BI 24740

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 18
subject Words 2859
subject Authors Cecie Starr, Christine Evers, Lisa Starr, Ralph Taggart

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The person in the above figure is afflicted with which of the following hormonal
a. acromegaly
b. dwarfism
c. low levels of rhGH
d. parathyroid radiation poisoning
e. none of these
Which of the following is a character in phylogeny?
a. number of digits
b. DNA sequence for a gene
c. amino acid sequence of an enzyme
d. number of petals
e. all of these
The five reactions listed below occur during the noncyclic pathway of ATP formation.
Use them to respond to the following statements.
a. reduction of NADP+
b. phosphorylation of ADP
c. photolysis of water
d. oxidation of chlorophyll
e. reduction of chlorophyll
When light energy is absorbed by a leaf, the first result will be this.
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each. Some letters may not be used.
a. flower each successive year or after several years of vegetative growth
b. promotes cell elongation in stems
c. has receptor sites for a particular hormonal message
d. a hollow, cylindrical organ that protects young leaves growing within it
e. blue-green pigment that absorbs light energy
f. low-temperature stimulation of flowering
g. stimulates stomata closure and might be involved in root geotropism
h. stimulates fruit ripening
i. reproduces in spring
j. produces only roots, stems, and leaves the first growing season and produces flowers
the second year
k. occurring on a 24-hour cycle
l. flowers in autumn
m. a nonhormonal plant growth regulator
n. lives for only one growing season
o. promotes stem elongation in plants
p. pigment involved in flowering process
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Mosses have xylem
b. Mosses have lignin.
c. Mosses have true stems.
d. Mosses have rhizoids.
e. Mosses have independent sporophytes.
genetic equilibrium
Choose the most appropriate letter for each.
a. a reference point that implies stability of gene frequencies through generations
b. encompasses all of those actually or potentially interbreeding populations that are
reproductively isolated from other such groups
c. the genes of an entire population
d. the frequency of homozygous dominants in a population
e. the frequencies of dominant and recessive alleles in a population
f. the frequency of heterozygotes in a population
g. the frequency of homozygous recessives in a population
h. heterozygote advantage in regions where malaria is found
i. pesticide-resistant pests
When a population goes through a bottleneck,
a. genetic drift is likely to occur.
b. mutation rates increase.
c. extinction rates decrease.
d. natural selection decreases in intensity.
e. inbreeding decreases.
Even though the autumn may be unusually warm, the leaves from deciduous trees begin
to drop during September. Which of the following is the best explanation?
a. The trees are responding to shorter days.
b. The autumn months are usually drier because the summer rains have tapered off.
c. The effects of phototropism are operating "right on schedule."
d. There is not enough sunlight to carry on photosynthesis any longer.
e. None of these are the best explanation.
Dense connective tissue
Choose the one most appropriate response for each.
a. ligaments and tendons are made of this
b. contains collagen and elastin; acts as a packing material that supports internal organs
c. receives, conducts, and initiates signals in response to environmental changes
d. stores fat
e. offers resistance to mechanical injury and loss of internal fluids; also a barrier against
f. secretes extracellular products such as sweat, mucus, tears, and saliva
g. fluid ground substance plus free cells; involved in transport, pH, and temperature
h. extracellular fluid that bathes cells and tissues
Choose the one best answer for each numbered item.
a. visible marker of the site where an amphibian's body axis will be established and
where gastrulation will begin
b. the formation of two or three embryonic tissue layers
c. the fusion of male and female nuclei
d. the entire body divides transversely; each half grows and regenerates the missing part
e. selective gene expression results in different cell types
f. subdividing of the zygote by mitosis; no growth occurs
g. region of zygote that has less yolk and is pigmented
h. an embryonic stage of development that has three primary tissue layers before
organogenesis begins
i. the formation of organs
j. one body part develops in response to signals from an adjacent part
k. the growth, shaping, and spatial coordination of tissues and organs so that a
predefined pattern of the whole organism results
l. occurs in the formation of the human hand
"Double fertilization" produces nutrient tissue by the union of
a. two egg nuclei and one sperm nucleus.
b. two sperm nuclei and one egg nucleus.
c. two sperm nuclei and two egg nuclei.
d. one sperm nucleus and endosperm mother cell nuclei.
e. two sperm nuclei and one endosperm mother cell nucleus.
