BI 555

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 936
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) the most lateral and superior region of the abdomen is called the hypochondriac
2) a deficiency of acetylcholine receptors leads to muscle paralysis in myasthenia
3) the digestive system processes food, extracts nutrients, and eliminates the residue.
4) nerve fibers in a given white matter tract are similar in origin, destination, and
5) large veins, medium veins, and venules have valves to prevent the backflow of
6) the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction has emerged from research only in
the last 10 to 15 years.
7) the cerebellum is the largest part of the brain.
8) merocrine sweat glands are associated with hair follicles in the pubic and anal
regions, axilla, areola, and beard.
9) histology is the study of structures that can be observed without a magnifying lens.
10) lymphocytes secrete antibodies, coordinate action of other immune cells, and serve
in immune memory.
11) progesterone stimulates uterine contractions.
12) coagulation starts with a vascular spasm and ends with the formation of a platelet
13) parathyroid hormone increases phosphate excretion by the proximal convoluted
tubule as well as promotes synthesis of calcitriol.
14) patches of fibrocartilage formed in the healing of a fracture are called __________,
whereas the bony collar formed around the fracture is called __________.
a. fracture hematoma; granulation tissue
b. granulation tissue; soft callus
c. fracture hematoma; hard callus
d. granulation tissue; hard callus
e. soft callus; hard callus
15) __________ are secreted by cells infected with viruses, alerting neighboring cells
and protecting them from becoming infected.
a. complement system globulins
b. interferons
c. granzymes
d. pyrogens
e. perforins
16) the breakdown of glycogen (an energy-storage compound) is an example of a(n)
__________ reaction.
17) the digital rays of a fetus give rise to __________.
a. arms and legs
b. ribs and intercostal muscles
c. fingers and toes
d. extensor digitorum muscles
e. radial muscles of the iris
18) cells of the sinoatrial node __________ during the pacemaker potential.
a. depolarize fast
b. depolarize slow
c. repolarize slow
d. repolarize fast
e. depolarize slow and repolarize fast
19) the __________ does not belong to the femur.
a. anterior border
b. fovea capitis
c. medial condyle
d. greater trochanter
e. lesser trochanter
20) which of the following bones is adjacent to both the coronal and lambdoid sutures?
a. occipital bone
b. sphenoid bone
c. parietal bone
d. zygomatic bone
e. frontal bone
21) what is the total body water (tbw) content of a 70 kg young male?
a. 10 l
b. 20 l
c. 40 l
d. 60 l
e. 70 l
22) which of the following is the largest and most complex diarthrosis in the body?
a. the hip
b. the knee
c. the elbow
d. the shoulder
e. the wrist
23) the least common, but most deadly, type of skin cancer is __________.
a. basal cell carcinoma
b. squamous cell carcinoma
c. melanoma
d. skin lymphoma
e. skin sarcoma
24) sinuses are absent from which bone?
a. sphenoid
b. frontal
c. temporal
d. maxilla
e. ethmoid
25) by the time the conceptus arrives in the uterus, it consists of at least__________ or
more cells.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
e. 32
26) which of the following is a secondary sex organ?
a. testis
b. ovary
c. vagina
d. facial hair
e. distribution of body fat
27) which of these does not contribute to the cessation of the signal in a synaptic
a. synaptic vesicles secrete neurotransmitter by exocytosis.
b. neurotransmitter escapes from the synapse into the nearby extracellular fluid.
c. neurotransmitters are no longerreleased.
d. the synaptic knob reabsorbs some neurotransmitters by endocytosis.
e. enzymes in the postsynaptic cell break down some neurotransmitters.
28) hydrochloric acid (hcl) is secreted by __________ cells.
a. mucous
b. regenerative (stem)
c. parietal
d. chief
e. enteroendocrine
29) the innermost connective tissue layer protecting the kidney and assisting in staving
off infection is known as the __________.
a.perirenal fat capsule
b.renal fascia
d.fibrous capsule
e.renal medulla
30) voluntary motor impulses leave the spinal cord via the _________ of gray matter.
a. anterior horn
b. posterior horn
c. anterior column
d. posterior column
e. lateral horn
31) the basement membrane is found between __________ and __________.
a. epithelium; connective tissue
b. epithelium; extracellular material
c. epithelium; intracellular material
d. extracellular material; intracellular material
e. interstitial fluid; extracellular fluid
32) the right shoulder is __________ and __________ to the umbilical region.
a. superior; lateral
b. superior; medial
c. inferior; lateral
d. inferior; medial
e. posterior; lateral

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