BIO 51611

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 2405
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Which one of the following is most similar to the mechanism of an enzyme inhibitor?
A) keeping someone from parking by parking in their designated spot
B) driving the wrong way on a one-way street
C) forgetting to put a cap back on a pen
D) changing the tires on a car
The best definition of a purebred plant is one that ________.
A) cannot be cross-fertilized
B) self-fertilizes to produce offspring identical to the parent
C) produces sterile offspring when cross-fertilized
D) self-fertilizes to produce hybrid offspring
In what way(s) is the science of biology influencing and changing our culture?
A) by helping us understand the relevance of evolution to human health
B) by revealing how mutations in genes can lead to disease
C) by providing new tools for forensic investigations
D) all of the above
Trace the path of a red blood cell in a circuit that takes it from the capillary bed of the
right kidney to the capillary bed of the left kidney. Assume that you are doing this for
an animal with a double circulation system.
A) capillary bed of right kidney → venules → veins → right atrium → right ventricle
→ pulmonary arteries → capillaries of lungs → pulmonary veins → left atrium → left
ventricle → aorta → arteries → arterioles → capillary bed of left kidney
B) capillary bed of right kidney → venules → veins → right atrium → right ventricle
→ pulmonary veins → capillaries of lungs → pulmonary arteries → left atrium → left
ventricle → aorta → arteries → arterioles → capillary bed of left kidney
C) capillary bed of right kidney → venules → veins → left atrium → left ventricle →
pulmonary arteries → capillaries of lungs → pulmonary veins → right atrium → right
ventricle → aorta → arteries → arterioles → capillary bed of left kidney
D) capillary bed of right kidney → arterioles → arteries → aorta → right atrium →
right ventricle → pulmonary arteries → capillaries of lungs → pulmonary veins → left
atrium → left ventricle → veins → venules → capillary bed of left kidney
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Nitrogen shortage is a common nutritional problem for plants. In crops, a nitrogen
deficiency can result in stunted growth as well as lower nutritional content. Farmers
sometimes apply fertilizers containing nitrogen as well as other essential nutrients, such
as phosphorus and potassium. Compost can also be used to fertilize soils. Compost
consists of vegetable matter that adds nutrients to soil as it is decomposed by
microorganisms, fungi, and animals. Certain plants, including legumes such as peas and
beans, house nitrogen-fixing bacteria in swellings called "root nodules." The bacteria
have enzymes that help convert atmospheric N2 to ammonium ions that can be readily
used by the plants. The plant, in turn, provides the bacteria with other nutrients. When
conditions are favorable, root nodule bacteria fix so much nitrogen that the nodules
secrete excess ammonia.
Some farmers practice crop rotation, alternating between planting nonlegumes such as
corn or wheat one year and legumes the next year. What is the advantage of crop
A) The legumes in the rotation will transfer nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the
other crop plants.
B) Planting legumes enriches the soil for the next year when root nodule bacteria fix so
much nitrogen that excess ammonia is secreted into the soil.
C) The nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legumes can migrate to nonlegume crop plants and
provide them with nitrogen.
D) Any nitrogen fertilizer that is applied to the soil will be converted into ammonium
ions by the nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
What is a population?
A) a group of organisms that occupy the same general area at different times
B) a group of individuals of a single species that occupy the same general area at the
same time
C) the growth rate of individuals of a single species that occupy the same general area
at the same time
D) the growth rate of individuals of a single species that occupy the same general area
at different times
The figure below shows the percent of selected DNA sequences that match between a
chimpanzee and other primates. These data support the hypothesis that ________.
A) the chimpanzee's closest surviving relative is humans
B) chimpanzees and gibbons are the most closely related
C) orangutans are the primates least closely related to chimpanzees
D) Old World monkeys and gibbons are the most closely related
Read the following scenario to answer the following question(s).
Endotoxins are commonly found in the air, both inside and outside our homes. These
"air endotoxins" can come from sources that include house dust mites, agricultural and
industrial dust, and dust from indoor pets. Air endotoxins are typically found in low
amounts, but production of them can increase dramatically under specific
environmental conditions such as dampness, mold, and sewage. Many scientific studies
have been conducted investigating possible links between indoor endotoxin levels and
asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other upper respiratory diseases. Interestingly, some
studies have found positive correlations between indoor endotoxin exposure and
severity of some of these diseases while other studies have suggested that some air
endotoxin exposure can actually decrease the risk of developing asthma in children.
Additionally, data suggests that industrial workers who are exposed to endotoxins in the
air can develop irreversible lung damage.
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated the eastern coastline of the United States. The
state of Louisiana, and in particular the city of New Orleans, experienced tragic loss of
human life and homes due to the failure of the levee system. Intense flooding destroyed
homes and created severe exposure to wet, moldy surfaces. At that time there were no
regulations in existence on the amount of exposure that individuals should have to air
endotoxins. Scientists from the Natural Resources Defense Council who wanted to
determine if endotoxin levels had risen in New Orleans, conducted tests across 12
outdoor areas, 9 of which had been significantly flooded while the other 3 were less
affected. Two indoor areas were also sampled for endotoxin levels. No significant
differences were found in endotoxin levels between the flooded and non-flooded areas
or between the indoor and outdoor areas. However, a limited number of samples were
collected, and they were taken after a recent dry spell. Endotoxin levels at all sites were
found to be higher than national average levels but were lower than levels typically
associated with long-term changes in lung function.
What addition to methodology would be most beneficial to the study?
A) pre-flood data to compare to post-flood data in order to better compare endotoxin
B) a greater number of scientists conducting tests so that different testing methods can
be used at each site
C) tests conducted on soil endotoxins to compare to air endotoxin levels
D) tests conducted on bacterial exotoxins in New York City
Please read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Widow's peak, a pointed hairline on the forehead, is a genetic trait caused by a
dominant allele. It can be traced back through a family's history using pedigree analysis.
