BI 455 Test 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 1093
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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1) the following are steps in the cell-mediated immune response.
1. several cycles of mitosis occur.
2. antigen is engulfed and presented by a macrophage.
3. cytotoxic t cells migrate to focus of infection.
4. t cells with specific receptors recognize the antigen.
5. t cells differentiate into cytotoxic t cells or t memory cells.
6. cytotoxic t cells release perforin and/or lymphotoxin.
the correct sequence for these steps is
a) 4, 1, 5, 3, 6, 2
b) 2, 4, 1, 5, 3, 6
c) 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6
d) 3, 2, 4, 1, 5, 6
e) 3, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2
figure 15-1 spinothalamic tracts
which ascending tract carries the sensations for fine touch and vibration?
a) corticobulbar
b) corticospinal
c) posterior (dorsal) column
d) spinothalamic
e) spinobulbar
3) the region known as the macula densa is part of
a) the proximal convoluted tubule.
b) the distal convoluted tubule.
c) the collecting duct.
d) the nephron loop (loop of henle).
e) glomerular (bowman's) capsule.
4) a chemical imbalance in the body can cause the heart to stop pumping blood, which
in turn will cause other tissues and organs to cease functioning. this observation
supports the view that
a) all organisms are composed of cells.
b) all levels of organization within an organism are interdependent.
c) chemical molecules make up cells.
d) blood has magical properties.
e) congenital defects can be life-threatening.
5) the patella slides in a groove on the femur called the
a) medial and lateral condyles.
b) interpatellar groove.
c) patellar surface.
d) femoral head.
e) patellar canal.
6) thermoreceptors
a) are found within the dermis.
b) are free nerve endings.
c) for "cold" are structurally indistinguishable from those for "warm."
d) are more numerous for cold than for warm temperatures.
e) all of the answers are correct.
7) the type of cells that form the strata in the epidermis are
a) adipocytes.
b) keratinocytes.
c) fibroblasts.
d) melanocytes.
e) dendritic cells.
8) pneumotaxic centers in the pons
a) inhibit the apneustic centers.
b) promote passive or active exhalation.
c) receive input from the hypothalamus and cerebrum.
d) modify respiratory rate and depth.
e) all of the answers are correct.
9) which of the following descriptions best matches the term stapes?
a) moves up and down when the stapedius muscle contracts
b) auditory ossicle attached to tympanic membrane
c) bending it produces receptor potential in hair cells
d) necessary for the static sense of equilibrium
e) seals the oval window
10) which of the following is the insertion of the triceps brachialis?
a) olecranon process of the ulna
b) infraglenoid tuberosity of the scapula
c) lateral condyle of the humerus
d) medial epicondyle of the humerus
e) base of the second metacarpal
11) ________ cells are located in the inner cellular layer of the periosteum.
a) osteocyte
b) osteoclast
c) osteoid
d) osteoprogenitor
e) chondroblast
12) which of the following is not a muscle of the rotator cuff?
a) supraspinatus
b) infraspinatus
c) teres minor
d) subscapularis
e) subclavius
13) t is to ________ as b is to ________.
a) top; bottom
b) thymus-dependent; bone marrow-derived
c) thyroid; bowel
d) non-thymus-dependent; bottom
e) trabeculae; bursa
14) a patient who experienced head trauma has lost the ability to taste spicy food. you
should expect damage to cranial nerve ________.
a) vii
b) iii
c) ix
d) v
e) xii
15) tina falls and fractures her pisiform bone. what part of her body was injured?
a) foot
b) forearm
c) wrist
d) hand
e) ankle
16) in assessing a stroke patient, you ask her to stick out (protract) her tongue. you note
that it deviates to one side. you suspect that damage to the neural control of the
________ muscle has occurred.
a) hyoglossus
b) genioglossus
c) palatoglossus
d) styloglossus
e) none of the answers are correct.
17) the complex, interwoven network formed by contributions from the ventral rami of
neighboring spinal nerves is termed a(n)
a) dermatome.
b) autonomic nerve.
c) lateral nerve.
d) tract.
e) plexus.
18) if the axon terminal of a motor neuron suddenly became permeable to calcium ion,
a) the neuron will fire an action potential.
b) the motor end plate will be depolarized.
c) the motor end plate will be hyperpolarized.
d) neurotransmitter release will be blocked.
e) the neuron will become unable to stimulate the muscle cell.
19) the openings to the nostrils are the
a) external nares.
b) internal nares.
c) vestibules.
d) conchae.
e) nasal apertures.
20) molecules that do not readily interact with water are called ________.
21) jane lives in appalachia and suffers from hypothyroidism. her thyroid gland is
enlarged, her body temperature is low, and her hair and skin look brittle and dry. blood
tests show very low levels of circulating iodine, t3, and t4, but high levels of tsh. what
is your diagnosis? what treatment would you recommend?
22) the branch of biological science that studies the external and internal structure of
the body and the physical relationship among body parts is called ________.
23) why is cardiac muscle tissue that has been damaged by injury or disease incapable
of regeneration?
24) the clear liquid secreted by the mammary glands before milk production begins is
called ________.
25) a malignant neoplasm is often called a(n) ________.
26) the shallow recess that surrounds the cervical protrusion into the vagina is called the
27) the ________ artery is the kidney's sole blood supply.

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