BI 893 Quiz 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 711
subject Authors George R. Mangun, Michael S. Gazzaniga, Richard B. Ivry

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When reading a series of statements such as “At the party, he was the first to start
dancing on the
table,” the_____________ is more active when making a personality inference as
opposed to remembering the order of the statements.
a.anterior insula cortex
b. dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
c.anterior cingulate cortex
d. medial prefrontal cortex
2) When deciding whether an adjective describes ______________, we rely on
a.others ; memories of specific behaviors
b. ourselves ; memories of specific behaviors
c.others ; more global perceptions
d. Bothb andc aretrue.
3) __________ was one of the first brain scientists to realize that specific cognitive
functions can be localized to specific parts of the brain and that many different
functional regions can take part in a given behavior.
a. Broca
b. Hughlings Jackson
c. Flourens
d. Brodmann
4) A patient has an injury to the parietal lobe and has a selective deficit in processing
information about the spatial location of visual stimuli. You hypothesize that this region
of the brain is distinct in function from other visual areas in the temporal lobe, in which
you suspect shape perception information is processed. To establish a double
dissociation between the two functions and brain regions, you would need to find
another person who had damage to the
a.same part of the parietal lobe but did not have a visuospatial deficit.
b. temporal lobe and had both visuospatial and shape perception deficits.
c.same part of the parietal lobe and had only a shape perception deficit.
d. temporal lobe and had only a shape perception deficit.
5) If conscious thought is emergent, how can we use neuronal firing to fully understand
a.We must measure neuronal firing across many different conscious states.
b. We must model neuronal firing.
c.We must measure the neuronal firing underlying various beliefs.
d. We cannot use neuronal firing to fully understand it.
6) Patient H.M. is to the __________ as patients with Korsakoffs syndrome are to the
a. medial temporal lobes ; cerebellum
b. cerebellum ; diencephalon
c. diencephalon ; medial temporal lobes
d. medial temporal lobes ; diencephalon
7) On one trial of the Posner spatial cuing task, a flash of light validly cued the location
of an upcoming target and enhanced the participants reaction time to detect that target.
Which of the following statements about the participants subsequent responding to this
location is most accurate?
a. Detection of targets that appear in this position on subsequent trials will also be
b. Detection of targets that appear in this position on subsequent trials will be
c. Detection of targets that appear in this position on subsequent trials will be inhibited
from now on.
d. Detection of targets that appear in this position on subsequent trials will be
temporarily inhibited.
8) A patient has damage to the basal ganglia, particularly within the striatum, and
demonstrates both chorea and hyperkinesia. What is your diagnosis?
a. Parkinsons disease
b. Huntingtons disease
c. hypermetria
d. bradykinesia
9) Neurons in the olfactory bulb demonstrate an extensive amount of convergence and
divergence. This means that neurons in this system
a.sometimes fire synchronously and asynchronously with respect to each other.
b. project to, and receive input from, a large number of other neurons.
c.synapse onto their own presynaptic neurons, creating feedback loops.
d. send output to regions of the brain both near and far from the olfactory epithelium.
10) Lesions to this region of the cerebellum lead to postural instability and difficulty in
keeping ones eyes fixed on a visual object despite head or body movements.
a. the spinocerebellum
b. the vestibulocerebellum
c. the neocerebellum
d. the dentate nucleus
11) What disorder is characterized by a loss of dopaminergic fibers in the substantia
nigra, which results in deficits in initiating voluntary movements, bradykinesia, and the
progressive emergence of a resting tremor?
a. Huntingtons disease
b. Parkinsons disease
c. hemiballism
d. cogwheeling

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