The pedigree shown here is of three generations of a family. Notice that some
individuals (shown in gray) have a widow's peak (W = dominant allele and w =
recessive allele).
Mary has the genotype ________.
B) ww
C) Ww
D) More information is needed.
Please read the following scenario and then answer the following questions.
Corn crops are susceptible to damage by different species of corn borer, an insect (a
type of arthropod) that feeds and lives on corn plants. It is estimated that corn borers
may cause up to $1 billion of damage a year to corn crops. Because of pests like the
corn borer, researchers have created genetically modified pest-resistant crops. One type
of pest-resistant crop, Bt corn, expresses a bacterial toxin that kills corn borers if they
consume the toxin. While Bt corn has been planted and used in the United States since
1996, some researchers and members of the public continue to worry about negative
effects of the Bt toxin on other animals, including arthropods and humans. In order to
investigate the effects of Bt toxins on other animals, researchers conducted experiments
where they fed arthropods Bt corn or non-Bt corn. A summary of the effects of eating
Bt corn on single species of corn borer, mite, and beetle are shown in the figure below.
One of your local newscasters sees these data and announces on the news that "Bt
toxins are safe because they have no negative effects on any arthropods except for the
corn borers." Do you agree with that statement?
A) Yes, because the data clearly show that the Bt toxin is harmless to arthropods other
than the corn borer.
B) Yes, because only the corn borer was affected when eating the Bt corn.
C) No, because more mites and beetles died after eating Bt corn than after eating
non-Bt corn.
D) No, because these data were obtained from testing Bt on two species of mites and
beetles; perhaps other arthropods may respond differently to Bt.
The use of the Indian mongoose to control rat populations ________.
A) shows the effectiveness of biological control
B) shows why integrated pest management usually fails
C) became a disaster when the mongoose turned out to be as invasive as its target
D) is an example of how coevolution makes biological control difficult
While on a hike, you notice that several burrs have become attached to your socks. You
quickly pull them off. Inside the burr are several seeds. Burrs are produced by certain
plants and frequently catch on animal fur (or people's clothing). After thinking about it,
you decide that the burr is a type of ________ that is an adaptation for ________.
A) leaf...protecting plants from herbivores
B) fruit...seed dispersal
C) cambium...seed protection
D) pollen grain...successful pollination
Which of the following best describes the relationship of insulin to glucagon?
A) They work together to prepare the body to deal with stress.
B) Insulin stimulates the pancreas to secrete glucagon.
C) High levels of insulin inhibit pancreatic secretion of glucagon.
D) They are antagonistic hormones.
In the image above, the aquatic organism moves using flagella. It is parasitic and can
colonate and reproduce in the human intestine. What type of organism could this be?
A) a protozoan
B) a slime mold
C) phytoplankton
D) seaweed
Inheritance of certain genes increases the risk of getting certain cancers; thus, it can be
said that ________.
A) these cancers are inherited as a dominant trait
B) mutations that occur in somatic cells can be passed from parent to offspring
C) predisposition to these cancers is inherited
D) lifestyle will have little impact on cancer risk for these individuals
All of the following are true EXCEPT one. Choose the exception.
A) The great diversification of animals occurred during the Cambrian explosion.
B) For most of biological history, life was confined to aquatic habitats.
C) The evolution of multicellularity took place after the origin of the eukaryotes.
D) The first organisms to colonize land were animals.
During the Pleistocene era, many large mammal species went extinct. Their permanent
disappearance occurred in a short period of time when humans were expanding across
North America. In this situation, how do many scientists view humans?
A) as a threatened species
B) as a density-independent factor
C) as an invasive species
D) as a biological control agent
Which plant organelle is responsible for photosynthesis?
A) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
B) mitochondrion
C) ribosome
D) chloroplast
Taxonomy is the ________.
A) study of cells
B) naming and classifying of species
C) study of organisms and their interaction with the environment
D) study of genes
Exploring in the tropics, you discover a nonvascular plant that produces pollen. What
type of plant have you discovered?
A) an angiosperm
B) a fern
C) a bryophyte
D) an entirely new type that you will get to name
Which of the following is most likely to decrease genetic variation?
A) directional selection
B) mutation
C) stabilizing selection
D) diversifying selection
Within the inner membrane of a chloroplast, interconnected sacs of membrane called
________ are suspended in a thick fluid called the ________.
A) chlorophyll... thylakoid
B) thylakoids... grana
C) thylakoids... stroma
D) grana... thylakoid
During metaphase, ________.
A) the nuclear envelope breaks up
B) sister chromatids separate
C) centromeres divide
D) chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
What compound is found at the reaction center of a photosystem?
A) chlorophyllb
B) carotenoids
C) phycobilins
D) chlorophylla
Chromatin consists of ________.
A) DNA and protein
B) RNA and protein
C) protein only
D) DNA only
Examine the figure below. Which of the following is the site of carbon dioxide uptake
by a plant?
A) root hairs
B) stomata
C) rhizomes
D) internodes
Which mineral is needed for the proper functioning of nerves, muscles, and bones?
A) calcium
B) linoleic acid
C) sodium
D) salt
If you were to view this organism with the right microscope you could see that the
entire stalk is covered with smaller hairs than the ones on the opening. What might be
the function of these smaller hairs on the stalk?
A) camouflage
B) movement
C) aerobic respiration
D) spore production
Carbohydrates typically include ________.
A) an NH2 group
B) C, H, and O atoms
C) N and S atoms
D) a PO4 group
Flagellates, amoebas, apicomplexans, and ciliates are all what type of protist?
A) slime molds
B) protozoans
C) dinoflagellates
D) seaweeds

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