Meiosis typically results in the production of
a. two diploid cells.
b. four diploid cells.
c. four haploid cells.
d. two haploid cells.
e. one triploid cell.
Gibberellins have their most dramatic effects
a. on leaves.
b. in promoting abscission.
c. on fruit ripening.
d. on stem lengthening.
e. on flowers.
Parapatric speciation occurs most often
a. within in the same home range.
b. when a population extends across different habitats within the same home range.
c. within a group of interbreeding populations.
d. on either side of geographic barriers.
e. by polyploidy.
The oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from
a. carbon dioxide.
b. glucose.
c. ribulose bisphosphate.
d. water.
e. atmospheric oxygen.
The above figure reveals which of the following about the organism that it was obtained
a. Genes present
b. Age
c. Deceased or living
d. Total number of genes
e. Number of homologous pairs
anterior lobe of pituitary
Choose the one most appropriate answer for each.
a. secretes one hormone that increases the metabolic rate and another that inhibits
calcium release from bone storage sites
b. secrete insulin and glucagon
c. secretes hormones that prepare accessory reproductive structures for reproduction
d. involved in lymphocyte maturation
e. secretes tropic hormones, growth hormone, and prolactin
f. secretes mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
g. in many vertebrates, helps to determine the amount and distribution of dark pigments
in the skin
h. secrete enzymes that help to form angiotensin
i. participates in reproductive physiology and responds to photoperiod change
j. releases oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone into bloodstream
k. secretes a hormone that promotes calcium release from bone storage sites
l. produces oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone
m. secretes cholecystokinin, secretin, and gastrin
n. secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
o. secrete pheromones, milk, tears, sweat, and mucus
In a certain variety of plants, a cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered
plant produced an allfired flower F1. In the F2 there were 140 red, 50 cream, and 65
(a) Offer an explanation for this F2 ratio.
(b) What ratio would be produced in a testcross of the F1 hybrid?
(c) What ratio would be produced if all the white F2 plants were crossed among
Which of the following statements about exergonic reactions is false?
a. They release energy.
b. Glucose metabolism is an example.
c. Their products have more energy than the reactants.
d. Some energy is converted to less biologically useful forms.
e. Bonds are broken.
Alpine pennycress plants remove zinc and cadmium from the soil and store them away
in their
a. chloroplasts.
b. amyloplasts.
c. central vacuoles.
d. Golgi bodies.
e. vesicles.
Which of the following are true statements regarding the use of DNA in evolutionary
a. Lineages have a mixture of ancestral and novel DNA sequences.
b. Mutations inevitably change DNA sequences over time.
c. Mutations occur randomly.
d. Most mutations are neutral.
e. All of these are true.
DNA replaced RNA as the main information molecule probably because
a. DNA contains thymine and RNA does not.
b. DNA is double stranded and breaks less easily.
c. DNA can store more protein-building instructions in less space.
d. RNA is highly unstable.
e. two of these are correct.
Water draining from the land mixes with seawater carried in on tides in which of the
a. upper littoral
b. midlittoral
c. lower littoral
d. estuary
e. upwellings
What is the proper sequence in the flow of air in mammals?
a. nasal cavities, larynx, pharynx, bronchi, trachea
b. nasal cavities, pharynx, bronchi, larynx, trachea
c. nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi
d. nasal cavities, larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchi
e. nasal cavities, bronchi, larynx, trachea, pharynx
Oxyhemoglobin tends to give up oxygen where
a. the pH is low.
b. the tissues are warmer.
c. the partial pressure of O2 is low.
d. the partial pressure of CO2 is high.
e. all of these occur.
