BIO 253 Final

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1156
subject Authors George R. Mangun, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry

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1) A normal adult speaker has passive knowledge of about 50,000 words.
2) In visual search tasks, the amount of time it takes to find a target among distracters is
independent of the number of distracters if the target can be identified by a single
3) Semantic priming effects are due to spreading activation in many models of lexical
4) Although the prefrontal cortex is not essential for working memory, it is particularly
important for the storage of associative knowledge.
5) The senses of olfaction and gustation are known as chemical senses because they
begin with stimulation by chemicals (odorants or tastants).
6) Neuroimaging studies suggest that the medial prefrontal cortex activates more
relative to a baseline when people make self-referential judgments than when they
make other kinds of judgments.
7) People with amnesia often show preserved implicit learning and nondeclarative
8) Neural inputs that target the cortex and originate in the thalamus are referred to as
9) Some progressive neurological disorders can be caused by viruses like the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the herpes simplex virus.
10) Patient S.M., who had damage to the amygdala, had difficulty recognizing sadness
in the expressions of other people.
11) The fusiform face area is part of the dorsal stream.
12) Unilateral spatial neglect typically results from damage to the left temporal lobe.
13) Activation of a person’s dorsal striatum as they administer punishments is
consistent with the theory that punishing violations activates the_________ system.
a.executive functioning
b. reward
d. perceptual
14) Which of the following people did NOT play a strong role in the theoretical shift in
psychology in the latter part of the twentieth century?
a.Noam Chomsky
b. Sir Charles Sherrington
c.George A. Miller
d. Claude Shannon
15) Single-cell recording studies in monkeys and human neuroimaging studies support
the idea that the____________is important for interpreting eye gaze in relation to
mental states.
a.temporoparietal junction
b. superior temporal sulcus
c.orbitofrontal cortex
d. medial frontal cortex
16) In studies with implanted electrodes, Sahin and colleagues found that Brocas area
processed which elements of language?
b. grammatical
d. all of the above
17) After suffering from a focal brain injury, a patient has difficulty in recognizing
visually presented objects, despite normal acuity and color perception. Notably, she has
severe difficulty in judging whether two pictures, each showing a different view,
represent the same object. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a. apperceptive agnosia
b. associative agnosia
c. synesthesia
d. prosopagnosia
18) The primary auditory cortex is organized using a tonotopic map, which means that
there is an orderly representation of
b. frequency.
c. duration.
d. spatial location.
19) In a delayed response task, participants were asked to look at faces or scenes or
engage in passive viewing. Which of the following results distinguished older adults
from young adults when viewing faces relative to passive viewing?
a.The older adults showed reduced activation in the fusiform face area.
b. The older adults showed reduced activation in the parahippocampal place area.
c.The young adults showed reduced activation in the fusiform face area.
d. The young adults showed reduced activation in the parahippocampal place area.
20) Functional MRI and ERP studies suggest that the medial prefrontal cortex may be
involved in tasks requiring
a.hierarchical processing.
b. self-referential processing.
c.emotional memory.
d. perceptual memory.
21) Attention can be divided into two broad categories:
a. neglect and extinction.
b. voluntary and reflexive.
c. cortical and subcortical.
d. conscious and unconscious.
22) With regard to the two main output pathways from the occipital lobe, __________
is to __________ as dorsal is to ventral.
a. where ; what
b. what ; where
c. who ; what
d. what ; who
23) In fMRI studies, when a stimulus is repeated, the BOLD response can be
__________ for the second presentation compared to the first. This is known as the
a. lower ; repetition enhancement effect
b. lower ; repetition suppression effect
c. higher ; repetition enhancement effect
d. higher ; repetition suppression effect
24) Which of the following phenomena is the most problematic for a strong
early-selection view of attention?
a. endogenous cuing
b. the cocktail party phenomenon
c. exogenous cuing
d. intrusion of the unattended
25) The fact that the population vector recorded in the motor cortex precedes the
corresponding reaching movement indicates that motor cortex activity
a. is primarily involved in the planning of movement.
b. is independent of voluntary movement.
c. automatically leads to movement.
d. is related to the movement of specific muscle groups.
26) Recent neuroimaging and neuropsychological work in memory has attempted to
disentangle __________, which seems to implicate the hippocampus and the posterior
parahippocampal cortex, from __________, which seems to implicate the perirhinal
a. acquisition ; consolidation
b. consolidation ; acquisition
c. recollection ; familiarity
d. familiarity ; recollection
27) The primary auditory cortex is located in the
a. medial geniculate nucleus.
b. inferior temporal lobe.
c.lateral geniculate nucleus.
d.superior temporal lobe.
28) Cytoarchitectonic maps distinguish different cortical regions by
a.the structure of their surface convolutions.
b. their structure at the cellular level.
c.the complex functions they perform.
d. the basic functions they perform.
29) The time course of cognition are better addressed using methods like , whereas
questions about the anatomy of cognition are better addressed using methods like .
a.ERP / fMRI
b. fMRI / PET
c. PET / MEG
30) Imagine you develop a technique to introduce language processing into a split-brain
patients right hemisphere. How would this likely change the right hemispheres ability to
make inferences?
a.Its inference abilities would improve.
b. Its inference abilities would worsen.
c.Its inference abilities would disappear.
d. Its inferences abilities would not change.
31) Without punishment, free riders cause cooperation to
c.spread within groups.
d.spread across groups.

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