BIO 392

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 734
subject Authors George R. Mangun, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry

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1) The two ears of the barn owl are positioned asymmetrically on the head, improving
sound localization in the vertical direction.
2) The equilibrium potential is the membrane voltage at which there is no net flow of
ions in or out.
3) The information that a listener derives from the speech rhythm and pitch of the
speakers voice is referred to as morphological.
4) Dopamine is the neurotransmitter most associated with long-term potentiation.
5) Modular models of language comprehension argue for a high degree of interactivity
between different specialized modules.
6) In a social faux pas experiment, participants are presented with a scenario in which
one character accidentally says something impolite to another character. When people
with orbitofrontal damage perform this task
a.they fail to understand that anything impolite has been said.
b. they understand that something impolite has been said but that it wasnt intended.
c.they believe that the impolite comment was intentional.
d. they begin to imitate the impolite comments, not realizing this is inappropriate.
7) Schema control units are
a.mental representations of semantic networks.
b. stored autobiographical information.
c.stored information about the temporal order of events.
d. mental representations of possible responses.
8) Giovanni visits his local phrenologist. What is this person likely to tell him?
a. You are a domineering person.
b. Your father was a very domineering person.
c. Your brother is a domineering person.
d. Your mother was a very domineering person.
9) Which of the following is NOT considered one of the six basic facial expressions
representing emotional states?
a. disgust
b. jealousy
c. surprise
d. fear
10) The patient D.F., studied by Goodale and Milner (1982), had severe problems with
object recognition. When presented with a circular block into which a slot had been cut,
a. D.F. was able to insert a card into the slot when asked to do so, even though she was
unable to follow the instruction to orient the card so that it would fit.
b. D.F. was able to orient the card so that it would fit into the slot but was not able to
insert the card into the slot when asked to do so.
c. D.F. was unable to deduce that this object could be used to contain slips of paper
upon touching it.
d. D.F. was able to deduce that this object could be used to contain slips of paper but
was unable to provide a name for the object upon touching it.
11) Eliminating a gnostic unit would
a. slightly disrupt recognition of a region of space.
b. slightly disrupt recognition of a complex object.
c. completely disrupt recognition of a region of space.
d. completely disrupt recognition of a complex object.
12) Research on racial stereotypes conducted by Phelps and colleagues (2000)
suggested that when EuropeanAmerican participants viewed pictures of unfamiliar
AfricanAmerican men, activity in the __________ of these participants was correlated
with the results of __________ behavioral measures of racial beliefs and attitudes.
a. orbitofrontal cortex ; direct or explicit
b. orbitofrontal cortex ; indirect or implicit
c. amygdala ; direct or explicit
d. amygdala ; indirect or implicit
13) The specialized structures that comprise the midbrain control functions such as
a. hormone regulation.
b. visual reflexes.
c. memory.
d. emotional processing.
14) Studies using fMRI have found that neural activity in the medial prefrontal
cortex__________when people make self-referential judgments compared to other
judgments, suggesting that when we are at rest we are engaging in a number of
self-referential processes.
a.increases more
b. increases less
c.decreases more
d. decreases less
15) How did Newton add to the notion that we are not in control of our actions? developing a theory of gravity
b. by concluding that all physical matter operates on fixed and knowable laws reaching this conclusion underneath an apple tree
d. by developing quantum mechanics

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