BI 420 Homework

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 5
subject Words 1090
subject Authors Sylvia Mader

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1) if the hypothesis that protocells were based on an "rna world" is correct, what would
be necessary to shift to a "dna world"?
a. an enzyme or reaction capable of removing one oxygen from ribose in nucleotides
b. enzymes for reverse transcription of rna into dna
c. new enzymes to replicate the dna
d. new enzymes for transcribing dna back to rna
e. all would be necessary to switch to a "dna world."
2) adult humans cannot synthesize _____ out of the _____ common amino acids.
a. eleven; twenty
b. nine; eleven
c. nine; twenty
d. any; twenty
e. half; all
3) ocean currents
a. are generated by friction between winds and ocean surfaces.
b. always move clockwise in an ocean basin.
c. are important in shipping but have little effect on living environments.
d. are driven by the earth's core rotating faster than the ocean water.
e. all of the choices are correct.
4) which of the following increases the surface area available for gas exchange among
various organisms?
a. finely divided inner lung surface in mammals
b. tubular body shape, as in annelids
c. finely divided gills in fish
d. flattened body, as in planarians
e. all of these choices increase surface area.
5) consider the life of the praying mantis. the large predatory female lays several
hundred eggs in a foam mass in the fall. the young are most vulnerable when they
emerge in the spring, but the few that survive spread out over the countryside and, if
they find a mate, lay eggs the following fall. which type of survivorship curve does this
a. type i
b. type ii
c. type iii
d. exponential growth followed by a decline from resource depletion
e. maximal exponential growth and minimal use of carrying capacity
6) astrophysicists explain that eventually the sun will swell to become a red giant,
engulf the earth and "burn out" with all forms of energy dispersing in a final "heat
death." compared with conditions today, the entropy of the universe then will
a. have increased greatly.
b. have decreased greatly.
c. remain the same because energy cannot be created or destroyed.
7) what is the main reason that the alternative explanations to evolution are not
considered scientific?
a. the alternative explanations are not testable by the scientific method.
b. the people suggesting the alternative explanations are not scientists.
c. the scientific community is biased and will not look at any other explanation.
d. all of these are reasons why the alternative explanations are not considered testable.
8) if an individual with a dominant phenotype is crossed with an individual with a
recessive phenotype, 4 of their 9 offspring show the recessive phenotype. what is the
genotype of the first parent?
a. aa
b. aa
c. aa
d. the answer cannot be determined from this information.
9) there are more rods than cones but many rods may synapse with one ganglion cell
while only one cone synapses with one ganglion. therefore, when light intensity drops
at night, we can expect a lit city street scene to be
a. intense in color and very sharp.
b. more black-and-white but very sharp.
c. intense in color but grainy.
d. more black-and-white and grainy.
e. identical to the image formed of the street in daytime.
10) while c-4 plants have carbon dioxide fixation and carbon dioxide uptake separated
by location within the plant, cam plants
a. have these processes separated by time.
b. fix much greater amounts of carbon dioxide than c-4 plants.
c. are found in tropical regions where nutrients are abundant.
d. all of the choices are correct.
11) an enveloped virus enters a host cell by
a. injecting its dna or rna into the host cell.
b. fusion of its envelope with the host cell's plasma envelope.
c. endocytosis.
d. any of the above choices are correct.
e. attaching to the host cell's membrane and then injecting its dna or rna into the host
12) transcription is initiated when:
a. initiation factors assemble ribosomal subunits, mrna, and initiator trna.
b. rna polymerase comes to a stop sequence.
c. rna polymerase binds to a region of dna called the promoter.
d. new nucleotides are added to an existing strand of nucleotides.
13) what is the result of a cell not meeting the criteria to pass the g1 checkpoint?
a. the cell cycle halts.
b. the cell may enter the g0 stage.
c. the cell may undergo apoptosis.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.
14) which statement about smell receptors is not true?
a. they are chemoreceptors.
b. they are located in the roof of the nasal cavity in humans.
c. they send information to the brain by way of the olfactory bulb.
d. they are capable of responding to pressure as well as chemical changes.
e. they can detect some molecules better than others.
15) the earliest fossils of archaic humans known to have produced tools are
a. australopithecus afarensis.
b. australopithecus garhi.
c. proconsul.
d. homo habilis.
e. homo erectus.
16) calcium ions bind to
a. tropomyosin.
b. troponin.
c. actin.
d. myosin.
e. cross bridges.
17) a transgenic organism is
a. one that contains a gene from another organism of the same or different species.
b. one produced by cloning a mutant cell.
c. one that acts as the donor for dna to be moved into another organism.
d. one produced by the polymerase chain reaction.
e. any genetically modified organism resulting from laboratory research.
18) which statement is not true of the t cells?
a. t cells mature in the thymus.
b. t cells carry receptor molecules on their cell surfaces.
c. t cells change into plasma cells and produce antibodies when stimulated.
d. t cells require presentation of antigens by macrophages before they are able to
recognize the antigen.

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