BIO 481 Midterm

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1080
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) fat is stored within the
a) medullary cavity.
b) metaphysis.
c) spongy bone.
d) epiphysis.
e) diaphysis.
2) during implantation, the
a) syncytial trophoblast erodes a path through the endometrium.
b) inner cell mass begins to form the placenta.
c) maternal blood vessels in the endometrium are walled off from the blastocyst.
d) entire trophoblast becomes syncytial.
e) inner cell mass is temporarily deprived of nutrients.
3) the conchae
a) divide the nasal cavity into a right and a left side.
b) provide an opening into the pharynx.
c) provide a surface for the sense of smell.
d) create turbulence in the air to trap particulate matter in mucus.
e) provide an opening to paranasal sinuses.
4) the organ that delivers semen into the female reproductive tract is the
a) urethra.
b) ejaculatory duct.
c) penis.
d) corpus cavernosum.
e) corpus spongiosum.
5) the ________ salivary glands are covered by the mucous membrane in the floor of
the mouth.
a) mandibular
b) sublingual
c) lingual
d) submandibular
e) parotid
6) intercalated discs and pacemaker cells are characteristic of
a) smooth muscle tissue.
b) cardiac muscle tissue.
c) skeletal muscle tissue.
d) all types of muscle tissue.
e) nerve tissue.
7) endocrine cells
a) are a type of nerve cell.
b) release their secretions onto an epithelial surface.
c) release their secretions directly into body fluids.
d) contain few vesicles.
e) are modified connective-tissue cells.
8) the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin is catalyzed by the enzyme
a) fibrinogen-converting enzyme.
b) plasmin.
c) factor viii.
d) thrombin.
e) prothrombinase.
9) joints can be classified structurally as
a) bony.
b) fibrous.
c) cartilaginous.
d) synovial.
e) all of the answers are correct.
10) venoconstriction reduces the diameter of which vessel?
a) artery
b) arteriole
c) capillary
d) venule
e) vein
11) at a heart rate of 60 beats/minute, a cardiac cycle lasts
a) 60 seconds.
b) 60 milliseconds.
c) 1 second.
d) 370 milliseconds.
e) 630 milliseconds.
12) the celiac ganglia innervate which of the following?
a) liver
b) spleen
c) stomach
d) pancreas
e) all of the answers are correct.
13) a pulmonary embolism can be caused by ________ becoming trapped in a
pulmonary artery.
a) blood clots
b) masses of fat
c) air bubbles
d) circulating objects in the blood
e) all of the answers are correct.
14) the cerebral area posterior to the central sulcus is the
a) parietal lobe.
b) temporal lobe.
c) frontal lobe.
d) occipital lobe.
e) insula.
15) sweat glands contain ________ receptors.
a) nicotinic cholinergic
b) muscarinic cholinergic
c) alpha
d) beta
e) adregeneric
figure 7-2 typical vertebra (inferior view)
which structure contacts the intervertebral disc?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
e) 6
17) nonpolar organic molecules are good examples of
a) electrolytes.
b) molecules that will dissociate when placed into water.
c) hydrophobic compounds.
d) hydrophilic compounds.
e) solutes.
18) the molecule o2 is known as
a) oxide.
b) oxygen.
c) organic.
d) oxate
e) a salt
19) a structure known as the corpus luteum secretes
a) testosterone.
b) progesterone.
c) aldosterone.
d) cortisone.
e) androstenedione.
20) ________ are cells in the epidermis that are part of the immune system.
a) dendritic cells
b) basal cells
c) merkel cells
d) squamous cells
e) melanocytes
21) ________ cells enable the immune system to respond quickly and robustly if the
same antigen is encountered a second time. (note: be sure to capitalize the first letter of
your answer).
22) a new mother notices that her 6-month-old infant has a yellow-orange complexion.
fearful that the child may have jaundice, she takes him to her pediatrician. after
examining the child and learning about the infant's diet, the pediatrician declares him
perfectly healthy and advises the mother to watch the child's diet. what is likely the
cause for the change in skin color?
23) the process by which antibodies bind to antigenic sites on viruses or toxins,
rendering them incapable of binding to other cells, is called ________.
24) a complex, interwoven network of nerves is called a(n) ________.
25) the ________ are s-shaped bones that articulate lateral to the jugular notch.
26) the sense of taste is also known as ________.
27) thirty minutes after mary has completed a 25-km race, she begins to notice severe
muscle soreness and stiffness in her legs. her urine is dark colored. she wonders
whether she may have damaged her muscles during the race. she visits the er, and the
doctor orders several blood tests. what kind of blood tests can help determine whether
muscle damage has occurred?
28) the organs of milk production are ________.
29) many visceral smooth muscle cells lack motor neuron innervation. how are their
contractions coordinated and controlled?

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