BI 99432

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1786
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Which is the most abundant kind of tissue in most animals?
A) connective
B) epithelial
C) blood
D) muscle
What name is given to the region where sea meets land?
A) pelagic realm
B) intertidal zone
C) benthic realm
D) aphotic zone
What is a difference between embryonic and adult stem cells?
A) The use of embryonic stem cells raises fewer ethical issues than the use of adult
stem cells.
B) Embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated; adult stem cells are partially
C) It is easier to obtain embryonic stem cells.
D) Adult stem cells are easier to grow in culture.
Biocontrol, short for biological control, is a means to control pest populations (e.g.,
insects, plants) by intentionally introducing natural enemies of those pests. Biocontrol
methods have benefits of typically being less expensive and less environmentally
damaging than chemical pesticides. Which of the following should NOT be considered
an example of biocontrol?
A) the spores of the Chinese caterpillar fungus that are sprayed on crop pests to
parasitize and kill them
B) the application of herbicides that kill weeds harboring pest populations
C) the introduction of mites that prey upon citrus rust mites that infest and destroy
citrus crops
D) the introduction of insect herbivores that eat weeds but do not feed on native plant
Which of the following best describes the conversion that occurs during nitrogen
A) ammonium to nitrate
B) nitrate to ammonium
C) nitrogen to ammonium
D) nitrogen to ammonium or nitrate
Anorexia and bulimia ________.
A) occur when the body does not receive enough vitamin C
B) occur when there is a protein-deficient diet
C) occur mainly in affluent countries where thinness is idealized
D) occur when a person does not obtain all the essential amino acids
For good health, it is important to include ________ in our diets.
A) fructose
B) monosaccharides
C) disaccharides
D) polysaccharides
Please read the following paragraph and then answer the following questions.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig's disease, is a fatal disorder
characterized by muscle weakness. Stumbling when walking or difficulty with using a
hand is a typical early symptom. Individuals with ALS lose the ability to consciously
control movement, though cognitive and sensory functions generally remain
unimpaired. There is currently no cure for ALS.
Given the symptoms of ALS, what part of the nervous system is functioning
A) autonomic nervous system
B) central nervous system
C) motor system
D) sympathetic division
What is the basis of Mendel's laws?
A) the behavior of chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis only
B) the behavior of chromosomes during mitotic anaphase
C) the behavior of chromosomes during prophase I and prophase II of meiosis
D) the behavior of chromosomes during metaphase I and anaphase I of meiosis
Which of the following hormones causes a rise in the concentration of glucose in the
A) insulin
B) glucagon
C) melatonin
D) calcitonin
What is the best explanation for a BbCc bbcc cross producing offspring in a 5:5:1:1
phenotypic ratio?
A) linked genes
B) polygenic inheritance
C) incomplete dominance
D) codominance
Besides the atmosphere, abiotic reservoirs of carbon dioxide include ________.
A) fossil fuels and dissolved carbon compounds in the oceans
B) rocks and dissolved carbon compounds in the oceans
C) fossil fuels only
D) rocks only
Which of these behaviors is NOT associated with androgens?
A) body-slamming elephant seals
B) mating songs in frogs
C) territorial battles in fish
D) maturation of ovaries in bears
What did Jonas Salk's polio vaccine experiment find?
A) Vaccines could be developed from bacteria.
B) Vaccines were safe only for the elderly.
C) Inactivated viruses can be used as vaccines.
D) Polio could not be prevented with a vaccine.
Which of the following is a result of glycolysis?
A) production of CO2
B) conversion of glucose to pyruvic acid
C) a net loss of two ATPs per glucose molecule
D) conversion of NADH to NAD+
Eating very spicy food stimulates the release of ________.
A) endorphins
B) insulin
C) glucagon
D) calcitonin
Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence of stages in cellular respiration?
A) glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport
B) citric acid cycle, glycolysis, electron transport
C) citric acid cycle, electron transport, glycolysis
D) electron transport, glycolysis, citric acid cycle
Functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum include ________.
A) steroid synthesis, protein synthesis, and drug detoxification
B) lipid synthesis, protein synthesis, and drug detoxification
C) lipid synthesis, steroid synthesis, and drug detoxification
D) lipid synthesis, steroid synthesis, and storage of genetic information
What was a surprising feature about the deadly nature of the 2009 H1N1 influenza
A) H1N1 affected the elderly.
