BIO 411 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 652
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the region where blood vessels enter the ovary is called the
a) infundibulopelvic ligament.
b) tunica albuginea.
c) ovarian umbilical cord.
d) ovarian hilum.
e) ovarian ligament.
2) after heavy exercise, if energy reserves in a muscle are depleted, ________ occurs.
a) an oxygen debt
b) paralysis
c) treppe
d) tetanus
e) atrophy
3) the ________ is the portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina.
a) body
b) cervix
c) myometrium
d) fundus
e) internal os
4) the nurse cells of the seminiferous tubules do all of the following, except that they
a) maintain the blood-testis barrier.
b) support spermiogenesis.
c) secrete inhibin.
d) secrete testosterone.
e) secrete androgen-binding protein.
5) as the result of an accident, the white rami of spinal nerves t1 and t2 on the left side
of brad's body are severed. what organ(s) would you expect might be affected by this
a) left pupil
b) right pupil
c) heart
d) both pupils
e) left pupil and the heart
6) blood leaves the glomerulus through a blood vessel called the
a) afferent arteriole.
b) efferent arteriole.
c) vasa recta.
d) interlobular arteriole.
e) renal vein.
figure 21-1 arteries
identify the arteries labeled "9"
a) axillary
b) brachiocephalic
c) common carotid
d) aorta
e) brachial
8) mrna is needed to synthesize ________ in the cytoplasm.
a) carbohydrates
b) lipids
c) proteins
d) phospholipids
e) salts
9) which embryonic germ layer forms the brain and spinal cord?
a) ectoderm
b) endoderm
c) trophoderm
d) epiderm
e) mesooderm
10) an adult has approximately ________ taste buds.
a) 30
b) 3,000
c) 300,000
d) 300
e) 30,000
11) which of the following are the smallest venous vessels?
a) large veins
b) venules
c) medium veins
d) arteriovenules
e) venous valves
12) the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is greatest in
a) venous blood.
b) alveolar air.
c) expired air.
d) inspired air.
e) arterial blood.
13) which of the following ligaments assist in stabilization of the shoulder joint?
a) coracoacromial
b) subscapularis
c) coracoclavicular
d) coracoacromial and subscapular ligaments
e) coracoacromial and coracoclavicular ligaments
14) the actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are
a) bronchioles.
b) terminal bronchioles.
c) pleural spaces.
d) alveoli.
e) interlobular septa.
15) when activated, lysosomes function in
a) formation of new cell membranes.
b) synthesis of proteins.
c) digestion of foreign material.
d) synthesis of lipids.
e) cell division.
16) increased levels of the hormone ________ will lead to increased levels of calcium
ion in the blood.
a) thymosin
b) calcitonin
c) pth
d) aldosterone
e) cortisol
17) ________ is considered the oldest medical science.
a) anatomy
b) biology
c) physiology
d) cytology
e) embryology
18) the pancreatic islets (islets of langerhans)
a) contain four types of endocrine cells.
b) make up almost half of the pancreas.
c) produce some digestive enzymes.
d) secrete hormones into the pancreatic duct.
e) secrete hormones to regulate blood-calcium levels.
19) each of the following bones is a component of the orbital complex, except the
________ bone.
a) lacrimal
b) nasal
c) sphenoid
d) ethmoid
e) frontal
20) when nad+ is ________ it becomes nadh. when nadh is ________ it becomes nad+.
a) phosphorylated; deaminated
b) reduced; oxidized
c) made; recycled
d) phosphorylated; dephosphorylated
e) oxidized; reduced

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