Respond to the following statements in reference to the four kinds of social behavior
listed below.
a. altruism
b. cooperation
c. selfish herd behavior
d. subordination
When a woman raises her brother's children, this is an example of __________.
The first person acknowledged to have seen living, moving cells by using a microscope
a. Robert Hooke.
b. Robert Brown.
c. Galileo Galilee.
d. Rudolf Virchow.
e. Anton van Leeuwenhoek.
Ethanol is an inhibitor of ADH. Therefore, a person consuming a mixed drink excretes
a. less water because ADH promotes reabsorption.
b. the alcohol because ADH cannot degrade it.
c. ketone bodies formed from the alcohol.
d. more water because ADH normally promotes reabsorption.
e. more water plus the alcohol due to the ADH inhibition.
Choose the most appropriate answer for each.
a. two pairs of legs per segment
b. tiny, flattened, crawling forms
c. planarians, flukes, tapeworms
d. nematodes
e. snails, squids, clams
f. wheel animals
g. flagellated collar cells present
h. jellyfish and corals
i. crustaceans, ticks, and insects
j. polychaetes, earthworms, leeches
k. sea urchins, sea stars
Match all applicable letters with the appropriate term(s). Letters may be used more than
once, and a term may have more than one letter.
a. tissue that is part of the ground system
b. tissue that is part of the vascular system
c. tissue that is part of the dermal system
d. develops into the vascular cambium
e. leaf's photosynthetic tissues (palisade and spongy) are in this category
f. transports photosynthetic products away from leaves and stem
g. meristematic tissue
h. develops into secondary xylem and phloem
i. transports water and dissolved nutrients up to the stem and leaves
j. replaces the epidermis in plants that undergo secondary growth
k. a single layer of cells that helps control the movement of water and dissolved salts
into the xylem pipeline
l. influence the movement of carbon dioxide into the leaf and movement of water out of
the leaf
m. generally, dead cells that provide support and strength to all three tissue systems
n. ground tissue centrally located within a ring of vascular bundles
Respond to the following statements with reference to the five vitamins listed below.
a. Vitamin B1
b. Vitamin B2
c. Niacin
d. Vitamin B6
e. Vitamin B12
This vitamin functions in coenzyme NAD+ action.
What are the properties of life?
Our knowledge of existing species is limited and biased toward __________.
Gene expression requires the participation of the following three types of RNA:
__________, __________and __________.
There are five antibody classes: __________, __________, __________, __________,
and __________. (Ig stands for __________.)
How does bipedalism relate to sweat glands, skin color and hair density?
Research on HIV vaccines is progressing, but success to date has been limited to
vaccines that are of limited effectiveness against a few strains of the HIV virus.
However, flu vaccines are similar in their limitations. Why are "limited effectiveness'
flu vaccines released, but not HIV vaccines?
Photosynthetic parenchyma is called __________.
The concepts of transcription and translation have been said to form the "central
dogma" of molecular biology. Is this a fitting description?
In garden peas, one pair of alleles controls the height of the plant, and a second pair of
alleles controls flower color. The allele for tall (D) is dominant to the allele for dwarf
(d), and the allele for purple (P) is dominant to the allele for white (p). A tall purple
crossed with a tall purple produces 3/4 tall purple and 1/4 tall white. What is the
genotype of the parents?
All fungi are __________ that secrete digestive enzymes on organic matter and absorb
released nutrients.
In __________ food chains, most energy flows from producers directly to detritivores
and decomposers.
Eukaryotic cells contain membrane bound ___________ in their cytoplasm.
Glucose-6-phosphate is trapped within the cell because __________.
Most digestion occurs and most nutrients and water are absorbed in the __________.
In lineages that moved onto land, gills were replaced by lungs; kidneys became better at
conserving __________, and the circulatory system became more efficient.
Some protists have complex life cycles and change between the haploid and diploid
state. This process is called __________.
What evidence is there that choanoflagellates were the ancestors to animals?
__________ are multicelled heterotrophs without cell walls.

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