BI 42618

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1618
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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If a child more strongly resembles one parent's physical traits than the other parent's,
the explanation could be due to chromosome movements during
a. anaphase II.
b. metaphase II.
c. prophase II.
d. anaphase I.
e. telophase I.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five endocrine glands listed
a. adrenal cortex
b. ovary
c. pineal
d. parathyroid
e. thymus
Progesterone is produced by this gland.
A sporophyte is a ____ plant body that grows by ____ from a ____.
a. haploid; mitosis; spore
b. diploid; mitosis; spore
c. diploid; mitosis; fertilized egg
d. diploid; meiosis; fertilized egg
e. haploid; mitosis; fertilized egg
In knockout experiments,
a. genes are added to chromosomes.
b. normal genes are replaced physically by mutated genes.
c. genes are mutated or deleted to prevent their transcription or translation.
d. mRNAs are prevented from attaching to ribosomes.
e. the protein products of specific genes are inactivated.
Which of the following is false regarding hemoglobin?
a. It is a protein.
b. It contains iron.
c. It has the same function in mollusks, annelids, and some crustaceans as it has in
d. Clams, like humans, carry hemoglobin in red blood cells.
e. It is comparable in function to hemocyanin.
Bird song
a. has to be heard before a bird can sing it.
b. is learned during early life.
c. is specific for each bird species.
d. has a genetic component.
e. includes all of these.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. northern coniferous forest
b. increases oceanic productivity
c. mosaics of tall, coarse grasses, shrubs, and low trees; even, humid forests; high
d. stratified on rocky coasts
e. includes sediments and rocks on the ocean bottom
f. stratified communities with vines, orchids, and monkeys, and nutrient-poor soil
g. chemoautotrophs are the primary producers
h. dwarf willows, mosses, lichens, caribou, and permafrost
i. nurseries of the oceans
j. a large region characterized by its large array of dominant primary producers
Respond to the following statements in reference to the autonomic nervous system
associated with the five regions of the human spinal cord listed below.
a. cervical
b. thoracic
c. lumbar
d. sacral
e. coccygeal
Sympathetic nerves from this region innervate the bladder, uterus, and genitals.
Choose the proper item below for the following statements.
a. operon
b. operator
c. promoter
d. lactose
e. regulator gene
When the repressor is inactivated, RNA polymerase can bind to this item and allow
transcription to occur.
stem cells
Match each term with the most appropriate statement.
a. cells that do not divide, die in less than a week, and secrete antibodies
b. cells that directly destroy body cells already infected by viral or fungal parasites, as
well as mutant and cancerous cells
c. lymphocytes that are held in reserve, circulate in the bloodstream, and enable a rapid
response to subsequent encounters with the same invader
d. able to lyse cells by forming pore complexes
e. cells that are produced in the bone marrow, are never changed by the thymus, and
manufacture antibodies
f. able to destroy cells but not dependent on recognition of antigen-MHC complexes
g. a class of proteins that help cells of the immune system communicate
h. "big eaters" that alert other lymphocytes to the invasion of specific antigens
i. immature cells that may or may not be committed to develop into one of several
mature cell types
j. a group of cells that are all produced asexually from one original parent cell
k. surface patterns of nonself molecules or particles
l. proteins released by cytotoxic T cells to destroy target cell membranes
m. preparation injected into the body to elicit a primary immune response
n. one of this group has been identified as the causative agent of AIDS
The Krebs cycle
Select the one most appropriate choice for each.
a. produces NADH and CO2; pyruvate oxidized
b. produces ATP, NADH, and CO2
c. splits glucose into two pyruvate molecules
d. regenerates NAD+ as pyruvate is converted to ethanol or lactate
e. uses a membrane-bound system that sets up production of ATP
The portion of the DNA molecule that is translated is composed of
a. introns.
b. anticodons.
c. exons.
d. transcriptions.
e. exons and transcriptions.
In the respiration of terrestrial animals, "ventilation" refers to
a. the bulk movement of air in and out of the organism.
b. the diffusion of gases across a membrane.
c. the diffusion of gases in and out of blood cells.
d. the transport of gases to and from body cells.
e. all of these.
Which of the following statements is NOT true about asteroids?
a. They have had little influence on the history of life.
b. They do not emit light and are difficult to see.
c. Their impacts have produced craters visible in satellite images.
d. One asteroid impacted our planet just prior to the mass extinctions at the K-T
e. An asteroid impact releases an enormous quantity of energy.
When molecules are broken apart in respiration,
a. the heat produced is used to drive biological reactions.
b. the oxygen in the compounds that are broken apart is used as an energy source.
c. the energy released is channeled into molecules of ATP.
d. ATP is converted into ADP.
e. ADP is released as a waste product.
The CFTR protein product is responsible for:
a. pumping chloride ions out of the cell.
b. pumping water out of the cell.
c. pumping chloride ions into the cell.
d. fighting off bacterial infections.
e. regulating gene expression.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the flower parts listed below.
a. megaspore
b. microspore
c. ovule
d. ovary
e. seed
The egg is ultimately derived from this structure.
Which of these statements about hypertension is false?
a. Blood pressure remains above 140/90 even at rest.
b. Poor diet and lack of regular exercise puts one at increased risk.
c. It may contribute to atherosclerosis.
d. Most Americans with the disorder seek treatment.
e. It tends to run in families.
The oval window is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. D.
d. E.
e. F.
A polysome is
a. one of the units of a ribosome.
b. the nuclear organelle that synthesizes RNA.
c. an organelle that functions similarly to a ribosome during meiosis.
d. the two units of a ribosome considered together.
e. an mRNA molecule with several ribosomes attached.
Plant cells release hydrogen ions and oxygen from H2O molecules in
a. photosystem I.
b. photosystem II.
c. cyclic photophosphorylation.
d. the light independent reaction.
e. carbon fixation
An adenovirus
a. is a naked virus.
b. does not have a lipid envelope.
c. has a spiked protein coat.
d. infects animals.
e. all of these.
Dependence on animal vectors for fertilization and dispersal is characteristic of many
species of
a. ferns.
b. angiosperms.
c. mosses.
d. conifers.
e. cycads.
Phytochrome is converted from the inactive to the active form by being exposed to light
of what color?
a. far red
b. red
c. yellow
d. blue
e. none of these
Select the one most appropriate choice for each.
a. produces NADH and CO2; pyruvate oxidized
b. produces ATP, NADH, and CO2
c. splits glucose into two pyruvate molecules
d. regenerates NAD+ as pyruvate is converted to ethanol or lactate
e. uses a membrane-bound system that sets up production of ATP
Poriferans are
a. herbivores.
b. filter feeders.
c. scavengers.
d. predators.
e. carnivores.
Crossing over
a. increases variability in gametes.
b. happens only once per homologue pair.
c. occurs between sister chromatids.
d. prevents genetic recombination.
e. is followed immediately by separation of each of the chromatids.
Which of the following are most closely related to the choanoflagellates?
a. animals
b. fungi
c. amoebozoans
d. algae
e. none of these
Respond to the following statements with reference to the types of connective tissue
listed below.
a. loose connective tissue
b. dense connective tissue
c. adipose
d. cartilage
e. blood
Tendons are composed of this.
The following questions refer to the figure above illustrating the results from
Engelmann's investigation.
The best light to grow the alga in is ____, according to the figure.
a. blue-violet
b. blue-green
c. green-yellow
d. yellow-orange
e. orange-red
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five plant hormones listed
a. auxins
b. gibberellins
c. cytokinins
d. abscisic acid
e. ethylene
This hormone is a gas that promotes ripening.

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