BIO 210 Quiz 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1067
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the fold of peritoneum that extends out from the ovary to the wall of the pelvis is
called the
a) suspensory ligament.
b) tunica albuginea.
c) ovarian ligament.
d) ovarian hilum.
e) uterovesical ligament.
2) the bones that give the hand a wide range of motion are the
a) carpals.
b) tarsals.
c) metacarpals.
d) metatarsals.
e) phalanges.
3) a common site to place a tracheostomy tube is through the ligament that connects the
cricoid cartilage to the ________ cartilage.
a) thyroid
b) cuneiform
c) corniculate
d) epiglottic
e) vestibular
4) which of the following is not primarily a muscle of facial expression?
a) buccinator
b) depressor labii
c) risorius
d) masseter
e) mentalis
5) the primary follicle develops from the
a) ovarian hilum.
b) ovarian follicles.
c) primordial follicle.
d) ovarian stroma.
e) granulosa cells.
6) each thin filament consists of
a) two actin protein strands coiled helically around each other.
b) chains of myosin molecules.
c) six molecules coiled into a helical structure.
d) a rod-shaped structure with "heads" projecting from each end.
e) a double strand of myosin molecules.
7) match the organelle (1-4) with the correct description (5-8):
1. mitochondrion5. intracellular transport
2. centriole6. liquid in cell
3. endoplasmic reticulum7. manufactures cell energy
4. cytosol8. separates chromosomes during mitosis
a) 1 & 7, 2 & 6, 3 & 8, 4 & 5
b) 1 & 8, 2 & 5, 3 & 6, 4 & 7
c) 1 & 7, 2 & 8, 3 & 5, 4 & 6
d) 1 & 5, 2 & 6, 3 & 7, 4 & 8
e) 1 & 6, 2 & 8, 3 & 5, 4 & 7
8) when checking the efficiency of gas exchange, it may be necessary to draw a blood
sample from
a) the heart.
b) the lungs.
c) an artery.
d) a vein.
e) capillaries.
9) ________ sweat glands are widely distributed across the body surface, ________
glands are located wherever hair follicles exist, and ________ sweat glands are found
only in a few areas.
a) sebaceous; merocrine; apocrine
b) apocrine; merocrine; sebaceous
c) merocrine; sebaceous; apocrine
d) merocrine; apocrine; sebaceous
e) apocrine; sebaceous; merocrine
10) which of the following descriptions best fits the acid-base disorder metabolic
a) consequence of hyperventilation; for example, in fever or mental illness
b) consequence of prolonged vomiting
c) consequence of reduced alveolar ventilation; for example, due to copd
d) consequence of tissue hypoxia; for example, in ischemic conditions
11) changes in the immune system that accompany aging include
a) t cells becoming less responsive to antigens.
b) fewer cytotoxic t cells responding to infections.
c) decreased numbers of t helper cells.
d) b cells less responsive.
e) all of the answers are correct.
12) gustatory receptors are sensitive to dissolved chemicals but insensitive to light. this
is due to
a) receptor specificity.
b) accessory cells.
c) the fact that they are interoceptors.
d) receptor potentials.
e) the labeled line.
13) the joint between the carpals is a/an ________ joint.
a) condylar
b) pivot
c) hinge
d) gliding
e) amphiarthrosis
14) the adult heart is roughly the size of
a) the liver.
b) a man's clenched fist.
c) the gallbladder.
d) the hand of a 10-year-old.
e) the brain.
15) control of the diameter of the respiratory passages depends upon
a) sympathetic stimulation only.
b) parasympathetic stimulation only.
c) somatomotor stimulation only.
d) both parasympathetic and sympathetic levels of stimulation.
e) sensory receptors sensitive to changes in lung ventilation.
16) physical evidence that supports the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction
a) constant distance between z lines during contraction.
b) decreased width of the h band during contraction.
c) increased width of the i band during contraction.
d) decreased width of the a band during contraction.
e) the i band + h band distance is constant during contraction.
17) after acetylcholinesterase acts, the synaptic terminal
a) reabsorbs the acetylcholine.
b) reabsorbs the acetate.
c) reabsorbs the choline.
d) reabsorbs axoplasm.
e) pinches off and a new terminal grows.
18) when there is no air movement, the relationship between the intrapulmonary and
atmospheric pressure is that
a) they are equal.
b) intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric.
c) atmospheric pressure is less than intrapulmonary.
d) atmospheric pressure is more than intrapulmonary.
e) intrapulmonary pressure is less than atmospheric.
19) the ________ receives blood from the suprarenal gland.
20) points where a muscular artery can be compressed against a bone to control severe
bleeding are called ________.
21) the shaft of long bones is called the ________.
22) where the eyelids join at the medial or lateral edge is called the ________.
23) in each ventricle is a blood vessel called the ________ that produces cerebrospinal
24) ejaculation is associated with intensely pleasurable sensations, an experience known
as male ________.
25) list the types of movement that may be permitted at a synovial joint.
26) list and briefly describe the components of the lymphatic system.
27) a ________ acid is an acid that cannot leave solution and enter the atmosphere.

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