BI 38823

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 1878
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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The letter "C" in the figure above represents
a. root apical meristem.
b. dermal tissue.
c. vascular tissue.
d. ground tissues.
e. ground, dermal, and vascular tissues.
The life cycle of a zygomycete differs markedly from that of animals because in this
a. a sexual stage is absent.
b. mitosis occurs in the haploid growth stage.
c. there is no fusion of nuclei.
d. meiosis occurs to produce the haploid growth stage.
e. a diploid stage is absent.
The above figure represents which of the following chromosomal changes:
a. inversion
b. deletion
c. duplication
d. translocation
e. aneuploidy
Which of these statements is false regarding stramenopiles?
a. They have unique flagella with tinsel-like filaments.
b. Some species are unicellular.
c. They include diatoms and red algae.
d. Most are photosynthetic.
e. Their chloroplast structure hints at endosymbiotic origins.
Some of the stages of meiosis are listed below. For the following statements, select the
best choice of these stages.
a. prophase I
b. metaphase II
c. anaphase I
d. anaphase II
e. telophase I
By the end of this phase the number of homologous chromosomes is reduced in half.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each. Some letters may not be used.
a. flower each successive year or after several years of vegetative growth
b. promotes cell elongation in stems
c. has receptor sites for a particular hormonal message
d. a hollow, cylindrical organ that protects young leaves growing within it
e. blue-green pigment that absorbs light energy
f. low-temperature stimulation of flowering
g. stimulates stomata closure and might be involved in root geotropism
h. stimulates fruit ripening
i. reproduces in spring
j. produces only roots, stems, and leaves the first growing season and produces flowers
the second year
k. occurring on a 24-hour cycle
l. flowers in autumn
m. a nonhormonal plant growth regulator
n. lives for only one growing season
o. promotes stem elongation in plants
p. pigment involved in flowering process
Endemic means a species
a. originated in one geographic region and lives nowhere else.
b. could cause an epidemic at any time.
c. is on its way to extinction.
d. can live in only one habitat.
e. is extinct.
Select the best choice for the following statements in reference to the four groups of
protists listed below.
a. stramenopiles
b. amoebozoans
c. alveolates
d. parabasalids and diplomonads
The slime molds are members of this group.
All EXCEPT which of the following events shuffles existing alleles into different
combinations in sexually reproducing organisms?
a. changes in chromosome number
b. mutation
c. independent assortment of chromosomes
d. crossing over
e. fertilization
The removal of the ____ gland(s) will disrupt normal blood clotting and muscle
a. thymus
b. thyroid
c. pituitary
d. parathyroid
e. pancreas
Which system produces red blood cells?
a. endocrine
b. skeletal
c. muscular
d. defense
e. integumentary
Perhaps a plant's greatest liability is its inability to
a. produce growth hormones.
b. use aerobic respiration.
c. move when conditions around it deteriorate.
d. produce its own lipids and proteins.
e. respond to dwindling supplies of nutrients and water.
The closest relatives of fungi and animals are
a. amoebozoans.
b. chlorophytes.
c. alveolates.
d. stramenopiles.
e. none of these.
In which of the following does environment not play a role?
a. depression.
b. bipolar disorder.
c. schizophrenia.
d. depression and schizophrenia.
e. it plays a role in all these.
Answer the following questions using the group of answers below.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 12
e. 24
In a dihybrid cross between a parent that is a double heterozygote (Aa Bb) and a parent
that is homozygous recessive for one gene and heterozygous for the other (aa Bb), how
many unique phenotypes potentially will be present in their offspring?
Respond to the following statements in reference to the five endocrine glands listed
a. pituitary
b. adrenal
c. pancreas
d. thyroid
e. thymus
Insulin is produced in this gland.
a. stimulates spermatogenesis.
b. promotes the normal development and maintenance of sexual behavior.
c. is responsible for the development of male secondary sexual characteristics.
d. is responsible for the development of the male genitalia.
e. does all of these.
