BI 118 Quiz 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 957
subject Authors Kenneth Saladin

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1) breathing is controlled solely by the medulla oblongata and pons.
2) cells were first named by microscopist robert hooke.
3) most body fat in overweight people is stored in the integumentary system.
4) an isometric contraction does not change muscle length.
5) ethyl (drinking) alcohol stimulates the secretion of adh, thereby reducing
reabsorption by the collecting duct.
6) a ganglion is a swelling along a nerve containing the cell bodies of peripheral
7) in a state of water balance, average daily fluid gains and losses are equal.
8) all amino acids have both a carboxyl group and an amino group attached to a central
9) humoral immunity takes care of intracellular viruses, whereas cellular immunity
takes care of extracellular viruses.
10) hyponatremia is usually a result of hypotonic hydration.
11) eye color is a normal polygenic trait.
12) body weight is stable when average daily energy intake and output are equal.
13) a hemorrhage results in which of the following?
a.a decrease in water volumewithout significantly affecting theosmolarity
b.a decrease in water volume and an increase in osmolarity
c.a decrease in water volumeand a decrease in osmolarity increase in ecf volume but a decrease in icf volume
e.a decrease in ecf volume but an increase icf volume
14) immune surveillance is a process in which __________ nonspecifically detect and
destroy foreign cells and diseased host cells.
a. t lymphocytes (t cells)
b. reticular cells
c. dendritic cells
d. macrophages
e. natural killer (nk) cells
15) which of the following is not a function of lipids?
a.they form theplasma membrane structure.
b.they form myelin around nerve fibers.
c.they form the structure of some hormones.
d.they provide cushioning around soft organs.
e.they form skeletal muscle fibers.
16) all enzymes are __________.
e.nucleic acids
17) autoimmune diseases are disorders in which the immune system fails to distinguish
__________ from foreign ones.
a. self-immunoglobulins
b. self-antibodies
c. self-antigens
d. self-interleukins
e. self-complement proteins
18) a person with type ab blood has __________ rbc antigen(s).
a. no
b. anti-a and anti-b
c. anti-a
d. anti-b
e. a and b
19) __________ is a monosaccharide, whereas __________ is a polysaccharide.
a.fructose; sucrose
b.galactose; maltose
c.lactose; glycogen
d.glucose; starch
e.cellulose; glucose
20) a ganglion is a _________.
a. bundle of axons in the cns
b. cluster of dendrites in either the cns or the pns
c. cluster of neurosomas in the pns
d. bundle of axons in the pns
e. cluster of neurosomas in the cns
21) necessary for vitamin b12 absorption, __________ is/are secreted by __________
a.intrinsic factor; parietal
b.bile salts; chief
c.lecithin; hepatic
d.hydrochloric acid; parietal
e.enterokinase; mucous
22) what are the major branches of the abdominal aorta from superior to inferior?
a. celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, renal arteries, gonadal arteries, inferior
mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries
b. celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, gonadal arteries, renal arteries, inferior
mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries
c. superior mesenteric artery, celiac trunk, renal arteries, gonadal arteries, inferior
mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries
d. superior mesenteric artery, celiac trunk, gonadal arteries, renal arteries, inferior
mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries
e. superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery, celiac trunk, gonadal arteries,
renal arteries, and common iliac arteries
23) most of the bones of the skull are connected by immovable joints called
a. sinuses
b. syndesmoses
c. symphyses
d. fissures
e. sutures
24) dilation of the __________ causes the lacunae to fill with blood and the penis to
become erect.
a. helicine arteries
b. internal pudendal (penile) arteries
c. dorsal arteries
d. dorsal veins
e. deep arteries
25) which of the following is associated with vasoreflexes?
a. collagen and elastic tissue in the tunica media
b. elastic tissue in the tunica externa
c. endothelium in the tunica interna
d. smooth muscle in the tunica media
e. fenestrations in the tunica externa
26) what is the longest stage of labor?
a. the dilation stage
b. the expulsion stage
c. the placental stage
d. the postpartum stage
e. the puerperium stage
27) which of the following exemplifies a positive feedback process happening in bone
mineral deposition?
a. the first few crystals that form attract more calcium and phosphate.
b. osteoblasts neutralize inhibitors that prevent bone resorption.
c. osteoclasts secrete acid phosphatase that digests collagen.
d. collagen is digested by enzymes and hydroxyapatite by hydrochloric acid.
e. solubility product is reached in the tissue fluids.
28) nitrogen bubbles can form in the blood and other tissues when a scuba diver
ascends too rapidly, producing a syndrome called _________.
a. decompression sickness
b. hyperbaric disease
c. cerebral embolism
d. pulmonary barotrauma
e. pulmonary edema

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