BIO 319 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1149
subject Authors George R. Mangun, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry

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Loss of blood flow in the _________ is the most common cause of hemiplegia.
a. anterior cerebral artery
b. vertebral artery
c. middle cerebral artery
d. circle of Willis
2) Which characteristic of brain activity is promising for the potential to decode dreams
in the future?
a. Activity patterns during perception resemble those generated when people imagine
the same object.
b. Activity levels during perception resemble those generated when people imagine the
same object.
c. Activity patterns in V1 resemble patterns in the temporal lobe.
d. Activity levels in V1 resemble levels in the temporal lobe.
3) Which of the following best describes a real-life example of the delayed-response
a.After reading and studying on Sunday afternoon, you take a cognitive neuroscience
exam on Monday morning.
b. After looking up the phone number of a local pizza place, you walk across the room
to the telephone and begin dialing it.
c.After staring intently at a bright streetlamp, you notice that there is an afterimage of
the light even when you move your eyes to another location.
d. Every time you visit the doctor to receive a shot, she gives you a cherry lollipop.
After several visits you find that the taste of cherry lollipops makes you anxious.
4) High-frequency sounds primarily activate hair cells at the __________ frequency
sounds, whereas low- of the cochlea primarily activate hair cells at the __________ of
the cochlea.
a. base (thicker end) ; apex (thinner end)
b. apex (thinner end) ; base (thicker end)
c. superior end ; inferior end
d. inferior end ; superior end
5) John spots a snake in the forest. He immediately runs away from it and then notes
that he is scared as he is running. Which of the following theories would suggest that
his feeling of fear is due entirely to the fact that John notices his physiological
a. James-Lange theory
b. Cannon-Bard theory
c. Le-Douxs high road and low road theory
d. cognitive interpretation theory
6) Which of the following is NOT an effector?
a. the brain
b. the jaw
c. the arm
d. the back
7) After a brain injury, a person is found to have isolated retrograde amnesia. Which of
the following brain regions is probably damaged?
a. the medial temporal lobes
b. the anterior temporal lobes
c. the superior parietal lobes
d. the dorsolateral frontal lobes
8) Patients in a vegetative state are evidence for which of the following statements?
a.Wakefulness depends on consciousness.
b. Wakefulness does not depend on consciousness. c.Consciousness depends on
d. Consciousness is the same as wakefulness.
9) A major source of evidence against the idea that faces are processed in a special brain
region in humans is that the candidate region
a. is used to process a variety of perceptual stimuli in nonhuman primates.
b. is also involved in processing highly familiar places.
c. is recruited when people have to make discriminations among highly familiar stimuli.
d. varies significantly in location from person to person.
10) The technique known as__________ can be used to induce virtual lesions in
a. EEG (electroencephalography)
b. TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation)
c. MEG (magnetoencephalography)
d. PET (positron emission tomography)
11) The scaffolding to storage framework was proposed to account for the movement
a. conscious ; unconscious
b. unconscious ; conscious
c.conscious ; awareness
d. awareness ; conscious
12) A person with conduction aphasia is most likely to have difficulty in
a.comprehending spoken language.
b. speaking fluently.
c.repeating spoken language.
d. understanding function words like if or but.
13) Lesions to the amygdala __________ unconditioned responses to aversive events,
__________ the ability to acquire and express a conditioned response to neutral stimuli.
a. do not block ; nor do they block
b. do not block ; but they do block
c. block ; but they do not block
d. block ; and they also block
14) A patient like G.S. who had visual object agnosia would have difficulty in
identifying an object unless
a. the object had been familiar to him prior to his brain injury.
b. he was asked to describe the objects use rather than its specific name.
c. he was permitted to touch the object before making a response.
d. the object was presented in the contralesional side of the visual field.
15) Prediction error is NOT correlated with which of the following:
a.the difference between what is expected and what is obtained
b. changes in dopamine activity
c.updating of valuation of information and learning
d. the unconditioned stimulus
16) The supplementary motor area (SMA) is particularly active during externally
guided movements.
17) Anatomical outputs from the occipital lobe follow two major axon bundles that
terminate in the __________ and __________.
a. anterior parietal lobe ; posterior frontal lobe
b. posterior frontal lobe ; inferior temporal lobe
c. inferior temporal lobe ; posterior parietal lobe
d. posterior parietal lobe ; anterior parietal lobe
18) Which of the following statements regarding the organization of semantic networks
a.The most frequently associated nodes have the largest distances between them in the
b. Concepts that have strong associations to each other in meaning have strong
c.If one node is activated, the greatest amount of spreading activation will accrue in its
closest neighbors.
d. Spreading activation is greater between nodes that are accessed together frequently
than between nodes that are accessed together infrequently.
19) If you were to insert a microelectrode through the cell membrane of a neuron, you
would be able to demonstrate that
a.the region inside the cell membrane contains more positive ions than the region
outside the membrane.
b. the region inside the cell membrane contains more negative ions than the region
outside the membrane.
c.there is a greater concentration of potassium ions outside the cell membrane than
the membrane.
d. there is a greater concentration of potassium ions inside the cell membrane than
outside the membrane.
20) John is unable to carry on the most rudimentary conversations. Whenever someone
changes the subject he persists on the same topic for several minutes. Eventually,
people simply leave him alone talking to himself. John has___________
a.deficits in planning complex behaviors.
b. perseveration in responding.
c.fluent aphasia.
d. disruption of working memory.

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