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five plant macronutrients
listed below.
a. nitrogen
This nutrient is an extremely important part of ATP.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four kinds of reception listed
below that are used by social animals.
a. tactile
b. auditory
c. visual
d. chemical
The sex pheromone emitted by a female gypsy moth relies upon this sense in the male.
Approximately ____ million people are now infected with HIV.
a. 1
b. 6
c. 12
d. 20
e. 30
The active site of an enzyme
a. is where the coenzyme is located.
b. is a specific bulge or protuberance on an enzyme.
c. is a groove or crevice in the structure of the enzyme complementary to the substrate.
d. will react with only one substrate no matter how many molecules may resemble the
shape of the substrate.
e. rigidly resists any alteration of its shape.
The following questions refer to the figure above illustrating the stratifications of a lake
in a temperate region.
The limnetic zone is indicated by
a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. D.
e. none of these.
A hominin of Europe and Asia that became extinct nearly 30,000 years ago was
a. a dryopith.
b. Australopithecus.
c. Homo erectus.
d. Homo neanderthalensis
e. Homo floresiensis.
Leaves arise
a. as part of the periderm.
b. as part of secondary growth.
c. at the nodes.
d. as a result of differentiation of cambium cells.
e. from the lateral, not the apical, meristem.
The processes listed below represent major chemical pathways in photosynthesis.
Respond to the following statements with reference to these five processes.
a. light-dependent reactions
b. chemosynthetic reactions
c. carbon dioxide fixation
d. Calvin-Benson cycle
e. C4 pathway
PGAL molecules are formed from the reaction of PGA molecules with ATP and
NADPH in this pathway.
The pancreatic secretions governing glucose levels are precisely controlled by
a. neural connections to the pancreas.
b. the blood-brain barrier.
c. cooperative interactions.
d. feedback mechanisms.
e. releasing factors.
The following items are organelles found in animal cells. Respond to the statements
below with reference to these organelles.
a. ribosome
b. mitochondrion
c. lysosome
d. Golgi body
e. endoplasmic reticulum
The cellular digestion and disposal of biological molecules occurs inside this organelle.
Which of the following is NOT found in the epidermis?
a. stratified epithelium
b. blood vessels
c. adhering cell junctions
d. keratin
e. melanin
Tom Curtis wrote a letter in 2006 to try and encourage research into
a. rare plants.
b. microorganisms.
c. agricultural crops.
d. prairie grasses.
e. all of these.
Conifers are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
a. thick cuticles.
b. intolerance to warm climates.
c. needle-shaped leaves.
d. recessed stomata.
e. adaptations for conserving water.
We recognize three levels of biodiversity: genetic diversity, species diversity, and
Membrane-like structures form when proteins or lipids are mixed with water. They
serve as a model for __________, which may have preceded cells.
Delivery of bile into the small intestine causes the __________ of fats, breaking them
into smaller, more easily digested droplets.
Saliva contains the enzyme __________, which begins the process of starch digestion.
During the luteal phase, a __________ forms from cells that surrounded the egg.
The __________ (nematodes) have an unsegmented body, a cuticle that is molted, a
complete gut, and a false coelom.
How could telomerase inhibitors be used to treat cancer?
Coevolved pollinators receive __________, pollen, or another reward for visiting a
In a certain breed of chicken, two genes control color. A dominant allele (I) inhibits the
expression of any color gene (C). A second recessive gene (c) results in albinism when
homozygous (cc). Give the F2 phenotypic ratio of a colored chicken ii CC with a white
II cc.
Chart the path of urine from the blood to the outside of the body.
What is the danger of Ug99 to global food production?
Most often, three tissue layers form: outer __________, inner __________, and
__________ in between the first two layers.
In __________ speciation, populations in contact along a common border speciate.
RNA cannot be cloned directly. ________, a viral enzyme, is used to convert
single-stranded RNA into ___________ for cloning.

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