BIO 444 Test 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 824
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the linea aspera is located on the
a) humerus.
b) tibia.
c) ischium.
d) femur.
e) scapula.
2) the left ventricle pumps blood to the
a) lungs.
b) right ventricle.
c) right atrium.
d) aorta.
e) pulmonary circuit.
3) if a friend is talking about someone she knows who lost his special senses, you
would correct her when you hear her mention ________, because it is not a special
a) smell
b) sight
c) balance
d) cold
e) hearing
4) the plane that separates the abdominal and the pelvic cavities is
a) the mediastinum.
b) sagittal on the brachium.
c) transverse at the hips.
d) midsagittal on the trunk.
e) superior to the thorax.
5) blood vessels that supply the spinal cord run along the surface of the
a) pia mater.
b) dura mater.
c) epidural space.
d) subdural space.
e) subarachnoid space.
6) ________ pair(s) of salivary glands secrete into the oral cavity.
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) four
e) six to ten
7) a twisting motion of the foot that turns the sole of the foot outward is known as
a) inversion.
b) plantar flexion.
c) eversion.
d) dorsiflexion.
e) pronation.
8) when the body is relying on internal energy reserves to continue meeting its energy
demands, it is in the
a) postabsorptive state.
b) absorptive state.
c) starvation state.
d) deprivation state.
e) preabsorptive state.
9) the liver is primarily located in the ________ quadrant.
a) right upper
b) left upper
c) right lower
d) left lower
e) hepatic
figure 22-1 the structure of a lymph node
identify the structure labeled "3"
a) cortex
b) capsule
c) subcapsular space
d) trabeculae
e) outer cortex
11) which of the following is true of basophils?
a) constitute about 1 percent of wbcs
b) granules contain heparin
c) granules contain histamine
d) attract other defense cells
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) the crown of a tooth is covered by
a) enamel.
b) cementum.
c) dentin.
d) pulp.
e) periodontium.
13) the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx constitute the ________ portion of the airway.
a) conducting
b) exchange
c) respiratory
d) sinus
e) primary
14) the optic tracts carry visual information from the retina to the
a) pulvinar.
b) lateral geniculates.
c) medial geniculates.
d) supraoptic nuclei.
e) paraventricular nuclei.
15) after passing the first rib, the subclavian artery becomes the ________ artery.
a) radial
b) ulnar
c) brachial
d) axillary
e) digital
16) which of the following statements about hydrogen bonds is false?
a) hydrogen bonds are strong attractive forces between hydrogen atoms and negatively
charged atoms.
b) hydrogen bonds can occur within a single molecule.
c) hydrogen bonds can form between neighboring molecules.
d) hydrogen bonds are important for holding large molecules together.
e) hydrogen bonds are responsible for many of the properties of water.
17) the olfactory organ consists of the ________ and the lamina propria.
18) blood colloid osmotic pressure (bcop) decreases in starving children because:
a) starvation increases blood pressure which, in turn, decreases bcop
b) starvation increases the permeability of capillaries causing a decrease in bcop
c) starvation in children results in a protein deficiency and the liver cannot produce
enough protein to maintain bcop
d) malnourished children do not exercise, which results in a decrease in bcop
e) the question statement is false, bcop actually increases in starving children
19) the molecule dna contains a five-carbon sugar called ________.
20) the basic functional unit of the nervous system are cells called ________.
21) the gas produced by bacteria in the colon as they metabolize indigestible
carbohydrates is called ________.
22) you ________ your jaw when you grasp your upper lip with your lower teeth.
23) the immune system is said to exhibit ________ toward those agents that do not
stimulate an immune response.
24) the original 46 chromosomes and their component genes constitute an individual's
25) the three major subdivisions of extracellular fluid found in the body are plasma,
interstitial fluid, and ________.
26) individual steroids differ in the ________ attached to the carbon rings.

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