BIO 504 Midterm 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1015
subject Authors Sylvia Mader

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1) which aquatic zone will provide habitat for invertebrates and many small fish?
a. littoral zone
b. profundal zone
c. epipelagic zone
d. limnetic zone
2) which of the following tissues forms the outer protective covering of the plant?
a. epidermal tissue
b. ground tissue
c. meristematic tissue
d. vascular tissue
3) which of the following is not a trait that is the result of, or is affected by, the
interaction of more than one gene?
a. human skin color
b. cleft palate
c. height
d. sickle cell anemia
4) which of the following misconceptions about evolution can be refuted with the
molecular evidence that is being collected through dna analysis?
a. evolution is a theory about how life originated.
b. there are no transitional fossils.
c. evolution is not observable or testable, thus it is not science.
d. evolution proposes life changed as a result of random events; traits are too complex
to have originated by chance alone.
5) with the appearance of photosynthetic cyanobacteria and aerobic bacteria during the
precambrian era,
a. an oxidizing atmosphere developed on earth.
b. the formation of the ozone shield occurred.
c. the amount of uv light reaching the earth was reduced and chemical evolution
d. all of the choices are correct.
6) which of the following groups are considered chordates but are lacking the vertebral
column trait?
a. osteichthyes & urochordata
b. urochordata & cephalochordates
c. cephalochordates & chondrichthyes
d. sea squirts & chondrichthyes
7) which of the following plant hormones prevents plant tissues from senescing, or
a. abscisic acid
b. auxin
c. cytokinin
d. ethylene
e. gibberellin
8) if the calvin cycle uses three molecules of co2 to produce six molecules of g3p
(glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate), but only one g3p molecule is used to form a
carbohydrate molecule, what happens to the other carbons that were taken in?
a. any unused co2 is released into the environment.
b. the other five g3p molecules are used to regenerate more rubp.
c. any unused g3p molecule is converted and stored as starch.
d. the remaining five g3p molecules are used to reduce co2.
9) which domains did kingdom monera get divided into?
a. archaea & bacteria
b. protista & archaea
c. bacteria & eukarya
d. archaea & eukarya
10) what are the potential consequences if a person has their gallbladder removed?
a. their body will not be able to store the excess bile produced by the liver. this means
that they will have a decreased ability to emulsify the fats found within the small
b. their body will not be able to store the excess bile produced by the liver. this means
that they will have a decreased ability to emulsify the fats found within the stomach.
c. the liver will stop producing bile because it won't have any place to store it. this
means that they will have a decreased ability to emulsify the fats found within the small
d. the liver will stop producing bile because it won't have any place to store it. this
means that they will have a decreased ability to digest the proteinsfound within the
small intestine.
11) a notochord is
a. a strip of cartilage that forms a back and tail in all vertebrates.
b. a stiff dorsal supporting rod.
c. replaced by the vertebral column during development.
d. all of the choices are correct.
e. a stiff dorsal supporting rod that is replaced by the vertebral column during
12) during _______________ the homologous chromosome pairs separate in a random
fashion leading to genetic diversity among the offspring.
a. independent assortment
b. metaphase
c. anaphase ii
d. mitosis
13) what type of transport mechanism is required to move sodium ions against their
concentration gradient?
a. active
b. passive
c. diffusion
d. osmosis
14) after proteins are formed by the ribosomes located on the endoplasmic reticulum,
what is the next organelle to which they could be transported?
a. mitochondria
b. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c. golgi apparatus
d. nucleus
15) all of the following stds are bacterial infections except
a. aids.
b. chlamydia.
c. gonorrhea.
d. syphilis.
16) people often refer to chimpanzees as monkeys. what characteristic(s) do
chimpanzees lack that monkeys have?
a. a tail
b. protruding noses
c. nails
d. binocular vision
17) which of the following is required for natural selection to occur in a population?
a. variation in the population
b. inheritance of variation through genetic differences
c. differential reproduction so that the more fit individuals have more offspring that
survive to reproduce
d. accumulation of adaptive traits so that they increase in the population
e. all of the choices are required.
18) a random alteration in the sequence of dna nucleotides that provides a new variant
allele is
a. gene mutation.
b. polymorphism.
c. gene frequency.
d. disruption.
19) what portion of the brain provides reasoning to keep us from acting out strong
a. brain stem
b. pineal gland
c. reticular activating system
d. limbic system
20) what is the main difference between blood and hemolymph?
a. blood is always contained within the blood vessels while lymph fills the body cavity.
b. hemolymph is always contained within the blood vessels while blood fills the body
c. hemolymph is never carried in blood vessels.
d. blood will transport oxygen and nutrients while lymph will only transport oxygen.

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