B) H1N1 affected healthy young people.
C) H1N1 affected birds.
D) H1N1 affected pigs.
Information is transferred from the nucleus to ribosomes via ________.
B) rough endoplasmic reticulum
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
You discover a unicellular organism that moves by what appear to be pseudopodia. You
conclude that this organism is ________.
A) either a type of amoeba or a type of slime mold
B) a type of bacterium
C) a type of alga
D) either a type of ciliate or a type of apicomplexan
Which of the following is almost always associated with being overweight and
A) type 1 diabetes
B) type 2 diabetes
C) type 3 diabetes
D) hypoglycemia
Which of the following is one way in which scientists can test hypotheses about events
that occurred in the distant past?
A) by dissecting current animal specimens
B) by analyzing fossils recovered from the Earth
C) by visiting local libraries to research the events
D) by interviewing current scientists and researchers
The act of a white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is ________.
A) osmosis
B) diffusion
C) exocytosis
D) phagocytosis
Examine the figure below. Once an action potential is triggered, ________.
A) the interior of the cell becomes positively charged relative to the outside
B) the interior of the cell becomes negatively charged relative to the outside
C) all ion channels close
D) the cell soon reaches threshold
The CORRECT sequence of events occurring during transcription is ________.
A) splicing, capping, tailing
B) initiation, elongation, termination
C) tailing, capping, splicing
D) elongation, initiation, termination
If a plant appears blue to us, what wavelength of light is being reflected?
A) blue
B) green
C) red
D) yellow
One difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells is that eukaryotic cells
________ prokaryotic cells.
A) have DNA, which is lacking in
B) have membrane-enclosed structures called organelles, which are lacking in
C) have a plasma membrane, which is lacking in
D) have a nucleoid region, which is lacking in
Which of the following form chains with overlapping ends to form a system of
water-carrying tubes, and are dead when mature?
A) collenchyma cells
B) sclerenchyma cells
C) water-conducting cells
D) food-conducting cells
What is an evolutionary reason why individual ferns may produce millions of spores?
A) Having many spores increases the chances that they will produce fossil fuels.
B) Having many spores increases the chances that they can produce seeds.
C) Spores can germinate only in the right environmental conditions, so producing many
spores increases the chances that at least one will end up in an area of those conditions.
D) Spores can disperse only short distances, so producing many spores increases the
chances that at least one will travel far enough to germinate.
Use the following information to answer the following questions.
The dune-burrowing spider Seothyra species lives in the Namib Desert on the
southwestern coast of Africa. These spiders build silk-lined burrows with a sticky silk
mat at the entrance to trap insect prey. While foraging during the day, the spider remains
concealed in its burrow and shielded from direct sunlight when prey are not present.
When insect prey become entangled in the sticky silk mat, the spider will run out of its
burrow and capture the prey insects.
During the day, environmental temperatures vary from 17 to 73ºC (63-164ºF). If a
spider is forced to remain outside of its burrow, it shows signs of thermal stress at 49ºC.
When spiders are unrestrained, they spend more time waiting inside their burrows to
keep their internal temperatures below 49ºC, even when surface temperatures are above
65ºC. In addition, spiders respond more quickly to prey stimuli during the hottest times
of the day and capture prey in significantly less time when surface temperatures are
above 49ºC. The captured arthropods (prey) tend to succumb more quickly to hot
surface temperatures; they are more lethargic and struggle less when captured at the
high temperature ranges.
When foraging spiders are too hot, they retreat into their burrows. What type of
feedback system does this indicate?
A) hormonal feedback
B) positive feedback
C) negative feedback
D) positive and negative feedback
________ is an example of bioremediation.
A) Cyanobacteria converting atmospheric nitrogen to a form that plants can use
B) The use of an autoclave to kill endospores
C) The use of prokaryotes to treat sewage
D) A dinoflagellate bloom causing massive fish kills
The current geological era is the ________.
A) Paleozoic
B) Cenozoic
C) Mesozoic
D) Cambrian
When using a microscope to view cells you obtained from scraping under your
fingernails, you notice that the cells lack nuclei; therefore, you conclude that the cells
must be a type of ________ cell.
A) plant
B) eukaryotic
C) fungal
D) prokaryotic

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