to use for studies of
human intestinal microbiota and obesity.
D) The studies suggest that intestinal microbiota may be involved in regulating our
digestive processes.
The prokaryotic group that tends to inhabit extreme environments belongs to ________.
A) Protista
B) Archaea
C) Euglena
D) Bacteria
Which of these factors operates on populations in a density-dependent manner?
A) blizzard
B) volcanic eruption
C) food supply
D) flood
Species that exhibit an equilibrial life history typically ________.
A) have long lives
B) exhibit a Type III survivorship curve
C) exhibit a Type II survivorship curve
D) have a large number of offspring
When in its life cycle does a B cell first exhibit its particular surface antigen receptor?
A) after the memory cell giving rise to it divides
B) before it ever encounters an antigen
C) after it encounters several antigens
D) after it encounters a single antigen
The original source of genetic variation that serves as the raw material for natural
selection is ________.
A) mutation
B) gene flow
C) geographic isolation
D) random fertilization
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Avian influenza is a viral infection that naturally occurs in wild birds with few
damaging effects. However, avian influenza is highly contagious and can quickly kill
domesticated birds. Some human influenza viruses are similar to the avian influenza.
People infected with avian influenza develop typical flu symptoms (fever, cough,
muscle aches). However, symptoms may become more severe and life-threatening. If
avian influenza evolves into a form that is easily transmissible from person to person, a
global pandemic of widespread human death might occur.
One way to prevent a global pandemic of avian influenza would be to ________.
A) keep large doses of histamine available to treat anyone who shows signs of infection
B) treat any infected birds with large doses of antibiotics
C) develop a vaccine against the avian influenza virus
D) develop drugs that could effectively block anaphylactic shock
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is a hormone that ________.
A) helps to regulate the female menstrual cycle
B) stimulates general body growth
C) raises blood glucose levels
D) regulates hair growth and skin growth
When two solutions that differ in solute concentration are placed on either side of a
selectively permeable membrane, and osmosis is allowed to take place, the water will
A) exhibit a net movement to the side with lower water concentration
B) exhibit a net movement to the side with higher water concentration
C) exhibit a net movement to the side with lower solute concentration
D) exhibit an equal movement in both directions across the membrane
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A) Rainforests regenerate slowly and cannot sustain slash-and-burn clearing.
B) Humans depend on plants for food, wood, and medicines.
C) Only a fraction of plant species have been tested as potential medicine sources.
D) Local knowledge of rainforest plant communities has no impact on the production of
new medicines.
________ store the information necessary to produce proteins.
A) Lysosomes
B) Genes
C) Ribosomes
D) Carbohydrates
What accounts for the similarity between seaweeds and plants?
A) Plants are the ancestors of seaweeds.
B) convergent evolution
C) evolutionary fitness
D) Seaweeds are aquatic plants.
Water-storing plants and deeply rooted shrubs are plants that characterize ________.
A) tropical forests
B) chaparral
C) deserts
D) savanna
The lac operon is shown in the accompanying figure. Answer the following question
after reviewing the figure. The lac operon is usually in the ________ position and is
activated by ________.
A) on... the repressor
B) off... lactose
C) off... the repressor
D) on... the promoter
A photoautotrophic unicellular organism with a shell made of silica is most likely a(n)
A) apicomplexan
B) foram
C) dinoflagellate
D) diatom
________ the direct source of energy for cells.
A) Fats are
B) Glucose is
C) ATP is
D) Amino acids are
Which of the following constitute the shoot system of a plant?
I) leaves
II) stems
III) roots
A) I only
B) I and II
C) II and III
D) I, II, and III

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