BI 106

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 632
subject Authors Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath

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Nuclear division of somatic cells is known as
A) metamorphosis.
B) meiosis.
C) differentiation.
D) cytokinesis.
E) mitosis.
What lines the structure labeled "7"?
Figure 6-1 The Structure of Compact Bone
A) the endosteum
B) blood vessels
C) the central canal
D) spongy bone
E) trabeculae
________ subdivide synovial cavities, channel the flow of synovial fluid, and allow for
variations in the shapes of the articular surfaces.
A) Fat pads
B) Menisci
C) Bursae.
D) Lacunae
E) Fasciae
When the immune response mistakenly targets normal body cells and tissues, a(n)
________ develops.
A) autoimmune disease
B) immunodeficiency disease
C) allergic response
D) cross-reaction
E) agglutination reaction
Identify the nerve labeled "12."
Figure 14-2 Cranial Nerves
A) trochlear
B) trigeminal
C) facial
D) abducens
E) vagus
Muscles on the posterior of the forearm________ the wrist and fingers.
A) pronate
B) abduct
C) adduct
D) flex
E) extend
Kinetic energy is stored as ________ energy when a spring is stretched.
A) potential
B) possible
C) plausible
D) probable
E) positive
The saying "rest and digest" is the response of the ________ division of the ANS.
A) sympathetic
B) thoracolumbar
C) craniococcygeal
D) sciatic
E) parasympathetic
Figure 20-1 The Heart
Identify the structure labeled "19."
A) tricuspid valve
B) pulmonary semilunar valve
C) aortic semilunar valve
D) bicuspid valve
E) ligamentum arteriosum
During the synthesis of proteins, amino acids are assembled in the proper sequence
because each tRNA molecule that brings them to the ribosome has a(n) ________ that
binds to a complementary codon in the mRNA.
A) enzyme
B) nucleotide
C) anticodon
D) promotor
E) transporter
The movement of a body part downward is called
A) retraction.
B) pronation.
C) depression.
D) protraction.
E) eversion.
What is the function of the structure labeled "7"?
Figure 14-2 Cranial Nerves
A) vision
B) olfaction
C) taste
D) auditory
E) eye movement
In a(n) ________, either the immune system fails to develop normally or the immune
response is blocked.
A) autoimmune disease
B) immunodeficiency disease
C) allergic response
D) cross-reaction
E) agglutination reaction
The cervical region of the spinal cord is drained by the ________ vein.
A) vertebral
B) azygos
C) external jugular
D) internal jugular
E) brachiocephalic
The ________ is the area monitored by a single receptor cell.
A) corpuscle
B) cortex
C) receptor potential
D) receptive field
E) nerve center
The extracellular fluid in most tissues is called ________ fluid.
A) interstitial
B) cytosolic
C) cytoplasmic
D) outside
E) peripheral
Venules feed blood into
A) capillaries.
B) vena cavae.
C) veins.
D) venous reserves.
E) arterioles.
The ________ are S-shaped bones that articulate lateral to the jugular notch.
A) rib pairs 1 and 2
B) manubria
C) coracoid processes
D) clavicles
E) acromial processes
Figure 24-2 The Wall of the Small Intestine
Which structure controls the contraction of the muscularis externa?
A) 2
B) 8
C) 9
D) 10
E) 11
The hormone that dominates the alarm phase of the stress response is
A) epinephrine.
B) acetylcholine.
C) steroids.
D) androgen.
E) glucagon.

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